Daddy is now literally selling Fredo t-shirts

121  2019-08-13 by volcel_wisdom


Literally who?

The president of the United States, dumbass lmao

No who the fuck is fredo

The bitch brother from The Godfather

Oh that fredo? What’s he got to do with this?

Some guy that works for CNN was called “Fredo” and he lost his shit. Then he compared it to being called the n word.

JFC the lengths rightoids go to justify their fake news cope is crazy

the lengths rightoids go to justify

You mean kind of like the mental gymnastics liberals go through to justify their belief that Trump is "literally Hitler" and every republican is a racist, gun-toting, fake news-accusing drone that watches Fox news all day because of their overwhelming need to label and group everyone into the same political box so it fits into their narrative.

The amount of times a liberal has assumed they know someone's entire set of beliefs based on a single centrist comment is hilarious.

It's also pretty funny how the left accuses the right of doing the very same stuff they do with absolutely zero self-awareness.

"Fox News uses right-wing propaganda and confirmation bias to indoctrinate it's viewers with republican beliefs." -A left wing news source using propaganda and confirmation bias to indoctrinate it's viewers with liberal beliefs

rightoids dont COPE you COPE, proceeds to COPEpost


trying to justify why everything they say is deep state hillary memos

Proceeds to justify everything as being a cope while giving the ol' non-answer deflectcope

Damn dude I wish I was as woke as you.

unironically posts a massive COPE about how democrats are all terrible for painting all republicans as retarded boomers

seems like you are pretty woke considering you just serious posted about how bad all democrats are for generalizing rightoids while generalizing democrats in the exact same sentence.

Whats it like having 0 self awareness?

generalizing lefties as retarded for painting all righties as retarded

That's just it, it's not generalizing, it's the official stance of 90% of reddit liberals that they confirm themselves. At least Trumpfags acknowledge they're being fed propaganda and will at least converse with you to get an idea of what your beliefs are before shilling out for orange daddy.

Calling an Italian the n word is a step up spits on ground

have you really never seen the godfather? are you one of these zoomers i've been hearing about lately

Go watch Godfather I and II immediately. (Don’t watch 3)



Enjoy the time ⌚ you have 🈶 left 👈. JUSTICE 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ IS 🈶 COMING. Tick ✅✅ tock.


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Daddy is now literally selling Fred... -,

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Is this legal since it uses his face?

Also lol at that moron saying it’s like the n word

It's murky but him being a public figure and it's use in the form of parody may protect it.

Wouldn't it be better if it was illegal?

That would make these things sell on the second hand market for crazy amounts of cash as they'd be collector's items right off the bat once they got taken down.

Better for who? resellers?

For us since we all ordered at least 10 each.


I Need at least that many if they're going to last until my overdose.

Is this legal since it uses his face?

I'm sure he will sue but I don't think he will win. He doesn't own the footage and he's a public figure.

X-Large 2XL 3XL

what no 4XL? i thought Daddy said he cared about regular Americans

Walmart-Americans BTFO




So Americans?

i bet if enough people contacted them they'd offer bigger sizes.

M is the second smallest option, lmao

Even funnier if you consider that their M is at least an actual L.

Good thing he isn’t figuratively selling them tbh

Alright I definitely missed a meme someone clue me in.

How the fuck can someone be rich, white, and American and have an accent?

Fredo in the cut, that’s a scary sight

Dafuq is a Fredo? I thought Wog, Dago, and Greaser/Greaseball were the approved slurs to use on the Eye-ties.

Fucking lol at Cuomo trying to turn his obvious little dick complex into racism against dagos, a thing that does not exist in 2019.

For all that is good, whoever is responsible for this simulation, pull the plug.

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a disclaimer this shitty by a sitting US president is pretty based ngl