[Longpost] Anti-jannie drama storm in /r/teenagers.

128  2019-08-12 by zsfh

The /r/teenagers jannie team banned off-topic memes.


This made zoomers RISE UP.

This is a shit rule and you know it. Memes can’t be about fucking video games? Are you out of your mind? That’s like saying you can’t talk about food because not everyone eats. It’s bullshit. Just because some people don’t talk about something shouldn’t mean that no one can. This is bullshit [...] I highly suggest you take a good, hard think about this rule. The negative backlash in the comments of this post should be enough.



This is horrible. This sub feels like a fucking school now. Not every discussion needs to be meaningful. Ever heard of a casual conversation? If other teenagers can’t relate, then they should go to a different post. It’s not the OP’s fucking problem. This is actually retarded. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more retarded rules before. What if someone posts about how they’re depressed but since not all teens are depressed they can’t relate to it. It’s fucking ridiculous. Nice job, you ruined the sub even more.



WE ARE TEEENAGERS, Let us fuck around and shitpost. This ain't school, THis ain't home, This is place to discuss and have some fun. SHitposting is part of the subreddit. TO A STEP BACK AND LOOK AT THIS PLACE.



People like you are what's wrong with the world. Primitive barbarians masquerading as intelligent, civilized human beings, thinking their primitive grunts are profound pursuits of philosophy. You, my sweet summer child, are little more than an undereducated, shit throwing gibbon. A lesser ape of infantile intellect and even less adept at the English language than a toddler's dungheap. You are the reason I sit and weep for the human species, because edgy neckbeards with too much time on their hands look down upon their betters with contempt while showing little interest in self reflection and betterment. You, my intellectually impoverished knuckle dragging troglodyte, prove to the whole world that one can have a vacant mind and still have the ability to access the internet and fill it with their pseudo intellectual drivel. The problem with making the internet user friendly, allowing those bankrupt of mind to propagate what passes for 'intellectual discourse' with the same velocity as his betters, much to the detriment of those with the misfortune to read their refuse.



User creates petition calling for users to boycott (lol) the sub on Monday. Reaches 10k upvotes.


Jannies y'all it, leading to https://imgur.com/a/gWebtNk.

Users created follow-up posts, one of which reaches 70k upvotes.



Users created democratically-run (lol) replacement subreddits.






Jannies create clarification post.



I think r/reenagers is literally anything we teenagers make out if it. It can be about memes, videogames, current events, crushes, and so much more. I joined this sub not only because im a teenager, but because you never know what you're going to get. One post can be about minecraft or communism and then the post below it can be about stress with parents. Posts here can make tou laugh, cry, and think. I love this sub because of the randomness. The randomness mirrors all of our lives and personalities and THATS what makes it special. If we get rid of this randomness that makes us, well, US, then thats not r/teenagers.



It's very clear the members of the subreddit aren't happy with the new decision, perhaps you should stop being whiny about the response and instead channel that into future decisions, or better yet, step down considering you're all clearly unfit to moderate this subreddit based on your inability to handle criticism, hate, pushback, as well as an inability to both listen to and communicate with the subreddit. This is the same level of tonedeaf as boomers complaining about millenials and gen x'ers "killing the housing industry".



Zoomers elect new head jannie (with no actual power lol), resolve to follow his commandments.

To all the teenagers and the people supporting me to become the head mod, we have won... Sort of

You see, the people who support the mods after all the crap they did is, of course, a minority. So, they can’t report all of us. We simply just make our own rules

Let me introduce Pre Rule

Pre Rule is where we will not follow the Subs crappy rules. We will make our own rules.

People will v0te (I can’t spell the word correctly because this post was removed 3 times for begging for upvotes. Which it didn’t do. It was removed from an auto bot. So, I think it removed it cause I kept saying vote)

They will v0te for the mods for Pre Rule, which will be called Pre Mods (Or PM’s)

They will v0te for what Pre Rules we have

We will not listen to the stupid rules that hey have. We will listen to the actual good ones they have

We will ****post all we want

This is a Democratic Republic now. Pre Rule rules now. Get used to it mods. Pre Mods Rule.



Users resolve to mass-downvote scabs.



Realizing literally nobody cares about zoomers not posting to a sub for a day, they instead resolve to continue their boycott until the rules are changed back (lol).



They've started a change.org petition, something absolutely nobody can ignore.



Somebody longposts some boring shit on how they'lll fix this.


If it were up to me


SRDines create a thread.


u/PillowManExtreme created a great post trying to figure out a solution to the current issues the subreddit is facing. It's being downvoted by protesting users but I think it's really worth reading.



Yea I'd agree with that definition. It's just when I see mass shooters using memes in their manifestos and read articles about Russian use of memes in digital warfare I feel like I've stepped through the looking glass. [...]

It really does open young people up to insidious propaganda. "Its just a stupid/edgy joke" sounds fine, but when it's propaganda actually being decemunated as a meme, as a repeating message over and over again, it eventually stops being a joke. You can only jokingly/ironicly say "I hate ____ people" or "____ should die" so many times before it STOPS being a joke whether you realize or not. And throw in some good old teenage peer pressure and things can get out of control so damn fast.


[...] I'm a little surprised to see the word "gay" still being used to critique something negatively. That was massively popular when I was a teen 20 years ago. I'm surprised another word hasn't replaced it. Or has it come full circle, already? I feel so old.

it went through a phase of people condemning it, but then with the rise of gamergate and ironic memes, people started to use it again, and its developed to the point its used un ironically again


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. [Longpost] Anti-jannie drama storm ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. /r/teenagers - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  4. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  5. https://imgur.com/a/gWebtNk - archive.org, archive.today

  6. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  7. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  8. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  9. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  10. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  11. https://old.reddit.com/r/Republic_o... - archive.org, archive.today

  12. https://old.reddit.com/r/Teenagers_... - archive.org, archive.today

  13. https://old.reddit.com/r/Republic_o... - archive.org, archive.today

  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  15. r/reenagers - archive.org, archive.today*

  16. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  17. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  18. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  19. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  20. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  21. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  22. https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/... - archive.org, archive.today

  23. https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditD... - archive.org, archive.today

  24. https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditD... - archive.org, archive.today

  25. https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditD... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Dont you just love zoomers

Pedophilia is not a good look, sweaty. Unless you're Epstein ofc

But what if I want my own private island

Abolish teenagers. Imprison them until they turn 20

It's called school bruh.


Real eyes realize real lies.

I don’t care, but I did upvote for the sheer effort put into this post.

Imagine knowing how to read lmao

its over for wordcels


I'll admit, they do know how to shitpost in that sub. Anybody that is capable of reading can tell that you will only get dumber if you visit r/teenagers, and if you are active god forbid, might as well get a helmet now

imagine being retarded and a teenager

Imagine being a teenager


Hey man at least I’m not a millennial

That’s like saying you can’t talk about food because not everyone eats

Do these people know how to make an argument?

there teenagers so no


whom asked you to but in



Their high school had to divert the debate team funds to the special education dept it seems.

>not performing photosynthesis

Lmao Animalia cuck. 🌱

Dead men eat no hot dogs

ITT: Not considering the Great Majority

They also don't argue on the webs, which is commendable.

Technically there are people on nasogastric tubes who don't eat

They're teenagers of fucking course they don't

food analogy


The way they constantly refer to themselves as "teenagers" is cringe, it's like they're dying old boomers clinging to their highschool days, except they're all actually 16 right now. Still clinging.

Generations can be a useful divider but by Allah being a zoomer is literally a meme identity, t. zoomer

This is horrible. This sub feels like a fucking school now

Back to school season, junior!

I'm a little surprised to see the word "gay" still being used to critique something negatively. That was massively popular when I was a teen 20 years ago. I'm surprised another word hasn't replaced it. Or has it come full circle, already? I feel so old.

Shit sounds gay af. Suck more dicks, homo.

PillowManExtreme created a great post trying to figure out a solution to the current issues the subreddit is facing.

Here's a good idea for a "solution" to the "current issues the sub is facing": Go outside and get laid

Gays just want all the bussy for themselves

Haha he is big homosex


At least they can still ping

what % of that sub is creepy old men, pretending to be a teen as a part of some bizarre sexual fantasy, or just straight up preying on potential victims?

it's 15% at the absolute minimum

I'm thinking more about the mod team, and the chances that any of them are even teenagers. I remember the military mod post about posting literal military recruitment amas on the sub and thus began my suspicion that their mods are all adults and working for ad companies.

r/teenagers is where the mods are all marketers and the posters are all pedos

Why tf would actual teenagers go on a sub called teenagers

They don't. What's left is who we all called the "weird kids" at school, who sit around all day repeating set phrases "creeper aw man" "69" "nice nice nice nice" "r/punpolice r/woooosh r/thirdsub" on the internet to other weird kids who give them validation for being such invalids. They are, essentially, dramacels who are still partway through baking.

SRDines being out of touch fearmongering gamergate-obsessed joke police? Say it ain’t so


They're trying to brigade and boycott their own sub, doubt that will actually change anything

People like you are what's wrong with the world. Primitive barbarians masquerading as intelligent, civilized human beings, thinking their primitive grunts are profound pursuits of philosophy. You, my sweet summer child, are little more than an undereducated, shit throwing gibbon. A lesser ape of infantile intellect and even less adept at the English language than a toddler's dungheap. You are the reason I sit and weep for the human species, because edgy neckbeards with too much time on their hands look down upon their betters with contempt while showing little interest in self reflection and betterment. You, my intellectually impoverished knuckle dragging troglodyte, prove to the whole world that one can have a vacant mind and still have the ability to access the internet and fill it with their pseudo intellectual drivel. The problem with making the internet user friendly, allowing those bankrupt of mind to propagate what passes for 'intellectual discourse' with the same velocity as his betters, much to the detriment of those with the misfortune to read their refuse.

It's just when I see mass shooters using memes in their manifestos and read articles about Russian use of memes in digital warfare

It really does open young people up to insidious propaganda.

I'm a little surprised to see the word "gay" still being used to critique something negative.

Leave it to the killjoy fags of SRD to somehow find /r/teenagers PrObLeMaTiC.

Teens and boomers should have to pass a litmus test before using the internet. CMV

r/teenagers has been an annoying mess for almost a year now and that’s exactly why r/feemagers is a thing. way more chill, little to no shitposts, overall way more wholesome.

Day of the mop when?

mods get up and now want to wip the kids into line


Christ what a bunch of whiny twats

ok but why are the jannies being faggots over there?

This is May May June all over again, but somehow even worse.