Can you really call this a "cat"fight? 🤔🤔🤔

65  2019-08-14 by ArlenBilldozer


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Can you really call this a "cat"fig... -,

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...You may be barking up the wrong tree for that lightning to strike twice in this case, Snappy

Is that a tranny?

both sides of this spat are trannies, one just makes more than the most token effort to pass.

That thumbnail made me halfsies. Gonna kms now

same. lookin for my big knife atm

There is 2 types of tyrannies (I forget the Scientific Name For the tyeps). 1 type of tranny does it because they want to have sex with Straight Men. They tend to be high IQ and pass as women. Blair is type 1. And Type 2 Trannies are sexually arroused at being dressed in women’s cloths. Most of them are straight. They tend to be low IQ and not able to pass. Jessica is a type 2.

Does anyone have the meme that names them and goes into more detail?

Type 1 is Trannus Maximus

Type 2 is Trannus Inferioris

1 type of tranny does it because they want to have sex with Straight Men. They tend to be high IQ

Wow this is retarded. Please keep going, how does their IQ correlate with their type? Is it because they correctly realized men > women?

Don’t worry about it Sweetheart. Go dilate.

No tell me :( Are you measuring their skulls dicks/front holes?

I think they just use IQ tests. You know the ones that show ethnic Somalis have an average IQ of like 70,

That doesn't answer the IQ difference between tranny types

I don’t know. Go find the Scientist who made the Meme I read.

I mean, just based on anecdotal evidence this is true

Give me an example of a trans woman looking to fuck other women who isn't some retard enslaved to his degeneracy

Im a pseudobisexual (as opposed to HSTS or AGP), am low IQ, and ascended to twinkhon rather than hon territory. So which am I?


Hmmmm......I don’t know. What would you say motivates your degeneracy more? The thought of tricking straight men for sex? Or the thought of you wearing women’s cloths?

Idk. I don't get off to wearing womens clothing though. I do it every day so it feels normal. I do like the idea of men chasing after me and being attracted to me but I can't get over my attraction to women

Hmmm.....I would just pray that when your final form is revealed that you are a Blair and not a Jessica and trust in Jesus that he will come through for you.

Type 3: Natures Mistake

yeah but that's all of us.

I dont know so many of the words you just used.

Well there are different types of trannies. Which 4 words?

Ascended, IQ, pseudo and opposed

AGP - Autogynephile. The word, parsed from its Latin origins, means sexual arousal at the thought of being a woman. One of the two types of trans women, theorized by sexologist Ray Blanchard. Autogynephiles refer to the ones mostly interested in women. Less likely to pass, dress well, but tend to be smarter than the type.

HSTS - Homosexual transsexuals. The other type of trans woman according to Blanchard. These are the people who were such big faggots that they became women. Attracted to men, tend to pass for female, and tend to work in prostitution, the beauty industry, or any other traditionally female field.

Psuedobisexuality - Blanchard's means of coping with the fact that not every tranny is some creepy transbian or some gay guy in a wig. Pseudo meaning fake, as in these women would get off to fucking men as a fulfillment of some social role, and fetishize what men do to them rather than men themselves. I am actually attracted to women.

Here's the wikipedia article on Blanchard's typology:'s_transsexualism_typology

hon - word coined by 4chan's /lgbt/ board to refer to your bottom of the barrel, non-passing trans women. Think of 5 o clock shadow, barrel chest, deep voice, masculine face, balding, tall, etc. Often older transtioners who transitioned at middle age, and barely did anything to medically transition. So think like the ones who look like Chris-chan

twinkhon - also coined by /lgbt/. Refers to those who don't pass, but seemingly put some modicum of effort into their appearance and have at least some feminine features. Typically refers to those who transitioned in late teens/early 20s, and had a male puberty but didn't have to deal with decades of masculinization like hons do. Think more like Riley Dennis or Contrapoints as opposed to Chris-chan.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Ok this is pretty gay


a faggot

not because youre a tranny, or gay, but because youre obnoxious

wow rude

2 is called autogynephilia

Call it whatever you want, but I've already gone through a whole box of popcorn watching all this Yaniv drama.

Blaire is a bottom feeding drama queen herself, so I would bet this is just shit she's making up to leech some attention from the whole Yaniv thing and won't go anywhere.

I generally ignore Blaire since her drama is all pretty standard and dull, meanwhile that ogre Yaniv is reaching for the fucking stars with all their deranged bullshit.

i'm mad that she didn't drop the dirt on dave rubin and the likes that she kept teasing

sitting at -4

I didn't know we have our own Blaire Defense Force. Goddamn chasers smh

I wasn't aware this sub liked her. She's pretty universally disliked.

I love that he's now threatening to sue his building because one of his neighbors is gossiping and posting poorly recorded audio of him yelling at his mom on KF

The only way to fight stop a tranny is with another tranny

I’m pretty sure your address is public information.


Is this is an original thought? because it is too perfect to have not been thought of before.

... it seems kind of obvious to me, but it is a rather specific question - “Can you really call this a "cat"fight?”

This is a "Trussy Tussle"

She's like the transexual uncanny valley.

Like a real doll

Did that dumbfuck just say doxxing was illegal?
