Socialism is about not believing in human rights. And the less human rights you believe in, the more socialist you become.

51  2019-08-12 by MadBoomrPixl


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Socialism is about not believing in... -,,

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Chapo obvious shitposting joke: “Cumming is bourgeois.”

Actual stupidpol serioisposters: “Rights are an inherently liberal concept and inherently bourgeois in character.”

This is why boomers are superior.

You can hate the boomers all you want. But picture the millenials at age 50.

We should accelerate global warming to prevent that from happening.

This pleases the dinosaurs 🦖

Fee-fi-fo-for, I smell the blood of a dinosaur. Be he dead, or be he dead. I'll burn his bones to make my bread.

thinking you could beat a dinosaur 🦖


Not developing technology to divert asteroids


Don't even think you can't imply that Chicxulub wasn't an captured asteroid facility that was sabotaged by therapsid lizardmen. No one will believe you.

Gonna leave my car running for half hour tonight.

It's funny if you stop thinking of liberalism as some boogieman and just as a set of ideas out of the enlightenment. It comes off as high praise under that light.

What if I can't stop hating people having freedoms?

Natural/human rights don't exist, but their utility as a concept has been to expedite the existence of legal/civil rights, which do.

Of course they don’t ‘actually’ exist, but anyone who refuses to acknowledge them as an overriding moral imperative that supersedes all dogma and ideology is a person who’s going to apply their rifle butt to your face the second they get ahold of any power. Most people are based enough to inherently recognize this, which is one of the reasons your shitty beliefs have never caught on.

The dignity and freedom of the person is of utmost importance to any worthwhile conception of socialism.

Do I really need to say anything here? I suspect they are having a chapo problem.

I like what you just wrote because it was good.

Stop this reddit prose tard

I'm glad you said that to me because of what you said and I liked it because of the way that you typed it into the comment box.


Imagine being a socialist and wanting to be taken seriously after the DSA convention lmao

Jazz hands are more inclusive than clapping.

Reminder that every commie that says "oh I'm not like those DSA nerds" is actually exactly like the DSA nerds

no, i say nigger on the internet 😎😎😎


Rights are an inherently liberal concept and inherently bourgeois in character. They're designed to make people look at issues from an idealist and individualist framework rather than a social one. The fact that "human rights" are constantly used by capitalist powers to justify atrocities is hardly a coincidence. It would be far better for society if people learned to discuss the material impacts of policies and actions rather than appeal to vague idealist abstractions invented to justify bourgeois interests.


Commie utopia falling apart once you have to start talking about actual policies, not vague buzzwords on social media? You hate to see it.

You hate to see it.

The opposite actually. I love to see it, and it never gets old even if it happens every single time

Based and Pinochet-pilled.

Pinochet was a boss bitch

Actual implementation of policies is bad praxis.

Denying the existence of fundamental human rights to own the libs.

human rights are a (((bourgeois))) trick

As someone whose entire family is ex-soviet I fully agree with this statement