Antifa shoots up ICE facility in San Antonio

350  2019-08-14 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Antifa shoots up ICE facility in Sa... -,

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Big brain move lmao

i hate feds as much as the next guy but you really wanna throw your entire life away for this shit?


People throw it away for less

They do it for free

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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They'll even pay you


it was antifa.

says who?


OP is a retard


Seems like someone got an alt once the chapo check bot arrived huh?

No I got an alt cus my last account was permanently suspended lol

You realize your openly admitting to ban evasion right?

Ban evasion is only regarding subreddits. Not Reddit as a whole.

I had to get alts for my alts :(

Op is a retard for making the conclusion that the only political group that has attacked ICE and even recently attacked them with Molotov’s is responsible for this attack?

How do you figure that?

Please enlighten me 🤪


OP didn't read the article.

No injuries, but official said bullets were within ‘2 inches’ of employee

🤣🤣🤣. Worst revolution ever

It wasn’t much of a life

Well apparently they didnt even fucking hit anybody

I’m pretty sure firing shots at a federal building could still get you a long ass time in prison lol


long ass



Everyone forgets about the guy who heroicly flew his plane into the IRS building because they kept catching him on tax evasion schemes (I think he was caught 5 times over 20 years).

If these people truly believed that the ICE were holding people in concentration camps, then yes. I would do it too if that’s what I believed.



For drama's sake, give the leftoids some shooting lessons.

All the ones good at aiming 40% themselves

There's no gun equivalent to those soylent bottle opener tools

Nah, leave them to it. If it comes to civil war (obligatory, hopefully not), I'm banking on friendly fire to be the best weapon. Most people won't even have to fight!


Antifa supersoldier fails the tutorial level with zero kills, zero deaths.

Achievement unlocked




I mean maybe...just as likely as any shooting


Well, shoots at. Don't give them too much credit.

I'm more surprised this doesn't happen more. So many people raving about how these are concentration camps yet only like 3 people have actually tried to do anything about it.

How many people stood up to Hitler when Germany had an Actual Holocaust?

The allies

White males don’t count

The .5 female battalions

stop minimizing the sacrifice of women


Then no one did. But do the Nazis count?


Pretty much every occupied country had an armed resistance movement.

That is a based-level of resource usage.

Germany taking Poland was a frictionless reaction.

Like thousands of people worldwide

antifa stormed the beaches of normandy

You can't possibly think bluowls is surprised the US hasn't been invaded by a foreign country because they think it has concentration camps.

this but unironically

most of the people raving about these being concentration camps also have an extreme fear of/ideological opposition to firearms and their politics usually consists of begging someone else to run their lives.

Not like conserva-copers are any better. The guberment has instituted state-run baby-killing centres and their reaction is picketing.

Well they used to blow them up before the entire world turned into a bunch of pussies.

Most of us are too fat to get out of our bedrooms ok, give us a break

I want there to be a string of antifa attacks on the detention centres where they manage to only kill migrants. Then they insist that killing the migrants is actually good praxis so antifa’s new goal is the extermination of all detained migrants


That’s some hard cope on cope action

Leftists and poor marksmanship, name a more iconic duo.

name a more iconic duo.

White women and dogs.


Whitney Wisconsin and her abused dogs, actually.

They are not abused for white foids are npt people but instead animals. Inshallah.

Inshallah to that, my brother. One day our righteous jihad will cleanse Allah's creation of this filth.

I fucking adore this subreddit lol

I'm a white woman and I find that meme to be the funniest shit of all time because how believable it is.

I'm a white woman 😦


The cops have been called bigot.

lol imagine hating dogfuckers is bigotry

I'm a white woman

🤮🤮🤮 Christ girl I was just about to eat

Hey did you downvote her? That is not good praxis.

His armor immaculately cleaned, he rode into battle to fight for m'lady.

You have no idea how white of a knight I am. I am fucking Galahad riding on the sweetest of horses with the sharpest of lances. You are getting trampled, son.

My hero!

Hey, do you want to have gay sex? I'm assuming (rightfully) that you're a dude.


The commies exaggerated her kill count for propaganda purposes.


I just have enough braincells to realize that you should probably question what the Soviet government at their peak influence tells you is true, especially anything about women right after WWII when they have a reputation for raping half of eastern Europe.

Wrong, serious posters are gay retards so you don't have enough brain cells.

Imagine being a redditor and comparing your ideology to an actual soviet woman in the army.

I’m sure y’all would get a long very well, your mom could make (soylent) tendies for the both of you!

Called a joke son, you retarded serious poster invaders have fucking ruined this once great land with your caring about shit and your lowriders and your taco stands.

What are you oning about? As long as I've been lurking and finally decided to come out of the closet, there has always been seriousposters

My comment is not anymore objectively “serious” than yours is lol.

If you honestly believe she has 309 confirmed kills you are a moron

If you honestly believe I care and wasn't making a joke, you're a retarded faggot serious posting in drama

Well good thing I didn't

Okay. We cool. But, just for the sake of being the better man I want you to know you're still a retarded faggot.

No u

you're a retarded faggot


If you honestly believe I care


I care about you. I care about drama. I care about what the drama that I leave my children will look like. Will it be a festering ass-hole of boring serious posters and kotakuinaction level "drama"? Or it will be a glistening freshly waxed trap hole that sucks in all of the juicy tidbits of drama throughout the day?

Nice save.

Rightoids and getting taken down by an unarmed 65 year old.

Fucking Norwegians can’t fight worth shit. They deserve to lose

Oswald was a pretty fair shot for a commie?

Lmao at thinking Oswald pulled the trigger on you poor dumb sheep man

implying it wasn't Jackie who did it

Tbf whoever did it was probably just trying to send a message given the time of day

holy shit based

Christopher Combs, special agent in charge of the San Antonio division of the FBI, said an unknown number of individuals in an unknown number of vehicles fired numerous rounds into two ICE offices on the Northeast Side at around 3 a.m.

An unknown number of individuals in an unknown number of cars? This investigation is going well 👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️🧠🧠🧠🧠💪💪💪💪

Looks like Republican gun control is back on the menu!

It already was 😢. I seethes, but now all I can do is cope.

This is a false flag perpetrated by the drumpf admin. To garner sympathy for ICE

i'm 90% sure it was conservative gamers


GAMERS 2: This time, they're doing the targeting.

So you just decided to add Antifa to the title? Not once is Antifa mentioned.

lol No one cares.

Is this just an alt-right shithole?

Nah we got niggas, spics, and the most self loathing mayo crackers you’ll ever see.

Also some homos and stuff

Lots of trans bussy and gussy too

Our trussy is primo quality too, none of those fat gamers who start squeezing themselves into a dress for the attention society has refused to acknowledge them with. Best trussy on reddit, right here bois.

leave this place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around



This ain't it chief. Big problematic yikes.

broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

I'm feeling very attacked right now.

Yes mate we are all nazis planning the second holocaust

Don't believe his lies. This time, the Reich is going to have the final solution to the mayo problem.

Mayocide when ??? 🤔🤔🤔

How dare you use rascist language in our drama? Go back to /r/politics.

I was with you for a while, but you're starting to sound like a CAfugee.




I am a proud shitholer

We already know you post here


More like a radical centrist, ironically unironic shitposting paradise

The alt right doesnt exist, dumbass.

ICE is a fascist organisation, therefore anyone who shoots at them is anti fascist.

It's basic induction.

This shooting could be wild hillbillies high on home made meth or a pack of angry Karen's, mad that ICE isn't tearing families apart faster. Until there is proof of the shooter(s) identity, motives and associations, all speculation is just that.


Antifa wasn't mentioned even once in that article


It's clear as day to us non retarded retards who did this cowardly deed.

Honestly, this sub is looking more like T_D every day.

Trumptards out!!!

Antifa are such pussies they somehow manage to miss with firing machine guns into a crowded building

The left can't meme.

I think they thought the building was empty. They’re wanted ICE to come back in the morning and see a bunch of bullet holes and get scared.

They obviously don't play video games. Maybe then they coulda got someone.

Lol I mean I’m not dead yet even though it happened right near me. I have a guardian angel named Trappy after all.

no mention of antifa but cheers for acknowledging ICE as fascist