Based man says mental illness is a choice.... on Twitter.

26  2019-08-14 by Ghdust2


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Based man says mental illness is a ... -,

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Homie isn't even wrong. I used to a retarded faggot until one day I managed to tell myself, "Hey, stop being a retarded faggot 100% of the time and pretend to be normal at least 75% of the time."

You know the difference between someone pretending to be normal and a normal person? Absolutely nothing. This guy knows what's up.

it didnt work fam

He is wrong. It is a choice, depression is total nonsense. Where he's wrong is the solution isn't "diet exercise and paying mayofoid psychologist $100 am hour", but stop spending ur life on internet politics social media tv and McDonald's. Those things are useless.


Some of you BTS stans are alright.

If only he posted this a few days ago Epstein might have been able to read it and avoid his tragic suicide caused by his crippling depression.

Epstein's suicide really hits home for me. So many young men kill themselves with guns. It's terrible. Two shots to the back of the head and they've ended their pain. We all feel sad after reading stories of high profile suicides. Instead, we need to start reaching out to them before they reach this point and help them back onto the right path.

Epstein was murdered on behalf of the British crown and the Clinton foundation, but nice try.

Depression is no joke bud. I know it's hard to believe someone as rich and powerful as Epstein could be suffering with depression, but it really can happen to anyone.

Ok queen elisabeth

Most mental illnesses are fancy words for being an unsocialized fuck who is unwilling to accept responsibility for being a lonely directionless loser, so he's not totally wrong. If you've ever been to a psychiatrist or psychologist then you know most of the treatment is diet and exercise and if you're too much of a fucking worthless person to even do that, then they'll just placate you with drugs until you stop caring you're alone and miserable.

There are serious mental illnesses, to be clear. I'm not talking about shit like schizophrenia or insanity or shit like that.



I like how he's clearly manic and attention-seeking

Eating disorder: you should start eating


Or eat less. Depending on your weight basically.