(old drama) anyone remember this video “I Am A Gamer And Always Will Be?” It predates the ironic gamer meme. I miss the old gamers. RIP

10  2019-08-13 by TheBigDogAteMyAss


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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This was before gamers were ruthlessly attacked by feminazis and their media machine. Gamers are victims.


You know who the most oppressed minority in America is? It’s not blacks hispancs or muslims. Its gamers.

Think back to all human rights suffering: halacost 911 Serbian genocide come to mind but think about this

Last month GameStop closed its doors to the last store in my town robbing 15,355 gamers of their video game fix. You tel me about human suffering? Try being a gamer!!!

The fact that you think I am autistsic is not only incredibly incorrect but also very unfair to the socially rejected class of gamers that fave prejudice from sjws and libtards every

day and I’ll have you know your comments don’t get under my skin as I have both angel and demon armor to protect me from your own negative energy so excuse me while I own you epic style.