Katy Perry (of all people) gets #metood.

191  2019-08-12 by Ghdust2


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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No offense intended, but I have a minor in macroeconomics from college, a degree in business administration, and am the current academic transcriber for market analysis at the prominent John Molson school of business, and I doubt your credentials being anything more than you taking Econ 201 in highschool. And the emotive nature of your response is your anxiety, not your expertise.

Even in the worst-case hypothetical scenario (our current existing reality, by the way, so this isn't a hypothetical:)

If the floor price of this range of unboxes remains entirely untouched by valve, the value of those hats remains at approximately 7$. These aren't penny stocks.


  1. Katy Perry (of all people) gets #me... - archive.org, archive.today

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Mayo lady

Expect the unexpected bro

two shootings ~ a week ago and this country has moved on to katy perry and miley cyrus news

πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ this country i swear

And we never get the crossover episode 😒

Burgerland ftw 😍😍😍🀩🀩🀩

The 24 hour news cycle conditioned us only to care for 48 hours.

We forgot about epstein daddy already.

No I Fucking didn’t

Greatest country on Earth

Highest per capita GDP of any non-oil/non-tax-haven country, too.

Imagine being literally every other country and being so pathetic thst even burgers are more productive than you 🀣

non oil/non tax haven


Turns out your country makes more money if it sits on top of a pile of cash


It's Wikipedia but the table they use explains its methodology and where it gets labels such as "Oil and Gas" or "Tax Haven" status, as well as links for IMF, World Bank and other orgs.

Basically, this is a miniscule effort post to dab on Euro-poors.

Gdp is a retarded metric to go off how well your country is doing.

Per capita GDP, sweety.

Also, it's ok, I'm sure your country is absolutely great despite its poverty 😁

Per capita GPD is a retarded metric to go off how well your country is doing.

It's kinda cheating since most gun deaths in America boost per capita GDP.


Did you just wake up from being frozen back in March or something?

No I just like it

Highest per capita GDP of any non-oil/non-tax-haven country

Ireland is ranked fifth in the world per capita


non-oil/non-tax-haven country

Ireland is ranked fifth


non-tax-haven country


Imagine going back to edit your past comments and making yourself look MORE retarded, smh

Thats a reason why GDP per capita isn't a good metric you moron, smdh

Me: When discussing GDP per capita I make sure to exclude oil-rich countries and tax havens


It's still not a good metric to see how well your country is doing you imbecile. Just because you have a bunch of billionaires living and doing business in your country doesn't mean that your country is doing well as a whole.

Jesus fuck, it took you long enough to even begin hinting at a GINI coefficient smh


That's PPP not GDP.

Eh, no

No u

How dare you

Europoor cope

Textbook cope




Daily reminder that Mississippi is richer than the UK

I'd be shooting if Katy Perry pulled my pants down 🀀🀀🀀

Don't forget the most conspiratorial suicide in decades happened this weekend.

Fuck this gay earth

Sounds like a mystery, why dont you go solve this crime bat-fag.

Famous dude gets outed as a kiddie fucker and can't handle the shame. Kills self. Boring but almost certainly what happened.

I'm not saying someone strangled him, but let's not pretend like he wasn't allowed to out himself because it was convenient for a bunch of elites.

I bet Alex Jones had him killed so he could have another month of content for his show.


This is more important

just another day in burgerland

The Epstein thing was bigger news, or it should have been. Who gives a shit if the global elite had a dude blatantly murdered before he could expose them as pedophiles, Katy Perry did a thing!

there should only be one news at a time, the other news has to wait its turn

it was some beaners who the hell cares

Imagine not having the same news every day a week after it happens!

The drama keeps comes hard and fast.

damn imagine if Katy Perry pulled your pants down and showed everyone ur Weiner I'd be so embarrassed lol

Literally shocked (and shaking) that the foid who sung this has toxic-femininity.

I had forgotten how terrible her music is

Oh yeah im sure this guy was absolutely mortified to have his body exposed to a room full of people.

If he consented and got paid he wouldnt be mad about it


he was practically asking for it

this, but unironically, what a fucking pussy lol


Katy hive is out on the dude, hard.

It won't end well.

I wish I was a famous foid and could direct my fan base of mentally ill foids to attack people who really don’t deserve it, like foreign prime ministers or something

If you are reasonably well hung, why would you feel belittled? I'd feel embiggened.

I'd feel perfectly cromulent.


If Katy Perry pulled off my pants that would definitely make my penis the big penis

You can be hung when erect and not so much when flaccid, or vice-versa.

Haha. What a dicklet.

I'm a proud subscriber of /r/bigdickproblems so I'd back off right now if I was you sweaty.

Doesnt that assume he is well hung?

No assumptions necessary. He's a dicklet. If he was a brother he would have long cocked them 2 boys for a hundo.


You Made #katyperry Cry !! You are not going to Die Happily body. cos Hurting a Beautiful is Never Good and You r gonna Pay fr That !! 🧑

This won’t stick because foids control the media

Big gussy strikes again

the β€œman” who sells his body on Onlyfans.com

lol foids are man that Chads have learned how to be eTHOTs too

foids are man

makes uthink

So this dude says in a room of crowded people Katy Perry pulled his pants and underwear forward and told everyone to come check out his dick?

I mean, she seems like the secret kind of trash to do that but the man sat on this for 9 years, who the fuck cares now.

That's true. Although like he said she was incredibly powerful in the music industry up until a few years ago.

Cancel culture cares

There literally isn't a single thing about Perry that isn't basic as fuck. She's not even trashy in an interesting way.


Katy Perry reproduces by molesting children.

This isnt really a metoo. This is just bullying. She called him ugly, a bad kisser, and showed everyone his small dick. This shit was pretty typical bullying back in the 90s..my uncle Chris went through all that before he killed himself.

SWIM went through it too

Exactly, anyone that understands 2000s era slang probably had some fucked up bullying happen to them. I was just in middle school when Columbine happened. That is when people started caring about teenagers beating other teenagers into hospitalization

You could get away with fighting them back too, just not the girls.

You can put them in hospital if they hit first

people say that, but its like saying you could beat Mike Tyson in a fight. just because its possible doesn't mean its probable

He earned only $650 from that music video?

Music video extras get jack shit. He was probably paid by the day.

I wish Katy would #MeToo me

Watch this get ignored

And for no reason, Trump won


Aaaaand we already forgot about Daddy Epstein. See how this works? Another dumb distraction. Who the FUCK even cares about Katy Pervy? That dude got paid to cOmE oUt fo sho

this is lit rally madness clownery luv🀑🀭

This guy acts like an older(?) version of that Obsidian dork or wtf his name is.

oooh, did she kiss a girl who didn't like it?

moid? how dull

A married father referring to someone as "my crush." A society of middle schoolers we have.

I thought she already got cancelled? Or is this the legendary double cancel?


Is this loss?
