Is rape okay if the artist you stan makes bops? r/popheads discusses sweaty đź’…

42  2019-08-13 by Ghdust2


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Is rape okay if the artist you stan... -,,

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>Groping teenage boys asses and manipulating another teenage boy into kissing her

Wtf I love Katy Perry now

Was this when she was a teenager herself?

I doubt it. She didn’t get big until her like 20s

I haven’t looked into the claims tho

I found it. She groped Shawn mendes(sp?) butt in 2017 when she was 32 and he was 18 at some red carpet event in front of cameras during him being interviewed.

They discuss that in the linked thread. Allegedly she didn’t and Shawn was just mistake and he apologized for it

I mean I just watched the video... it pretty clearly happened. If it doesn’t want to make something of it that’s fine, I wouldn’t either, but pretending it didn’t happen is retarded.

Oh shit link the video I didn’t see it

Video. I removed my comment being super sure though because some of these video sources look like she’s to far for it actually occur and she may have been blamed when it was someone else.

Oh ya she was way too far away

It was when she hosted american idol

Coming out to my coworkers as a Katy Perry stan was received worse than when I came out to them as gay.

good. listening to katy perry is way, way gayer than sucking dick.

It really fuckin is. Remember her SNL dancing lmao?

It's kinda wholesome that despite the millions she rakes in, she still let's her mom cut her hair.

That was when her career was downtrending so she was using black people to stay relevant. In a few months she'll release music with a strong feminist vibe showing her growth from raping dudes


"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the bussy. You can do anything." 

  • Katy Perry

No, that was the Prophet Muhammad


Seriously? Maybe I should cry on Twitter about the times I've been groped by a drunk girl at the club. Swat the hand away, take it as a compliment, and masturbate about the incident later.

No drunk girl would grope you.

I promise that you are very wrong


lol k

I'd grope you

I’m less cool about guys doing it


I would let her touch my wee wee

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Tay was right

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