Me after the foids of /r/drama refuse to accept my advances

276  2019-08-13 by MikeStoklasaBackup


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Me after the foids of /r/drama refu... -,

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Based and relevantpilled.


also before they refuse and even if they don't refuse



I have picked up many foids online. If you'd like some tips, feel free to DM me.

I'd rather have tips on arguing online from the expert himself.

And which foid?

Arguing online is easy. You just have to be very selective about which arguments you take so you never really lose.

The only time I've lost arguments online is when I walked out of my comfort zone and tried to argue something I was on the fence about.

It's also key to be very smug and put people down as often as possible so they feel insecure and get angry and sperg at you, this throws them off balance.

And it's powerofjerkoffmagic.

Thanks Pizza. Very cool

so you never really lose

Why bother arguing online if you're concerned with winning and losing? I argue literally any point. Sometimes, in the same thread, I'm arguing for directly opposing points. Trying to win arguments online is literally the gayest thing on Earth.

Well when you’re on Reddit on a mainline sub you’re gonna “lose” any argument that the masses decide to downvote even if you prove them wrong. Sometimes I just stop responding because people straight up ignore what I’m saying.

I had some bitch tell me I was “harassing” her for responding and she would report me to the admins and get me banned because she realized she was wrong. So I kept responding for a few messages but she kept throwing empty threats so I eventually stopped. I don’t know what you even call winning an argument on Reddit, they never go anywhere:

Lol the other day, after the mass shootings, I saw someone say that the automatic weapon ban was effective and that banning all guns would also be effective.

Because I was an idiot and wasn't really down to fight at the time, I pointed out that they were wrong because gang members use AK-47s all the time and the AK-47 is an assault rifle capable of automatic fire.

Well who told me to say that? I was informed that:

  • there are no AK-47s in circulation and gang members use pistols

  • it's impossible to get an AK-47 because their production is banned in America

  • in the past few decades, there has been one crime committed with an automatic weapon

  • even if AK-47s exist outside of America, it's impossible to get one because gun smuggling doesn't exist

Now, I thought this person was trolling, right. So I was playing along. But the majority of reddit upvoted him because he supported the "gun control" side and I got downvoted because, well, I know how the world works.

If you take being upvoted/downvoted to mean you're winning or losing or, God forbid, that you're right or wrong, then you're going to have a bad time on reddit.

You have to remember that sometimes you're typing at someone on reddit and it's literally a 16 year old white girl who has no idea what the fuck she's talking about.

I’m well aware of that, I’ve stopped bothering to post on r/all for the most part because it’s not worth getting your inbox spammed by people who are just copying what the other people are saying. Once you get downvoted like twice, everyone else is gonna downvote you too. But most Reddit thinks think that if their comments get upvotes and the other person gets downvoted, they won so they won’t bother to read your shit anymore.

Honestly at least with Twitter or something, people might see your point on the sidelines and maybe take it into mind but on Reddit it’s just a huge circlejerk and feels pointless most of the time.

Yeah, that's why you don't back down like a little bitch. I've had arguments on r/news that lasted for days, accumulated hundreds of downvotes, had people threaten to dox me, track me down, and kill me, all while they maintained that they had the moral highground.

I've had people accuse me of being a mass shooter and threaten to report me to the alphabet.

Even by my name, which is a reference the to movie Undercover Brother, I have sheltered teenage white people thinking that it's racist because everything these weirdos on reddit see is framed by their politics.

Still, if you don't argue on the internet for argument's sake then what's the point? Who cares if these salty cucks on reddit downvote and disagree? Most of the men on reddit sit down to pee and the most of the rest spend their time jerking off to femdom and interracial porn. Why even give a fuck if they think you're wrong or you've "lost"?

If you can drag literally one person down into a pointless argument for a few hours, you've won by default. It doesn't matter how many times you were downvoted. That's how you make reddit fun.

What are you? Some kind of word homo?

One thing that I have noticed that poor people, rural right wingers and 22 year old leftists all have in common is that they are obsessed with talking about how often they beat people at certain things. Arguments, traffic confrontations, hobbies, etc.

It's already bizarre that they feel they have to engage in these various things to feel good, but they have a completely uncontrollable need to tell the rest of the world about their victories.

Being as annoying as possible doesn't make you win internet arguments lmao.

I guess that depends on what you mean by win

It's very easy to argue with rightoids for example, because they aren't very smart people

Is that why you finally became a rightoid?

We have foids? I thought we were finally rid of them once HardIsLife got banned.

We have snally, and the one JasonJewnova larps as.


MzCherryBlossom keeps ignoring me 😠😠😠


Take pictures of her gape. Try and get some tearing too🤤🤤


sorry buddy, she saw you calling but i told her to put it on silent



It's ok buddy Jerry Blossom was about to crack I'm sure

Just give it a little more time and most importantly Be Yourself

I’m playing the long game, redpilling the shit out of trappy with my hilarious lawz roasts until she agrees to become my tradwife

Buddy you're at the end of a long line

Dibs on snally when the day of the waifu auction comes.

Your silly outfit, hat, beard, and glasses let me know you hate women. No need to say it out loud.