140  2019-08-12 by goldfish_memories


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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Don't bully me snappy senpai, I'm autistic šŸ˜¢

The idea that every issue is debatable and we always need to listen to both sides even if we already know the answer is inherently favouring the status quo. No changes will be made as long as we entertain the notion that both positions are equally valid. So yes, centrism serves conservatism.

That's a lot of words to say all positions not mine are incorrect. Truly a galaxy brain take.

tl;dr "you're either with us, or against us"

Daddy bush is right again

Mommy said it before him.


Tl:dr OP is literally too smooth brained to argue against the status quo when it comes to literally everything.

That'a not what it says and you know it. The word 'even' clearly implies that we do not have all the answers. It means that sometimes we do. The example I've brought up is the debate on climate change. I argue that we should not have the discussion on whether climate change is real but instead that we should argue how to solve it. I have my own opinions on how to solve it but I encourage discussion on it. A discussion on solutions is comoletely valid in my eyes. What I do not consider a valid discussion is whether climate change is real. We already know the answer, so move on.

āš ļølolcow alert!!!āš ļø

Btw how did u get here. Even since the admins banned pinging in r/drama, things have been getting boring. So notworries, you'll be treated as a VIP here and never get downvoted!šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—

I would prefer if you would actually address the fact that you either deliberately misinterpret my comment or are unable to read rather than comments like this. I know we'd all rather circlejerk about how our circeljerk is better than your circlejerk but I'm genuinely curious; is it stupidity or bad intentions?

Splitting creates instability in relationships because one person can be viewed as either personified virtue or personified vice at different times, depending on whether they gratify the subject's needs or frustrate them. This, along with similar oscillations in the experience and appraisal of the self, leads to chaotic and unstable relationship patterns, identity diffusion, and mood swings. The therapeutic process can be greatly impeded by these oscillations, because the therapist too can come to be seen as all good or all bad. To attempt to overcome the negative effects on treatment outcome, constant interpretations by the therapist are needed.

Splitting contributes to unstable relationships and intense emotional experiences. Splitting is common during adolescence, but is regarded as transient. Splitting has been noted especially with persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Treatment strategies have been developed for individuals and groups based on dialectical behavior therapy, and for couples. There are also self-help books on related topics such as mindfulness and emotional regulation that claim to be helpful for individuals who struggle with the consequences of splitting.

People matching the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder also use splitting as a central defense mechanism. Most often narcissists do this as an attempt to stabilize their sense of self positivity in order to preserve their self-esteem, by perceiving themselves as purely upright or admirable and others who do not conform to their will or values as purely wicked or contemptible.

The cognitive habit of splitting also implies the use of other related defense mechanisms, namely idealization and devaluation, which are preventive attitudes or reactions to narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Never leave me again

Oof based and self-reflection-pilled

um sweaty, there are only two sides to every issue and I have already decided you are wrong so there really is no point debating you or answering your questions tbh

Not OP, but let me ask you this, do you believe there are centrists out there that are not Cons in disguise?

Certainly. I was not the one who posted the 'meme'. I'm not arguing against centrists who happen to be in the middle of the spectrum after carefully weighing the options and happening to agree with the left on some issues and the right on others. I'm sure I disagree with many of their views but I have no problem with them whatsoever. What my comment argues is that the ideology that many centrists (but certainly not all) subscribe to, which is the ideology that every view should be taken just as seriously as every other, is inherently preventing change and thus supports conservatism. I'm certainly in favour of discussing with people you disagree with, but there are some discussions we should not waste time and effort on. There are discussions that aim to answer questions we know the answer to already. When we never move on from those discussions we will never move towards the next step in the making-a-change process. That is why endless discussion inherently favours the people who do not want change and it is why conservatives rely on 'begging the question': "Are we really sure climate change is real? Maybe we should debate some more about it without working on solutions".

How about taking both sides equally on different issues? Climate change is real and an imminent issue, and is best solved through the reduction of population served through gun proliferation and ceasing foreign food (not medical) aid.

the ideology that many centrists (but certainly not all) subscribe to, which is the ideology that every view should be taken just as seriously as every other

This is the lowest-tier Dave Rubin style centrism practiced by people with no backbone and without the necessary intellect to take a stance on anything. But this has no relation to your example of the climate change debate. You imply here that debating with conservatives about the reality of climate change means people wonā€™t think about solutions to it. This is a difficult to prove claim, and I see no reason that those who are interested in the factual side of climate change arenā€™t also going to be interested in solutions to it. Fuck why have I written this wall of text on a shirt posting sub I canā€™t even think straight Basically your argument relies on the assumption that we live in a perfect world where we are at the ā€˜implementationā€™ stage of the climate debate... in reality we live in a democracy where Republicans make up half the country and control much of the government. Getting anything done involves changing peoples minds, even those hicks you are so far above. Unless your strategy is violent takeover, in which case good luck overpowering your (much more heavily armed) adversaries. Also I donā€™t think you know what begging the question means

Eyyyy, we got a live one boys!

āš ļølolcow alert!!!āš ļø

jesus christ what happened to this sub


when did /r/drama become retarded

-some retard


/r/drama has always been retarded. It's just that you sobered up enough to finally notice.


When the mods decided to ban half the sub for sone retardant reason.

i'll poop in ur ass, geaux

Just so you know, every country that I want to be ready to bomb at a moments notice is a country where being a sexual minority is enough to get you imprisoned and/or killed. One of the countries is even majority white

This is what radical centrism looks like.

How does it feel to know that I can be an incorrigible, hateful, racist and sexist and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me?

Even worse that there are many others like me and it clearly shows no signs of stopping.

Not a single pixel of this paragraph you typed passed my retinas.

Are there concentration camps at the border? Is that up for debate?

inherently favouring the status quo

the status quo is also unquestionably bad... uh huh.

Horseshoe theory is a myth, also the Soviet Union forcibly displaced indigenous peoples to protect them from the Nazis.

Also the jewish holiday of Passover is based on a myth

It may be based on a myth, but the holiday itself is real.

Reddit is frying my brain. Do normal people think like this?

Reddit is one of the most popular websites in the world, but most of its most visible users are by no means normal people.

Anyone who comments online regularly cannot be considered a "normal person" by society's standards given that, by definition, they spend more time online than involved in society.

Normal people don't spend all of their time sitting on the internet complaining about how people not on their side are Nazis.

Theyā€™re trying to make people who think for themselves as bad guys. The majority of people are ā€˜centristsā€™ with beliefs that arenā€™t just packaged in one party unlike commiecels

How can I be republican when I'm not even American, checkmate atheists

not an overweight, obese, illiterate burger

Europoors out out OUT

(As a ricecel I'm unironically seething rn lol)

I might be an europoor, but at least I'm not a teasipping bong


You could be Albanian or some kind of Polack whichare just as bad.

Or a gypsy! Fucking horse-thieving, sister-raping itinerant in a caravan.

Then u are a Russian shill

Last I checked, my bloodstream is not made up of vodka, I don't have a pet bear, and I don't beat my wife, so I can't be one of those filthy ruskies

Can't fool me Ivan. Just ask babushka for a pack of smokes and Borscht

Don't reveal my identity cyka, or Putin will whip our asses. By the way do you still have that book called "Burger election interference for dummies"? I try to teach Mikhail how to do it, but the small comrade just jerks off to the pictures of Tulsi instead of trying to make her win at the polls with the bot army.

You have a wife, so you can't be a Brit or a Frenchman. The vodka eliminates most of Eastern Europe. Are you Portuguese?

I don't actually have a wife I just tried to write Russian stereotypes, but Portuguese are so boring, I don't know a single stereotype of them. So I concede you got me, I can't write a funny reply to your comment :/

Are you a limie or a mick?

Pls stop you already got me this comment chain is boring, noone is gonna give karma for this

When you're right, you're right.

You annoy me more than the people who give me death threats, congratulations!

Stereotype of Portugese:

Cheap, stingy, unpunctual motherfuckers with fish on their breath and a hairy woman on their arm.

Portugal is like a tribute band for Spain, and Spain is where Bongs go on holiday so it must be awful. The only time any Bongs went on holiday to Portugal they murdered their own daughter and buried her in a hotel garden. Portugese police were unable to solve the case so being shitty detectives may also be a stereotype.

You would beat your wife if you had one, Vlad.

Burgers with their 2 parties truly are a source of entertainment.

If you arenā€™t American itā€™s likely that your center is more left than democrats duh

Thereā€™s more than 2 sides and this line of thinking is also how we end up with libs who think that theyā€™re automatically right. Iā€™m a leftist, and libs fucking piss me off with their tokenism and cop worship, but are seen as the ā€œother sideā€ in popular discourse. Not to use a meme in making a point, but I feel like this sums it up.


The amount of retardedness in this comment. šŸ¤¢

The irony of that meme. Last time I checked commie countries are tough on borders. Itā€™s neoliberals that want open immigration. Have any of these fucking read anything about their glorious communism/communist countries?

Last time I checked commie countries are tough on borders.

Somehow commies believe that forcing your own people to stay is less bad than not inviting other people to enter.

tough on borders.

Commie borders are more about keeping their people in, as opposed to keeping people out.

Liberals are complaining just as loudly about the cages as leftists. You people live in a fantasy land where libs are straw man corporate cocksuckers just so you can feel edgy and unique.

At this point, it's

agree to all my terms


give me all your money

This but unironically.

lol is that sub /r/teenagers but for politics?

Even worse. It's r/politics but even less creative, regurgitating the same maymay over and over again

Imagine having opinions the don't directly correlate with a political party but want to make informed decisions anyway šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

oh yeah well guess what i hate minorities AND i smoke weed!!!

hows that for CENTRISM!!!

I synonymize republican with 'terrible person' therefore anyone who isn't literally me is a republican

Centrists are just status quo cucks, every ideology is going to see them as full members of whatever ideology that they consider the other wing because they have no depth perception so everything to and direction seems equally extreme to them. Radical centrists meanwhile see the whole board because they are elevated above petty tribalism.

The political discourse has fallen so low most people engaged in it have eliminated all but two sides to every discussion, their side or the wrong side.

Absolute brainlet takes in that thread lmao

What do you expect? Itā€™s basically a sub dedicated to bashing nuanced thinking and introspection.

I expected them to at least act like they werent smooth-brained but i guess that was my mistake


OMG, a trans woman, who is also a stalinist and a capeshit fan. These people are as retarded as any trumptard from rdonald.

The bare minimun this twat should do is to read a goddamn history book about what would happen to her as a transwoman in 1950s USSR.

Sorry, that wasn't real transgender rights

you don't understand, the Soviets hired a few hot chicks to be snipers/raise morale in their desperation after Daddy Stalin spent the first week of Barbarossa on a drinking binge, this clearly means they had social mores compatible with the progressive concept of gender roles in current year.

Socialists are just fascists who don't want to be judged for being fascists.

Or was it the other way around?


I weep for you americans, I really do. These people seem to be perfectly fine with a uniparty.

says BrexBong


They're ironically using Lisa as a spokesperson. Lisa, the worst Simpson with some of the worst episodes. Are they actually boomers pretending to be young radicals, or are they just retarded?