Trump is a pedophile and a rapist who is actively committing genocide on the southern border. Few people in modern history are more deserving of a public trial for crimes against humanity than Donald J. Trump.

43  2019-08-13 by 3men1pencil


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Trump is a pedophile and a rapist w... -,,

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I have said it before and I’ll say it again, the biggest fear reddit has is that trump will go down as simply a bad president.

Um sweaty he’s gonna go down in a bunker with Ivanka taking cyanide pills just like Hitler

The hyperbole is going to be one of the main reasons democrats throw this election

Thankfully the candidates aren?t as stupid as /r/politics posters

I very much doubt that.

I believe that protossFTW is a cow. He/it seems to show up in about 50% the politics threads linked on here while frothing from Daddy Derangement Syndrome. Also a g*mer.

I hate trump and really hate his supporters but Jesus TDS is a real thing

These dudes literally create ten accounts like Blumpf_is_finished, 45_is_a_pedo and just call trump Hitler all day

It’s sad

As a based and dinopilled radical centrist, I can acknowledge that he is terrible and generally retarded.

However the response to him is so funny and out of proportion I can't get enough of it. The Wokey LGBT (and especially the T), is in full on delusion mode. I see people genuinely under the belief that any minute now white vans are going to screech to a halt in front of their homes and drag them away to camps.

These people are all insane. They just tell each other lies and exaggerate them and repeat them. This guy straight up thought trump was deporting US citizens...

Until I asked him to provide proof lmao

I see people genuinely under the belief that any minute now white vans are going to screech to a halt in front of their homes and drag them away to camps.

What an awful fate that this will not come to pass.

The pendulum swings every few years, but the absolute retardation of the common voter stays constant.

Remeber how just a few years ago Hussein Obama was going to start the fema camps, confiscate all weapons and declare sharia as the US constitution.

But he was stopped by president Trump and Jesus 🙏

Praise daddy!

no door to door gun grabs and Sharia-run FEMA death camps

no door to door immigrant hunts and right wing death squads

Politicians wre all the same, great campaign promises that never come true

Isn't it something like 30% of kids crossing the border are coming with grownups who aren't even blood related? Lmao imagine shilling for child sex trafficking.

Idk but I know sometimes families will send one at a time

My gf and her family came here one at a time (legally from the Philippines tho)

Mine and I think Hodors as well lol. It's the thinking man's sideways guss.

are your guys' feisty and stubborn as hell too

Stubborn as a mule. She's getting older though, so it's time to trade her in for a feistier province model.

Pretty sure you can only order one Asian bride at a time.

Maybe you can only order one at a time, incel 😎

I've got a buddy who has for many years worked on welfare/benefits for government programs, one of which included the system which ICE used to pay for medical care for people in detention. I assume this paid hospitals and such when they brought people in for care. He summarized what he saw on this program in one horrifying sentence:

"Pregnant ten year olds twins."

The youngest mother in record is 5. Youngest grandmother is 17. Sick fucking world we live in.

Put them on Jerry Springer. Make Springer Edgy Again!

Remeber how the media was screeching that Trump called Mexicans jumping the border as rapists and drug dealers but at the same time were writing that 80% of women crossing Mexico get raped

Like who's doing the raping over there of not them?

Ever wonder why libertarians are so upset that they are separating the children?

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Why are you against adoption?

The only thing trump has done wrong is not releasing his gorilla porn tapes to the public

He is a pedophile and a rapist

This but unironically

who is actively committing genocide on the southern border.

Hahaha what the fuck? Like, yeah the kiddy camps are terrible but it's not a fucking genocide, Jesus. TDS is real

Yikes you’re actually unwittingly advocating genocide sweaty

I'm not allowed to joke about that anymore because the admins apparently still have a grudge about, well a lot of things I've done


"This is just a standard /r/politics comment, there's like 100 of these in each thread, who cares... "

comment with 78 children

Jesus Christ, who has this kind of time?

I’ve been fighting with a bunch of them lol

Trump is a pedophile and a rapist who is actively committing genocide on the southern border. Few people in modern history are more deserving of a public trial for crimes against humanity than Donald J. Trump.

And here's why that's a GOOD thing!

Mass imprisonment is genocide.

Look at this galaxy brain right here.