Worldnews becomes full of free speech advocates as they discover that Deplatforming the people they dislike is fine, until it isn't

113  2019-08-12 by UnregulatedPope


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Worldnews becomes full of free spee... -,,

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I feel like im in the twilight zone right now.

FB, tiwtter google, pateron bans all right figures im the matter of a few days

Reddit: These are coporations and if you dont like it can form your own company

Trump mentions censoring internet


FB, twitter, google, pateron bans most right figures in the matter of a few days


Trump mentions censoring internet


Proof once again radical centrism is the only solution

Censor everything no matter what. The true centrist option

Yes government AND corporations should tag team the censoring.

I just want everyone to shut the fuck up and go back to the times where mentioning politics around people was considered rude.

tbh I think we're getting there everywhere outside of the internet. Like, my normie friends are actually somewhat hostile to tards forcing politics into the conversation and I live in the most socially awkward city this side of Scandinavia.

Yikes how very undramatic of you

Can we get a ban on this drama hater?

This inherently favors the status quo and is therefore a politically biased gesture in and of itself.

Youre too generous. If it inherently favors the status quo, we know its wrong and anyone who believes it needs to be put down.

Only the military and grad students should have Internet access, like in the 80s.


Radical centrism: censor everything to be fair. Delete the whole internet.

Uncle Ted proven right again

Group hypocrisy charges can always 100% of the time be reversed like this, the person making the charge is always just as big of a hypocrite as the ones they’re criticizing.


The executive order is about stopping censorship on the internet.

It’s about protecting right wingers from being censored while allowing censorship of all other content, so that right wingers have priviliged speech rights and are not treated equally to everyone else. If anyone else were as violent or bigoted as right wingers, they would be banned. In fact the real issue, is that right wingers are treated with a soft hand simply because they hold political power, compared to other figures. Do you think if the average Islamist were even half as violent as the average right winger they wouldn’t be banned in a second? Islamists are banned almost regardless of how violent they are or are not, the ideology is censored from the internet. But white supremacy is, alone, priviliged and has a right to exist. Fuck you.

Left wing censorship needs to STOP

why cant rightards learn to code?

Too busy working the fields.

Imagine actually writing rants like this unironically 🤣 🤣 🤣

I'm not positive, but I think you have this extremely backwards

isn't almost always the Milo/Cernovich/Loomer types that are getting banned and shrieking about it? the lefties know how to play, "the game" so they don't really get booted like that

Hardly, plenty of people getting banned these days for innocuous reasons. Just having a YouTube channel with WWII footage is a bannable offense these days

that's true

there are no wrong methods, only wrong targets

hes not even "censoring" anything, hes saying facebook and twitter and that cant censor

theyre literally characterising anti censorship as censorship and trying to cite the 1st amendment lmao

Is it really that backwards? I thought they atleast had a logical backing mixed with hypocrisy

theyre claiming that forcing tech companies to be even handed is a violation of that companies "first amendment rights"

its the same argument they use to pretend a private company can just do whatever it likes

this is so fucking brilliant. We must protect monopoly media's First Amendment right to silence us. It's like poetry.

I didn't know corporations had rights, much less treated like a human entity.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you really want to put the censorship powers in the hand of the government? That’s what you want.

Oh god yeah.

No, he’s taking control of all censorship powers, forcing companies to ban left wing content and host violent and bigoted right wing content.

i appreciate that this is true to character

Do you ever stop?

Why the fuck do you want to force us to associate with white supremacists? Stop being an obnoxious bigoted twat if you don’t want people to hate you. Stop tryin to force companies to host white supremacist content.

I think it's meant to be an anti-Silicon Valley social engineering bill, which is pretty based. Imagine getting your moral stances from some 120 lb 25 year old retard from California.

I got banned from t_d for asking a question. Reason given was my comment wasn't explicitly in support of Trump. When I suggested that might be absurd, they told me "It's our sub, we can do what we want with it." Yet suggest that maybe reddit should remove the sub, and they lose their shit screaming about free speech. They genuinely don't see the hypocrisy.

Ah yes. Because getting banned from a reddit containment sub by an obese NEET is exactly same as massive one-sided political censorship from tech companies.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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It's 2019 when the Left is all about bootlicking mega corporations of Silicon Valley

this post feels like it almost serves some kind of agenda

It's 2019 when the Right is all about restricting the rights of private organizations

lol this is what i was talking about

poor facebook and their rights!

Bend over, big brother needs to get his dick wet

wont anyone think of those poor small powerless individuals like twitter

how will they ever survive the big bad government forcing them not to be a cunt

Twitter is a natural right!

no they just deliberately established themselves as a public platform and pretty much the only media platfrom of its kind so now theyre subject to what that entails

silicon valley is trash and all the big tech companies should rightfully get fucked in the ass

The government just needs to make its own social media and everything will be perfect!

nah forcing progressives to be normal is funnier

Sweety, alt-righters aren't normal, that's why they got grounded from Twitter and YouTube.

not for long lol

Lol you think the conservative judges aren't going to cuck you yet again

if people thought that was the case they wouldnt be freaking out about it

The people freaking about anything don't know what is going to happen. If the judges were going to let this slide, you wouldn't be coping.

ive actually said this needed to happen for like a year and continually told leftists to tone their shit down because regulation will force their hand sooner or later

Yeah, that's you coping again.

it obviously needs to be regulated when leftists have any sort of power


you are literally advocating for your masters' right to silence you

you are literally licking boots right now

Elon Musk is perfection incarnate and you should worship him as if he were a god.

I wouldn't have a problem with reddit requiring r/The_Donald, r/politics, and the related subreddits to allow the opposing views.

The donald is obviously a pro trump sub, that's like asking reddit to force /r/soccer to include rugby content to make it even. The difference with /r/Politics is that it does not suggest any affiliation to either side despite being heavily anti-trump.

T_D doesn’t even own their own sub but they act like it’s their property. But the actual owners of the property should have no rights.

Right wingers are violent. That’s why they’re banned. They’re dangerous and killing more and more people every day. They’re treated with a SOFT hand simply due to their political power, when they are far more dangerous and lethal than any other ideology. If any other ideology pulled half the shit you did they would be cracked down on far more harshly. You fucking fascist animals, you make me sick. You’re disgusting animals, you’re not even human.

You are all retarded if you think Trump's executive order draft is no big deal

Daddy does so much stupid shit that's also a big deal that if you can't laugh about it then you'll never laugh at all.

Under the draft proposal, the FCC will be asked to find that social media sites do not qualify for the good-faith immunity if they remove or suppress content without notifying the user who posted the material, or if the decision is proven to be evidence of anticompetitive, unfair or deceptive practices.

oh no!

Yeah bc his last executive orders have really gotten him far 😴

The best part is that the order isn’t about censoring the internet, it’s explicitly about limiting what platforms can censor themselves.

It’s about controlling the censorship, you idiot. You’re fucking retarded if you think that this power will not be abused. You fucking right wingers complain endlessly about government overreach but when you’re in power you grant it the most absurdly broad powers imaginable never believing that it could ever be misused. Like you give ICE agents the unlimited power to detain indefinitely and banish anyone in America they want arbitrarily at their own whim, of course only illegals need be scared because ICE agents are totally trustworthy and competent and the government would never abuse such a power, we double pinkie promise.

Fucking worhtless idiots, this is why you deserve to be banned.

Didn’t asked


you ok there bud

can you give an example of how someone can abuse a power that lets them stop someone censoring something

Government bad

All I'm seeing is an executive order that doesn't let companies say they can't be responsible for what it's users say when they actively moderate what their users say.


Being woke in 2019 means bootlicking mega corporations to own the rightoids

I wonder how this would test in courts, genuinely, because of the rights afforded to corporations traditionally held by actual humans, like freedom from compelled speech and so forth

9th circuit judge from hawaiii rules trump cant do a thing

9th circuit


The only issue is that tech companies are too soft on right wingers and treat them leniently compared to other ideologies for equal behavior, simply due to right wingers political power.

I love how wokecels become anarcho capitalists when large corporations censor people they dislike.

Careful buddy. You're being a little aggressive and encroaching my property

They censor violent animals, it isn’t the fault of anyone that the violent animals all happen to be one one side. Which school are you pllanning to target btw?

i've literally seen people in that thread use "corporations are people" language, and be against anti-trust lawsuits

I am convinced that most of people in that post complaining have used the phrase "muh freeze peach"

wtf did they expect. for it to only apply to people they dont like?

tbqh the internet would be better if if americucks didnt have access to anything on the internet

for it to only apply to people they dont like?

Imagine being stupid enough to actually trust the fascist administration to apply these laws in anything like an unbiased manner

No intervention that Trump has made into the legal system has been unbiased, it’s astounding how much he’s twisted the wheels of government towards bias towards fascism and nationalism and against the interests of real human beings. We are all serving fascism.

yawn go away


Ah yes the slippery slope of censorship.

They still don't comprehend that once you start with the "I don't agree with this, ban it!" that you end up getting banned yourself at some point.

But Americans have always been pretty short sighted on all their kneejerk reactions.

“I agree with this, you have to publish it, also you’ll be imprisoned if you don’t publish my minions violent hate speech and force your users to consume it to peruse other content!” - Totally a sane and non-fascist world

We paved this road for ourselves long before Trump took power.

He's just exacerbating what's already been there the entire time and people are just starting to realize it.

Americans have always been pretty short sighted on all their kneejerk reactions

For real. We could have skipped the cold war entirely if we wouldve known how faggy europe would become.

Are you trying to say scarf fashion is exclusive to Europeans and gay Americans?

Wake me up when the release an actual draft and not a summary that’s been filtered and resummarized through six different websites.

Title: Trump is trying to censor the media. Reality: Trump is trying to stop media censorship.

Reality: You’re a fucking idiot

It’s all relative

Holy shit... Half the comments here are you sperging like a fucking tard. Don't you have better things to do?

Seething lol 😂

Mod this man!

Deplatforming is fine as long as the filthy government is not doing the deplatforming. This is merely the free market at work.


Edit: Thanks for the two silvers and all the upvotes. I expected this comment would get at most 2-5 upvotes and be buried under other comments. Thanks Reddit users, you're all the I hope everyone has an awesome day!

I'm 100% pro censorship.