Moids don't know whether to cope, seeth or dilate after someone shows a before/after picture of her old fentanylly-ill mom being cake-upped

12  2019-08-12 by WreckingYourHome


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Moids don't know whether to cope, s... -,,

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I'm glad foids are posting fake pictures to go with their fake stories.

Literally rape when you get tricked into having sex with this. Deserving of full disability claims from the following PTSD, and all the fent that income stream can buy.

My neighbor had trigeminal neurolgia and he killed himself.

Shit is no joke, its like having a hot knife shoved into your face 24/7

Ngl id rather talk to left than right. At least u don't look like a cartoon