Big brained take on the climate over at r/conservative

71  2019-08-14 by Ghdust2


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Big brained take on the climate ove... -,,

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Boomers are absolutely retarded? Who could have predicted this?

its from lead gasoline the lead got in there brains

its sad really

Supply boomers with free leaded gasoline and let it finish the job

Ya hate to see it

It's actually from leaded gasoline and abortions.

Bruh if ur willing to give up steak over cow farts - u might be a mayo

Steak literally gives me cow farts. Not sure what to do but eat more steak 😚

Q did.

Ban boomers from the internets

Ban boomers from the internets earth

Conservatism has a proud history and traditions.

/r/conservative is, without exception, all retards.

One of the last memories I have of pinging was milking these idiots.

I remember the time before the pinging ban. BPB was truly a wondrous age.

An era of lolcow fields where the milk flowed freely. Will we ever be able to return to these bygone times?

The only based forms of conservatism are Agrarianism and Gaullism

How can climate change be real if climate isn’t?

Weather was made up by the glow-in-the-darks at Langley

Euclidean space is a spook.

Biggest lies in history:

Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone

“These white men come in peace”

Postulate 5

Based and hyperbolic pilled.

How can climate change matter if I just say 'the climate has always changed'

Checkmate libtards

The climate isn't but the change is.

I was permanned from that subreddit for asking someone what they meant when they said that conservatives would have to “take care” of the biased media.

So "literally shaking".

They've been saying that for a really long time, and yet the world moves past them. Today's intersectional pygmy transexuals are tomorrow's conservatives. Cope.

The racewar begins tommorow! I can't wait!

T. Boomercel every day for the last 60 years

"in my day, zir, we didn't even have crussy or blussy. It was bussy or trussy, and you couldn't even print it yourself!"

literally no boomers want a race war

Are you a boomer of peace?

Yeah, thought it would be fun to run that from the other direction 😎

I got a permaban for saying pure socialism doesn't work just like pure capitalism doesn't work.


If righty boomers would get over the (failing) oil sector portion of their IRA retirement plans and accept their (not failing, very cool) gay sons and daughters like Cheney they’d rule the White House for 20 years.

Or if they stopped allowing racists to have a platform, most immigrants are pretty conservative but vote dem.

My parents are immigrants and voted trump 🤷‍♂️


are they mayos? or passable as tanned mayos because then they dont count

They’re not trash, if that’s what you’re asking.

I know a few that did too but most of the paisas I know didn't vote for either simply because daddy is actually senile and they really, really hated hillary

they really, really hated Hillary


I mean for rational people it broke down to:

Clinton: Career politician that knows Washington like the back of her hand. Will impose liberal will on the country and have trannies in every bathroom and be at war with Iran by summer. Literally Satan.

Trump: Dumbass that will probably just fumble around and make some dumb decisions for 4 years. Has no idea how Washington works so it'll take forever to make anything actually happen(still no wall). He'll probably make a great blooper reel for Dems in 2020 to secure ez win if they don't fuck it up (they currently are).

Given that most immigrants are typically religious and conservative, as much as they hate it, Trump would get the vote, if they didn't just abstain.

lmao cummies dont get the joke

The Virgin slave to fossil fuel megacorps vs the Chad sacrifice to Tlaloc

Defund Medicare

why stop there

a poll tax for anyone over 65

defund social security

let have Medicaid have a option to out for suicide for poor people

cut subsidies for rural areas and establish carbon taxes which will pay planned parenthood clinics to trigger the cons and nuclear to trigger the libs

Minus NIMBYism, can I write you in on my ballot?

don't say that you have some housing assets, you are a /r/drama user, your net worth should be negative

Oh of course. Does mom's basement count as a housing asset?

if you are in a co-op with your mom, sure why not

I unironically support sacrificing people to appease the climate gods.

Jesus the moderators remove anything that isn't sucking the cock of GOP narrative.

chabanais is possibly the most retarded mod on this site, and that's really saying something