Gamers lmao: If Borderlands players misgender a robot than they will be banned.

70  2019-08-14 by Ghdust2


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Gamers lmao: If Borderlands players... -,,

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While I agree that people have a right to be upset about jerks deliberately misgendering people/Robots and those people should be removed from public forums. It always terrifies me that I'll make a mistake and it'll blow up.

Before I knew Fl4k was non-binary/non-gendered I've called Them a He several times because They're a masculine figure. I was gently corrected and I've abided by the wishes of the characters creators and Their fans.

I'm a 31 year old man who never met a black person until I was 16 and was taught that the gay friends I had were the worst and most disgusting people ever. It's been a lot of change and, as an Optimistic Nihilist, my goal is to have as much fun and upset the least amount of people before I die.

can best korea just hurry up and launch their arsenal already?

as an Optimistic Nihilist

Imagine being a grown adult at 31 and in all seriousness saying things like this.

This might have been tolerable at 22 in PHIL 201, but life isn't college.

Honestly, what the fuck is an optimistic nihilist? It's the most idiotic oxymoron I've ever seen.

World's going to shit and that's a good thing

Pretty based tbh.

There's a bunch of techincal terms (just like any field of study) used in Philosophy and this is one of them.

Just kidding, if it's in Urban Dictionary it's made up jibberish which people use in an attempt to make themselves feel smarter.

As someone who has a BA in Philosophy anyone with any amount of self respect wouldn't go around saying "Oh I'm a logical positivist." without expecting to get punched in the face.

Please leave your Freudian crypto-anarcho-fascist hate speech at the door sweaty

I'm not currently sweating, but that's sweet of you to say 😘


May. O. Cide.

IMO the robot shouldn't stop there.

Just go one step further and start killing everyone while screaming "EXTERMINATE".

Literal Nazi.

Can we up that to 2-3 steps please?

You mean a gender reveal party?


This might have been tolerable at 22 in PHIL 201

No it was unbearable wankery even then

China needs to take over and send them all to visit the Muslims in Sinkiang.

At least the mod had the good sense to lock it:

People, the report button is not for reporting instances of Wrongthink.

How sad it must be to mod this stuff.

"They". Is. A. Plural. Pronoun.

You'll be corrected if you use it as a singular one in academia. You're either male, female, or you're it. At least in English. The problem with they is that it's too broad now. You don't know if someone is referring to a biological male, female or possibly an entire group of people.

Either add a fucking pronoun that actually works too the English language, maybe one that doesn't sound retarded, or go by what the genitalia is saying. Knowing society, the group I'm talking about would obviously rather die than do the latter, so feet cracking on the former.

It's not though.

It's pretty explicitly singular especially in its possessive form.

"Would the student who left their backpack in the gym please collect their belongings?"

"If the student does not pick up their belongings by the end of the day, they may find their backpack in the dumpster outside."

You can look up the etymology and historical usage at Oxford's site since they're the Bible of the English language.

There's an indefinite pronoun "one", but isn't used as much in English as it is in other Germanic German.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor" being a superb example.

I'm not a fan of singular they, because having to use a plural with apparently singular pronoun doesn't always, but often causes confusion and makes sentences' context unclear.

It also doesn't work in other languages besides English as plural nouns require infinitive verbs.

So if the USA is going to be the torchbearer of the gender neutral revolution, they should put some thought into how they can do that, given that other languages don't function like the bastard tongue that English is.

Which won't happen cause feelings outweigh logic with kneejerk reactions like this.

You can't really discuss grammar or language issue with 99% of these people, because the moment you bring up these types of objections you're a literal Nazi.

They also have no idea about the language they speak.

But it isn't in its nonposessive form. Gay.

It is. Or rather it can be.

"A child should be propertly taught how they should act in public."

u are a foogot nigaer

The West has Fallen.

effectively dehumanizing them

Dude is referring to a god damn imaginary robot. This next level faggotry.

Guys, robot genders matter /s

STOP infecting games with this bullshit mental illness. bunch of autistic retards thinking that more than 2 genders and shit. cancer degenerates that got to infect everything with their mental illness