The Alt-Right has a new hate symbol. And he's terrifying.

227  2019-08-13 by DontTouchYourKnob



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. The Alt-Right has a new hate symbol... -,

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Sperging out on video about being called some name is a sure-fire way to never be called that name again.

milk chocolate

There's thieir true goal. They want to take all our black our black queens away and miscigenate with them.

Is that the one with the shitty marshmellow filling? Because if it is, they may have me join now.

No a Freddo is just chocolate.

Why are they so lame? I hate'em now.

also caramel if you live in NI

In Australia, Cadbury makes the Caramello Koala for this niche.

No what the fuck


this is pepe, a special frog whom is used as a symbol by the alt right

he also appears in maymays riding a unicycle and saying "that's not some of my business" whilst drinking tea

He is the alt right elite

I wonder why the picture looks like a frog that's very weird.

What's with these spergs and cartoon frogs?

Imagine being to retarded into thinking Fredo is a racist word

it's the n word for italians bro

Italians with New York accents.

Yeah we have a shit load of Italian immigrants to Australia and I've never heard of this slur. We call em

This is Freddo with two d's, not Fredo. It's like the difference between nigga and nigger.

Me, as I drink a Freddo Cappuccino.

Freddo means cold