Ben Garrison knockoff does an AMA in politics and it goes about how you'd expect

35  2019-08-13 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Ben Garrison knockoff does an AMA i... -,,

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Fucking mayo boomers are the worst

Except for my grandparents they’re ok

Boomers can have grandchildren that can use the internet? Grand parenting should've ended with the Greatest generation grandparents.

Hmm actually you’re right

Looks like my grandparents are too old to be boomers

I think they miss the cutoff by about five years and technically my parents just make the cutoff (1964 birth year)

AF "see the spic, empty the clip" Branco doesn't quite have the same ring to it

I don't like his views but he is pretty civil and responsive to most questions here. Props to him for that.

I'm actually impressed that he did an ama there. He had to know that it would be tough lol

Did he fuck lol there's no chance he knew anything about that sub before posting there

Actually that's a good point

I do my best to engage with supporters of President Trump where I can.

lmao, no, no you don't.

I think the real racist are liberals who are always looking at the color of one's skin.

in response to

when will you mayos quit fuckin getting angry for us?


Not until after the mayocide happens and possibly not even after that

Post-mayocide mayocide when?

Omar is the only one who had one very minor tweet that perpetuated a Jewish stereotype of them being manipulative people

Lmao so much cope in that thread

Overall President Trump has been tougher on Trump with sanctions and oil and gas policies than any of his predecessors.

Nobody hates Trump more than Trump, believe me. Everybody knows the radical leftists have been soft on Trump for years. That's why Trump is here to solve the Trump problem that's been ruining America. Make Trump Trump Trump.

that belongs in the spiritual or religious area whatever the couple chooses that to be

What if you have no religious affiliation? Do marriages not count

galaxy brain take

Isnt anything that Ben Garrison does is a knockoff from early 19th century?