/r/socialism 🧹🆓jannies🧹🆓 😴longpost😴 at the admins. WRD: It's only 🛑censorship🛑 when it's ✊🏼rightoids✊🏼 🔨banned🔨.

32  2019-08-13 by zsfh


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  1. /r/socialism 🧹🆓jannies🧹🆓 😴longpost😴... - archive.org, archive.today

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Imagine thinking you will ever get consistency out of the admins.

consistency is for the small-minded

Imagine writing an essay to justify calls for violence against police.

If you paid me I could probably formulate a reasoning why it's justified to lynch other races

Check the /r/socialism comments for more drama

Lmao imagine having principles when you can drop them to own and shit on someone online. No brainer really.

"Hey if you go around cancelling the ability for people to talk at whim and give corporations that kind of unchecked power, it will come back on you"

"Shut up FASCIST, there's nothing wrong with PUNCHING FASCISTS!"

[a few months later]

[it comes back on them]

shocked pikachu faces all around

Hi Reddit don't ban me for saying "I want to killl cops"