Why FUCK's gender identity matters, inside and outside of Borderlands 3

114  2019-08-14 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Why FUCK's gender identity matters,... - archive.org, archive.today

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Gaymers truly are a disease

Day of the global EMP when?

No military would want the embarrassing legacy of spending any amount of money on gamers.

The American military would: https://www.americasarmy.com/

Looks like the bleedin' limey Bongs win this one! :D

Bongs win

Physical impossibility

Solar Flare then.

Implying the grease fumes haven't formed a protective crust around them, creating a Faraday cage

Now. Like right now. Please. Onegai Senpai.

I'm a cis, gay, 44 year old man. I've been playing videogames for around 37 or 38 years now, so I've seen the industry grow, and change, and evolve in so many ways. All my life, I felt a sort of disconnection between me and the media I was consuming. Be it books, comics, movies, tv shows, or games, there was just a little bit missing. Not to the point I didn't enjoy these things, but just to the point that I noticed I wasn't represented.

You aren't wrong Steve

Am I ever?

At some point, you've probably disagreed with me on here. So on one or two occasions, yes.

In that case, you'd be the incorrect one, so my record stands

You are wrong Steve

No, you


Implying that you aren't Steve lmfao

Hot Take: Only those who are narcissistic and unempathetic would want a carbon copy of themselves in media.

You mean if I went down to my local archery range and demanded that they started playing heavy metal over their loudspeakers because I lack representation in the archery community, that'd be autistic and selfish?

What kind of world are we making for our children where you won't even be allowed to say the word "nigger" on Xbox Live?

Hey dipshits robots don't have genitals so they don't have gender that doesn't mean they're both genders it means they're NEITHER because they're a robot. I don't claim my refridgerator is genderfluid because it doesn't go by male pronouns holy shit what is wromg with people.

Watch their heads explode when the robot decides not to identify with any gender and doesn't want to be labelled according to some silly concepts created by humans.

Always the same with these people: they say "I choose how I what/who I want to identify as" but then try hard as fuck to slap a label or an identity on entities which either don't want to identify or can't (i.e. animals).

Are you trying to tell me my cat isn't trans?

Pushing an identity on someone? Are you sure you're not from that thread?

Wait, they’re arguing over a robot’s gender? Woke people are mentally ill. I miss when we just had goths/emos instead of trans/non-binary.

Goths/emos were so reasonable compared to "counter-culture" today it's so fucking bad.

"counter-culture" today

Counter-culture today is getting a job and raising a family


Imagine making a binary joke about robot gender and having a bunch of morons think you're making some grand statement for them.

I believe the devs confirmed that it is actually the case that the character is NB

  1. Who gives a fuck if people that don't represent your gender interests put something in a game they make?
  2. Who gives a fuck if some rando on the internet decides to use different pronouns than the intended?

As usual, everyone who gives a shit about this has the mental capacity of a hermit crab.

This is Gearbox we're talking about. This is absolutely the kind of hollow pandering one can expect from them.

how does a robot even have a gender. thats retarded


You would think that having the character representing your fake gender being a robot would be disrespectful, but i guess that would require you to be somewhat sane.

Is there actually drama in there or are you just mad about trannies or whatever

Non-binaries are more retarded than normal trannies tho. They're constantly seething that no one cares about their made up identifies.

I'm asking because this post is a full thread link, not even sorted by co controversial

Oh ok I thought you were a chapoid

Me: I like it when /r/drama posts have drama.

Dramacels: chapos reeeee

You dumb shit, that whole thread is literally all fighting. Do you even know how to read properly?

You better be a milfy schoolteacher if you expect me to read

The only thing I expect is that you are retarded

You can be okay with trans people while still thinking that people autistically screeching about misgendering a fictional robot is retarded

I am so neutral about trannies it hurts.

Based and centristpilled.

you're conflating gender with biological sex. Robots cannot have a defined biological sex because they are not sexual creatures who reproduce. They can (and in the Borderlands universe ALWAYS DO) have gender, which is a societal construct based on one's perception of self and how it relates to norms attributed to certain sexes.

Imagine deciding this will be the hill you die on, defending a fictional, video game, robot gender.

This is what oppression looks like in the West!

Other people might starve to death or get genocided, but at least they're not...mis-gendered.

Wait the whole thing is about how you'll get banned from forums for doing it but what kind of subhuman uses game forums

How can the next generation ever hope to out woke these people? Surely we are at the summit, mr sherpa

Oh, there are a few marginalized groups whose eventual intersectionality scores will outdo what the current top of the pyramid is.

Pedophiles and furries for sure. After that, hard to say.

Furries have been acceptable targets, even among themselves, for a long time and I see no sign of it stopping.

Outrage antics are really making people retarded.

I'm a pretty low lifeform but even I feel disgusted thinking about how some people spend their free time arguing about misgendering a fictional robot character from an unreleased game. Then again, we are talking about Borderlands, maybe this information is the most exciting thing in the entire game.

all the comments handwringing about "but what about grammar? i don't want to use a singular 'they'" is the most reddit response ever

just say "shut up retard"

only on reddit will the most common objection to this be "but what about grammar? i don't want to use a singular 'they'" instead "shut up retard you're a male or a female"

You say you’re looking for a discussion about a problem but I don’t see a problem to discuss. I’m trusting you on the exploitation of promotional material, I’m tryna stay away as much as I can from it, not to have anything spoiled for me, and not to be overhyped and end up disappointed. But if Fl4k is indeed a non-binary character, whatever the reason, I’ll try my best calling them by their pronouns, because that’s how it should be. About a year ago, I discovered the show Steven Universe and binged it in a big month, and I’d advise it for anyone struggling to deal with concepts like non-binarity, or people struggling to find themselves.

But I gotta say I’m disappointed and angry. In my eyes, the Borderlands series has always done things right regarding inclusivity. Characters’ sexual orientation often have one subtle thing, maybe just a voice line, suggesting they’re not just straight (Tannis when she offers to go to bed with her when you meet her in BL2 for example). The biggest reproach people have with that in general is saying that it’s "shoved in our face" but you can’t tell me that Handsome Jack telling to Dr Samuels about her wife just once is "shoving in one’s face". TPS is a bit more insistant on that aspect but still, it’s fun, well handled, great. So I thought Borderlands was mostly for open-minded people, who had empathy and a fine ass sense of humor, and here I am told that there’s a bunch of stupid bigoted narrow-minded pricks among us? I’m sorry to break it to you people but that is making you nothing more than a raisin.

Imagine taking a video game this seriously LMAO

Really wish I could ping


I can't watch gearbox use fl4k to make fun of non-binary gender identities throughout the game for the ultimate drama play.

so the whole gender shit for this game is a joke in light of a robot and it identifying as binary.

okay, this is some next level cope hola hoop stuff

You know if we are going to choose between retarded moral panics, at least the Boomers in the late 90s freaking out about heavy metal and Henry Potter were the laughingstock of the heavy metal and Harley Potter communities. The moral panic is coming from inside the gamer house.

I'd also like to reiterate to everyone that gaming isn't a hobby and gamers are subhuman.

Yallposting has gone out of control

Just say it's a fag robot

All of this just disracts from the fact that Borderlands is a lacklustre repetitive game with the depth of a puddle, annoying 'lolrandum' plot and voice acting and shoehorned feminist bullshit that's made by a pedophile who has disgraced himself far more times than anyone still with a career should have been able to.

WTF did I just read?

>People's existence isn't politics

Sweet, I can't wait for all these shitlibs to defend a character going around saying the 14 words. Our existence isn't political, after all :^)

You can't discriminate against something that doesn't exist in real life.

love to be the play thing for mentally ill weebs to grandstand about. nothing is more important than protecting the one or two fragile trannies that cant handle some robot being 'misgendered' near them lmao

looks like there’s a new woke champion in the gaming world

incidentally this is the guy they got to do the voice acting for the fag robot, far from sounding like a genderblob his voice is basically an Asian Dave Bautista so I’m 2000% sure Gearbox is doing all this just to stir the shit

Where was that partition to make the purchase of video games a federal offense? We need that.

Don’t know why they felt the need to write an essay as to why the robot can’t read or speak binary





literally runs in binary at the most basic level

In the real world gender is as much the impression people get as how someone identifies. If the robot looks male and has a male voice people are going to see it as male.

The Virgin Borderlands vs the Chad Destiny

Wait did they write all that about the self propelled trash can that won't shut the fuck up?