KIA seethes and copes over Zoe Quinn writing part of the Marvel Hellcat comics.

14  2019-08-14 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. KIA seethes and copes over Zoe Quin... -,,

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>let’s own sjws by devoting our entire lives to being the biggest fucking faggot crybabies ever

Good job KiA

What’s with all the SRD tier posting today?

does SRD call them faggots?

shut up faggot

posts in politics unironically

Calls people faggots


That's radical centrism for you

Shut up faggot

Come on man. It’s a legitimate point. Name one subreddit on this entire site that spends as much time crying about literally nothing? Other than negareddit that would be cheating.

What about AHS and the like?

Though they with great frequency obsess over inconsequential bullshit including T_D, AHS has at more than once found some profound retardation on this site - MDEgenerates and their ilk are a cancer. KIA whining about foids ruining vidya is not comparable.


Fuck mdefugees

t. Mdefugees

... wat?

You’re arguing with a chapocel so don’t know what you expect tbh

calling kia crybaby faggots hasn't been SRDposting for like 4+ years dude

How are they coping with their Daddy blaming them for killing everybody.

I mean I don't keep up with the Hellcat series, but I know a previous iteration was written by Kate Leth who has somehow not been rolled out of LA on the eyeballs of everyone she meets.

This isn't that surprising to me is all I'm saying.

The academy awards and the game awards should team up for a special award for Greatest Cultural Achievement in Human History. The nominees should be:

  • Captain Marvel

  • Black Panther

  • Battlefield 5

  • Final Season of Game of Thrones

  • Zero Horizon Dawn