Commie mommy fights Barstool owner

80  2019-08-13 by 3men1pencil


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Commie mommy fights Barstool owner -,

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Do you guys think AoC likes it when her boyfriend chokes her and spits in her mouth? She has that kind of face to me.

All leftoid w*men like this

Choking is hot spitting is gross

So you'll let your girlfriend shove her tongue deep in your ass but you won't spit in her mouth?

I would not let any poor woman go anywhere near my ass

Look at AoC's face. You think she's asking for permission? Commie mommy eats ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

keep going


imagine living life without ever living

I’ve had my gf do it once

It’s fine and I’d be open to it but I’m currently fat and no one should eat a fat hairy dudes ass

Plus years of hemorrhoids that were so bad I wanted to kill myself really made buttholes way less sexy for me

Stop being fat.

Working on it

Try harder fatty

Note to self: Get wart cream for giant wart on ass.


I'm guessing spanking. Definitely spanking. And calls that kinky.

The choking is more of a mayo foid with daddy issues thing.

I wish my gf liked spanking ☹️

she does if your name is tyrone

She liked it when her Ex did it.

She likes it from her bull.

Maybe it's just not when it's you, then

I imagine so

in fact I'm imagining so right now uWu

have you seen her bf? too soy to give it rough even if she asked

That's where the bull comes it. But now that brings up an interesting question: does AoC crave the BWC or the BBC?

if shes like most of the other chicas i know it's wc

>Implying she has sex with her bf

Erm Sweaty it's 2019 that's her Bull's job...

Mad cuz you can't squeeze the mommy's milkies

No one's squeezing them except her black bull

she probably has a choker attached to something on the wall so she can lean into it/control the tension. also has two milking machines for those mammories 😍

We need AOC hucow photomanips now. I'm not sure who this will piss off. But I'm sure someone, somewhere will be utterly disgusted and infuriated by it.

this is very specific but also total fiction

yes 😒don't ruin it

She probably gets off on being called a Trump supporter

She probably gets off on being called Ivanka

It's about time you made a worthwhile comment.

Remember Chokeahontas?

Odds on Portnoy having Commie Mommy bent over by the end of the week? 5:1?

I bet 10 dolla on yes,

bartender sits on barstool, bartender wins

god I wish that were me

Imagine the smell

idk much about this guy except for what i've seen when he pops up here on r/drama but each time he seems like an insufferable dumbass

also the epitome of a punchable face

He’s completely insufferable

Total chauvinistic masshole

Good troll tho


yeah he's a good posterboy for that too


what's wrong lil guy?

Hey come on fella

he seems like an insufferable dumbass

he is but in this case he's going up against AoC so /r/drama has to take his side

Gee, an attractive New Yorker who is an unstoppable drama machine, or some washed up frat bro with one of the worst websites ever to exist. Hard to choose who I’m goin with here.


She got a horse face bro 😂☺️😂

Post pics bb

Just go to /r/spaceclop if it still exists. You can probably find nudes.

I was looking to see your handsome mug big boy.


Unionization for bloggers working for a bro website?

I can't wait for them to bring the nation to a standstill by going on strike and withdrawing their labour of writing lists of 21 things everyone does in their first year of college.

I don’t think any of the employees actually want it or are asking for it

Kenjac is a chapo

If only the idiots in the replies shilling for unions knew how dirty and corrupt public-sector unions are, and how many of the economical problems we face today stem from that mafia.

We should have listened to FDR's warnings.

This has nothing to do with the public sector

Yeah I know, I was talking about the mouth breathers on the replies.

Tanking your company with lawsuits and controversy for satire is a good bit.

Idk how the law would work here. He’s joking but also serious but his employees aren’t asking for a Union

I feel like he’d only get in trouble if an employee comes forward with a legal complaint

he’s really just doing it for better draft picks next year

Do people not know what Barstool is? He's trolling and they fell for it HARD

Good, Barstool is a cesspool and anyone getting their sports from that site probably thinks Buffalo Wild Wings makes for a pretty good little Tuesday night.

I don’t know anything about sports anymore

Isn’t barstool just sports news delivered by edgy college bros

And Buffalo Wild Wings sucks. We ordered their second spiciest wing expecting some serious heat and it was weak as shit

Barstool aka incel illustrated

Have sex