It’s over for Twitch-cels.

68  2019-08-13 by Ghdust2


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. It’s over for Twitch-cels. -,

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Literally who?

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

This sub tries to act like they're so muh better than these nerds filming themselves playing video games but somehow knows all of them.

Hey buddy tone it down with the anti gaymer remarks

Sorry, I forgot they're a protected class.


ninja absolutely dabbed on them, i wonder when amazon will stop counting money long enough to notice and bitch slap twitch into oblivion

I can't imagine how twitch turns a profit. The only people actually spending money are the retards paying $50 to see milkers and they are supposedly cracking down on that lately.

What about the thots though?

See above? Cracking down on milkers === cracking down on ethots.


They advertise his buddies on the front page whenever he's playing with them so they can get some of that ninja revenue. Twitch is coping hard

I’ve been streaming for 8 years

That is not something to be proud of.

give me ninja-tier money and you can have all of my pride lmao

It's estimated that he's going to make ~$30-50 million doing that. Who gives a fuck about pride at that point?

twitch has existed for 8 years?

It used to be called

that sounds vaguely familiar

It was a site for livestreaming anything, not just gayming. Eventually the parent company shut them down to focus on twitch. So I guess wasn't actually twitch's old name

Fuckin nerds amirite? Goes back to playing video games.

When you make more money than all of r/drama will make in their entire lives but you still bitch on Twitter about not being treated fairly.

forgetting xNotch

He doesn't though, /r/Drama is the hangout spot for the rich and the famous.

We have all the Neetbux

Twitch is staffed by literal neckbeards and legbeards. Amazon needs to step in and take over control.

Imagine thinking twitch gives a fuck. So based of them to advertise other streamers on his channel.

They probably only started giving a fuck when Microsoft's lawyers got in touch with them about harming their new boy's brand.


They advertise his buddies on the front page whenever he's playing with them so they can get some of that ninja revenue. Twitch is coping hard

He's just covering his ass for the angry moms that think the porn was his doing. I'm sure in reality, it doesn't affect him at all.

Zoomers answer me something, isnt porn or nudity not allowed on twitch? How were they promoting a porn stream on ninjas channel?

Twitch staff = reddit mods

From what I know, the only real nudity comes from body painting titty streamers. But from the OOTL thread it sounds like there was zero twitch mods or staff in the chat and it was going on for like 2 hours before they shut it down. I mean, a shitload of people were watching for a while

Twitch has no rules as long as the e-thots can convince the menslib soylet staff that they'll be rewarded with female interaction for not enforcing the rules.

Probably random people streaming porn on the websites for laughs. Twitch a couple months ago had people hosting lots of porn and Mass shooting on one of their sections. It got shutdown quickly but their was a lot of them though.


No one cares: I can't watch Impact Wrestling because I do not get the channel it's on anymore, but I could watch it for free on Twitch. I still refuse to watch Twitch.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Just go to pornhub like everybody else

People still care about this sherbert haired autist?