Trump says 'I have no idea' if the Clintons were involved in Jeffrey Epstein's death, fueling conspiracy theory

129  2019-08-13 by 3men1pencil


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Trump says 'I have no idea' if the ... -,

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Mossad killed Epstein

This but unironically

What if me... and Mossad.. are in a room alone and... aha ha, just kidding... unless..?

he was more liability than use nowadays

Yes, this is the cause of the conspiracy theories.

Fuel doesn’t mean cause and they’re not saying this is the cause

I know, but the point is that they're trying to blame the skepticism on Trump to delegitimize it.


Yep, "if you think there's something suspicious about Epstein's untimely death right before he squeals on the elite for fucking kids then you're a problematic Trump supporter."

Just the CIA doing what the CIA does. Most normies don't know anything about this situation, or if they do they're blaming political actors that they dislike. We lose, again.

What the fuck are you retards on? There isn't a person in this country that doesn't think this is overly suspicious. Fucking rightoid snowflakes I sware to God.

I'm a bit of a rightoid, but I also just despise the CIA. You know they coined the term "conspiracy theory" just to discredit people? They also changed documents related to internal corruption so that it looked like the authors were actually talking about aliens to discredit them. All of this information and more that'll make your hair curl is publicly available, people just don't look into it because they don't want to be "conspiracy theorists."

I really don't think the CIA is in on this one lol.

But Epstine's death being extremely fishy is probably one of the few things the left and right agree on. Unfortunately because of this, both are just pointing the finger at each other, but everyone probably has a finger in this bullshit.

I disagree that the CIA isn't trying to steer the narrative because I know too goddamn much about the CIA to buy that, but I agree with the rest of your comment.

Maybe, they haven't been up to too much within the borders recently. Could be we just don't know about it, but I think they are trying to stay out of internal affairs.

One more screw up and there might be a call to tear down the organization.

This is far more the FBIs MO than the CIA tbh.

No explanation for Clinton riding on the plane 26 times? No clearly this is Blumpf creating conspiracy theories!

Hes clearly trying to divert people from looking into his kiddie diddling plane rides with jeffery.

It was only once right? I think trump is more into raping adults than kids

Because Ivanka is an adult now?

Physical maybe

She got her lady hair permanently lasered off, just the way daddy likes!

The fuck? Did she announce it on Twitter or did some news agency actually take the time to look it up and report it? If the latter, JFC

You’re right he only did one pedo party on Jeff’s plane.

The rest were at mar-a-lago.

We saw the footage, trumps into high society ratty bitches and middle aged prom stars. Exhibit A, this foid was still gross 30 years ago.

Trump banned Epstein for life from mar a lago after one of his employees claimed Epstein sexually assaulted them.

That story is bullshit. I think the confirmed real reason they broke up is that they were both screwing the same middle schooler.

You and I seem to have different definitions of the word "confirmed"


no he fucked like two dozen kids. the manifestos prove it.

Good old Trump.


The Clintons may not actually be lizard people, but I'm reasonably certain that they are all initiated into a cult that involves giving up their anal virginity to a therapsid lizardperson and dedicating themselves to a neolibera/antidinosaur 🦖 agenda.

I’m all for joining a cool sex murder cult but I don’t want a penis in my butt

What are my options

Get a fursuit and say you're a top. After that you're pretty free to define whatever tenets you want.

I’d rather get fucked in the ass than wear a fur suit

Based and not yiffinhell-pilled

pete buttigeg or become a yang banga

Man, you honestly try not to believe in any "cult" conspiracy then NXIVM happens.

Thoughts Cdace?

fyi lizard people is just what david icke says instead of jews because it gets him labeled crazy instead of dangerous

Excuse me there are at least two factions of lizard people (one of which is on the side of the dinosaurs) and neither of them practice Judaism.

Imagine thinking there's a single person in politics not involved with Epstein


Epstein isnt dead, he's in hollow earth molesting the children of giants and lizard people

he's in hollow earth

That's Skartaris to you uplanders.

I mean what's he supposed to say

He probably shouldn’t have retweeted a conspiracy saying the clintons murdered him lol

Im just asking questions! I'm not saying they did it but I'm not not saying that either!

Don't be a pussy, dude. We got more drama coming.

why not its true

Wow look at him just throwing his partners under the bus. So selfish smh

Probably to prevent him from committing suicide.

What a legend

Agents seized several computers at Epstein’s residence on the island, which is known to locals as “Pedophile Island.”

If only there had been clues...

If only they had named it ephebophile island.

Or McAfeestan

Boy, you'd think he'd have been smarter than to buy an island called Pedophile Island

It would be great if it turns out that Epstein got revenge on his friends that abandoned him by killing himself in the most suspicious way possible.