Marvel Comics Hires Zoe Quinn to Write Hellcat Story

110  2019-08-13 by volcel_wisdom


Does anyone actually read the paper comics anymore? I thought the whole business was dying. Out of the three local comic stores in my shit city, one closed up shop, one refocused almost entirely on board games / ccgs / weeb trash / other nerd shit, and the other has become primarily a nerd merchandise store, with actual comics shoved to the back.

Those shitty funko pop figures and licensed t-shirts are the majority of sales these days, noone buys comics anymore. And why would they; the writers all shoehorn in dumb shit for twitter asspats and the artists are subpar compared to the talent out there these days.

Comics have not been a medium for decent writing in about 20 years. I'm sure there is going to be like one manga or something from China that is made for an adult due to the economies of scale, but since it isn't porn or pedo shit I doubt it reached a western audience.

Even Alan Moore's work has been aggressively mediocre.

She's like mold you can't get rid of.

He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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  1. Marvel Comics Hires Zoe Quinn to Wr... -,

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Deathfuel for PedophilesInAction

I can't wait for the outrage from nerds who never would have cared some C-list capeshit miniseries otherwise.

They should reach a compromise where 5 Guys makes the comic, but includes scenes of kiddy diddling to placate KIA

This is fantastic news for drama.

I'm slightly retarded. Who is Zoe Quinn and why is this good For dramacoin?

She's that's foid that fucked 5 dudes in the vidya industry and kicked off Gamergate. KiAcels SEETHE at the mere mention of her name. She's been doing typical SJW things since, trying desperately to cling to relevance.

Oh that's right. I knew I knew the name from somewhere and I'm too lazy to Google it

i dont think anyone was ever really angry at her she was just a catalyst

but calling her a dumb cunt got banned from heaps of places so people love to talk about it

there were definitely a few hardcore anti-zoe spergs but she is massively playing it up for pitybux.

yeah the main thing was always making fun of manlet journalists risking their careers for fat girl head

that and the insane degree to which a bunch of twitter spergs freaked out over gaymers always do.

5 years later and every clickbait blogger still finds ways to hamfistedly shove the specter of gamergate into their articles because it shattered their psyche so much.

No one played gamergate for pity better than Brian wu

The master

Erm it's "mistress", Sweaty?!?!


I met her once.

Definitely thinks she's more important than she is.

Well if you met her, she can't be that important.

Hey now, be nice 😡

Do you think she'd remember meeting you tho

What was the head game like?

She's that's foid that fucked 5 dudes in the vidya industry

She still reportedly hasn't gotten her money's worth.

idk 5 years of not having to get a real job and $85k of free kickstarter money everyone's too beta to complain about me never releasing is at least close to a decent reward for 5 sessions of mediocre sex with a few (((male feminists)))

That sex is forever. She will never be the same. The foid cannot disassociate from the loser-sex. It is worn like a filthy stench until death, like a chip JB-Welded to her shoulder.

if you know anything about zoe, she was long past that point well before she met the likes of nathan grayson.

I don't, and I'd like to keep it that way. Why must you spread your misery and thottery? Like I don't have enough problems trying to will the mayocide into existence.

If you are feeling masochistic, she did a nude photo shoot. Give it a look-see

Unfortunately I'm full of shit, and no way to much about gaymergate, and have seen and jerked off to that filthy foids skank-shoot.

Why? Whether or not you like her work she really isn't pretty.

I dunno. I just did. I'm not looking for therapy, just stating facts.


It's amazing how Zoe, despite being otherwise basically talentless, manages to keep herself in respectable industry positions, works on games (or at least has her name slapped onto them), and is still overdue a kickstarter game her paypigs don't really complain about, and most of this is partially thanks to people hating on her.

Bitch is based.

It's amazing how Zoe, despite being otherwise basically talentless, manages to keep herself in respectable industry positions, works on games

She must be doing something right, she's got hustle, I'll give her that.

I don't think anyone doubted that. She whored herself to get good game reviews, and when confronted on it she didn't even deny it. Just decided there needed to be a conversation about how mean gamers are.

She's got an instinct for manipulation and self promotion but the actual stuff she produces is mediocre

  1. Identify your target market
  2. Identify your target market's rival
  3. Offend your target market's rival
  4. Sit back and watch as they spill barrels of ink about you. (free advertising)
  5. Profit from your target market

One of my favorite business models

I wanna be a drama mod

Fuck SRD and especially fuck /u/ takeittorcirclejerk

I wanna be a drama mod


SRDines, Chapocels, MDEfugees, and seriousposters in general are trash. I'm a heroic crusader motivated by nothing other than a heroic desire to destroy them.

The only thing more pathetic than being a mod is begging to be one


that really wasnt what they tried to do though

if it was deliberate they would have been way more competent


yeah no for real though

male feminist journalists tried to push low effort foid games on the community at large and then cried foul when people said "hey didnt she suck your balls"

its the literal opposite of what they wanted lol thats why it became a big thing in the first place

none of these woke controversies are done on purpose

none of these woke controversies are done on purpose

Good goy

lol what u mean

none of these guys are smart enough to actually manipulate people

none of these guys are smart enough to actually manipulate people

still thinking about Zoe Quinn five years after gamergate

Which is it fag

What if gamers are just that fucking dumb

Also yeah she's just milking it now

this is an article about her lol what

you seem mad

The confirmation for me was when one of her hardcore stans got offended and leaked all their chat logs and it was revealed most of these people spent Christmas 2014 planning massively gay ops to buy reddit ads to troll /r/kotakuinaction instead of, you know, spending time with their families.


Earning your mezuzah up in here today.


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With ideas like this, why the fuck are you still too broke to be Jewish?

plenty dicks to suck out there


no, suck

pls read


i was gonna say men dont dilate their penis but im sure theres some sort of extreme sounding subculture out there

I mean, any sounding is dilating.

yeah but could you imagine if someones dick ended up like one of those hipsters with the huge floppy gauged ears

like imagine if you could fit a fist down the end of your knob

I'm sure there's hentai with that.

It’s called docking and I’d ask you to refrain from kinkshaming or else I’ll call one of our fat janitors to y’all this thread

Girl has literally nothing going for her but hustle and a how-can-I-make-this-about-me attitude and fuck if it hasn't paid off.

No one remembers the name of the moid whose embarrassing serial killer manifesto started this whole dramapile but we remember hers, that must say SOMETHING.

All she did was suck nerd dick. It's just autism and thots. It's pretty standard sadly.


What's with the recent slew of businesses trying to not make mot

Im going to go to sleep happy, knowing that when i wake up there will be a boner-worthy amount of SEETHE from the pedos over at KiA, and boy oh boy will it be QUALITY seether i cant wait, but i will still wait a few hours so i can edge a bit

What is with Marvel doing these stunt hires for writing?

the comics make a fraction of a percent of the company's overall revenue now?

the comics make a fraction of a percent of the company's overall revenue now

What came first though? Maybe they only make a pittance b/c they hire people like queen braphog

Disney should really try to figure out how to get people reading comics again.

Disney doesnt care lol, I am sure they arent losing a lot of money on the comic sales.

Comics have made a pittance for decades now, the industry going woke is just accelerating the decline.


Imagine caring about any of this

Unironically big ups to Zoe for playing her dramacoin so well.



Did Goddess Mode get cancelled, or was it only a 6 issue short?

The comic book industry is desperate to get new readers, but is run by morons. Controversy is the only way they know to attract readers. Killing characters no longer works, do now they just do stupid shit like this.

R.I.P. Alec.