The Revolution is near! All we gotta do is alienate the only people who can help us achieve our goals!

32  2019-08-14 by BigBrownDog12


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. The Revolution is near! All we gott... -,,

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Who needs combat training when you've got milkshakes

OP got told it like it is by that top comment. The least qualified truly are the loudest.

Wow commie plans are extremely poorly thought out and can be toppled by a light breeze?

Really makes you think

From the harder core communist in the thread:

Poor people are zoo animals to you. Try interacting with them sometime and you'd see how irredeemably reactionary some of them are.

Real proletarian hours up in there.

No wonder leftists are losing. People don’t like to hate themselves it doesn’t feeeeeel gooooood.