Trannies, sexuality, wokeness, problematic ideas, jannies writing essays after locking individual comments 1by1, infighting and arguing over semantics, all brought to you by /r/Contrapoints

55  2019-08-15 by Woolgun


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Trannies, sexuality, wokeness, prob... -,,

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OMG! Is this a real comment? I actually laughed out loud when I read it

tbf trans people were (successfully) modifying their biology thousands of years ago, long before anything resembling a modern understanding of biology. Herodotus has a whole thing on shapeshifting Scythian witches who turn themselves into hot warrior ladies, and Ovid helpfully adds that mare urine is involved in the magical shapeshifting

these people make me want to attend mass and im not catholic

Imagine unironically believing in witches. 😂😂😂

>unironically believing Herodotus


These people are beyond Allahs forgiveness.

Dude literally just wrote down whatever people said to him, regardless of how fucking dumb it was

Reddit Atheists went from pretending to be intellectual skeptics who are immune to anything without ‘scientific credibility’ to becoming leftists that believe in witches.


Watching the average Redditor's transition from intelligent and questioning to believing in witches has been a fun journey, but I think it's time to stop now.

the average Redditor transition from intelligent and questioning

Yee lmao

Point taken, I'll retract the "intelligent".

You can't get off mr. Bones wild ride.

I am 99% sure these are not the same people, though.

I can’t believe I read as much of that as I did.

Wh...what? Imagine unironically believing in magic. I also love that they have to clarify it's a "hot" warrior lady.

At this point I have to believe that reddit trannies are all puritan psy ops because I can't fathom that people this batshit insane actually exist. Literal schizos are more mentally sound than these fucking people.

What happened to this magical ability to turn into a biological woman and why haven’t I heard of this before??

Fascists burnt all the witches. :(

I got banned for simply saying none of that is real. Not befofe getting a reply, saying well yes, but they were totally definitely talling about real things and not fiction.

What the fuck.

I'm glad we're taking old nonsense as true, now I'm half "race of Hector" (ie Italian) and also a descendent of Hercules

These people make me want to join Opus Dei

Trans people aren't a weird mysterious third gender. Well binary trans anyways. Non binary do in fact get to be that cool mysterious third gender.

"I'm a tranny for attention"


Imagine having no personality that you have to deconstruct the gender binary to make it up

How do these people even function offline? Like what do they say when someone asks them what they enjoy doing? Do they say "well I'm trans"

I imagine it goes something like a DSA meeting.

Point of personal privilege: I stick my nuts into my own ass for storage and protection



Hahahaha. Yeah, if they're at work, I assume at least a few of them have a job, how the fuck would they answer 'Whatcha up to this weekend?'

Probably something like "Oh you know, I'm trans."

Sounds fun tbh

It’s a shame pinging isn’t a thing anymore because I really want to ping almost everyone in that thread here

This is all nonsense to me.


Someone translate this troid propaganda.

They’re arguing that being attracted to trans women makes you straight instead of pansexual. Which is stupid because humans are attracted to sex not gender in the first place.

Words have gender, people have sex

Sex and gender is the same thing

The distinction was invented by a paedo quack in the 50s

Sociologists invented the difference between sex and gender in the 50s. Just to lecture people 40 years later that gender and sex are actually the same thing and since gender is only a social construct, sex in just a social construct, too.

If questioned, they defend themselves with pseudo intellectual bullshit, like "Well, actually, all human language is just words with a meaning assigned to it be humans. So sex is just a human construct."

Day of the defunded institute when?


The guy who invented it, John money, was a pedo

Queer theory pedophile jeapordy

In case you haven't noticed, most people manage to experience sexual and romantic attraction without seeing each other's genitalia, this part comes pretty late in the process usually. Worse, a good half of gender markers people get attracted to, such as dress, hairstyle, make-up, vary from society to society.

That's not to dismiss the attraction to genitalia, but it's definitely not the whole or even most of the thing.

Lol if genitalia were the factor of attractiveness noone would be attractive.

Speak for yourself 😏

Um, doesn't your imagination and fantasy about a person you're attracted to include genitals? If I see a hot UPS driver, my mind goes to dick, how big, how thick, etc. If I find out xe has a pussy, xe no longer matches my attraction requirements.

That is true, but I still wouldn't say that this constitutes an overwhelmingly large part of attraction.

Also I just realized that we shouldn't use the language like "more than half of the attraction" because it's not like a neatly divided pie, if I discover that the sweetest girl has teeth down there that would obviously override everything else, but at the same time an ugly hag covered in boils with the most pleasing vagina would still be a solid nope from me, so it's mathematically impossible to divide components of attraction into a pie where they are assumed to be nonnegative. 🤓 but seriously, a lot of misunderstandings might come from this implicit misconception.

So back to trannies: saying that gender and sex are the same is very retarded because regardless of your feelings after the genitalia reveal, all your attraction leading to that reveal was caused by gender presentation, and that attraction was just as biologically determined as the UPS driver's effort to be attractive to you.

That's primary vs secondary sexual characteristics, not sex vs gender you retard.

TIL having long or short hair is a secondary sex characteristic. Also, paint around your eyes. Also, wearing a skirt.

Anyways, if you can get tricked by a passing tranny like Contrapoints then your point is automatically defeated. Their "secondary sexual characteristics" were strong enough to give you a half-chub.

passing tranny




Nah, I'm attracted to a UPS driver during shorts season under the assumption he's a cis male. It's like a dude who loves fat chicks. If he sees a chick across the room in a fat suit, he might initially be attracted. When he finds out she's really a size four it's a no go. He was only attracted because he thought she really was fat, not because he's attracted to fat suits.

There are people who are a zero on the Kinsey scale after all.

Your brain doesn't deal with complex implications. It sees muscular arms, hairy chest, square jaw, it is attracted. It sees vagina, it is repulsed. Those feelings are summed up to produce some final result.

Note that having to sum up strongly conflicting feeling is upsetting to people, so when they discover unexpected genitalia they get distressed and even angry, instead of being, like, oh, so I was never actually attracted to that person, like your theory suggests.

Note also that if we get to the real bottom of it (pun intended), what you are really attracted to is having lots of grandchildren. This has been the sole criteria used by evolution when evaluating usefulness of various instincts that make you attracted to chins or genitalia or discovering what clothes the successful members of the opposing gender wear and getting attracted to that. Genitalia are in the same category, not really standing out as the true thing that other things are a proxy for.

so when they discover unexpected genitalia they get distressed and even angry,

Not everyone is a moid who goes into a homosexual panic when they discover a dick is somehow involved in their attraction. And, that doesn't happen to all moids.

Note also that if we get to the real bottom of it (pun intended), what you are really attracted to is having lots of grandchildren

then that's all the more reason to be able to easily discard any initial attraction based on false premises, such as costume, hormones or plastic surgery.

then that's all the more reason to be able to easily discard any initial attraction based on false premises, such as costume, hormones or plastic surgery.

Your brain has two reasoning modes: instinctive and verbal, or fast and slow, or system 1 and system 2. System 1 is in charge when you play tennis or ping-pong and manage to reflect the ball and also twist it and send it back in a direction most uncomfortable to the opponent in like 300 milliseconds, without a single conscious thought. System 2 is when you reflect back on that and try to prime your System 1 to do better, given the things you know about the way your opponent usually behaves and how you can trick them.

The part where you look at Buck Angel's body and feel attracted and then notice the vagina and feel repulsed is System 1. The part where you tell yourself that you weren't attracted to him in the first place now that you know that he has a vagina is System 2 trying hard to resolve the cognitive dissonance.

Also btw you might find this less than convincing because as a usual woman you're nowhere near 0 on the Kinsey scale. As a heterosexual male who is a zero on that scale I'm telling you that you're wrong.

The part where you tell yourself that you weren't attracted to him in the first place now that you know that he has a vagina is System 2 trying hard to resolve the cognitive dissonance.

Why are you assuming this has to happen? What point are you trying to make.

As a heterosexual male who is a zero on that scale I'm telling you that you're wrong.

l-o-fucking-l, that's some weapons-grade mansplaining.

The part where you tell yourself that you weren't attracted to him in the first place now that you know that he has a vagina is System 2 trying hard to resolve the cognitive dissonance.

Why are you assuming this has to happen? What point are you trying to make.

Because that's what happens in my zero-Kinsey-scale brain. It happens with a much lesser intensity in your naturally bisexual female brain, of course.

l-o-fucking-l, that's some weapons-grade mansplaining.

Yeah, baby. Sometimes someone gotta tell you the truth. It's usually men for some reason 🤔😏

That was a lot of words to say 'fragile masculinity'.

It's usually men for some reason


That was a lot of words to say 'fragile masculinity'.

Experiencing disgust at guys kissing is not fragile masculinity by itself, it's how do you deal with that that's important. It's like bravery is doing your duty despite fear, not not having fear like a lunatic.

But this was an educational discussion, thank you. I suspected but wasn't sure that it works like this for your kind before:

foid: There are people who are a zero on the Kinsey scale after all. 😍🍆🤤

same foid: what do you mean you experience negative instead of neutral emotions towards homosex stuff 🙀😲🤯

Experiencing disgust at guys kissing is not fragile masculinity by itself

I'm just messing with you. It's none of my business how you carry yourself through life.

And, those aren't contradictions. Like, are you saying a dude isn't gay unless he is weirded out by straight people kissing? I always thought my heterosexuality was based on what I want to suck/fuck, not what other people wre doing.

The thing is you were atttacted by the inplication of those shapes (physical aspects of sex that were faked) that the person was female.

Yes but it's driven by other biological sex features of the body that imply that genitalia and reproductive purpose.

I mean, I think I'd feel pretty comfortable making the assertion that if someone was attracted to you (hypothetical you, not you specifically :P) right up until the moment they became aware you were trans, then yeah that's almost assuredly a bigoted reaction. I can't really think of many other reasons for that particular dynamic other than transphobia.


Why wouldnt it be good old fashioned homophobia?

They're making the assertion that because you're attracted to someone's outward appearance, your sexuality is purely dependant on that, and that sexuality has nothing to do with preference regarding genitals. They're saying straight = liking feminine faces, not liking...women's bodies. Therefore if you like a feminine face and body and then are suprised with a penis, and are no longer interested, it's not because your straight, it's because you've trained yourself to become bigoted.

Its a crock of shit.

OK, let me get this straight: trans-women are the same as women, so therefore being attracted to one makes you straight.

Bisexual means that you are attracted to men and women.

Pansexual means you are attracted to all people.

Following this logic, in what scenario are you pansexual, if in the one actual instance of our gender system breaking down, it doesn't count as a distinct attraction?

pan means all, it implies pedoshit and bestiality.

It's also a quirky way for a woman to say "im always so horney lol im such a perv" (if you're a real girl it serves as a thirst trap) while the autistic guys who type it online dont realize how creepy and how 'man-in-a-trenchcoat' it sounds

I can’t believe I read as much of that as I did

I’m not surprised

Ah the age old question. Are traps gay?

Copypasta'd from my other comment here

If anyone is interested in an unironically scientific inquiry into whether or not traps are gay this is an unironically interesting video, and I mean this unironically.

Tldr is people who claim to like trussy and gussy but not bussy seem to be telling the truth the overwhelming majority of the time. They have little to no sexual response to bussy but do have a sexual response to trussy and gussy. Even if it's technically still gay, it's gay in such a nonconventional way that it's actually probably best if we had a more accurate term for it (to which I suggest trussiphile)

Trussy =/= traps.

How about we just call the new sexuality "enlightened genius"?

They're really helping the trans cause by being gross weirdos

Tier 0, abusive language. Official Warning.

i hope this site dies just so these turbo nerds tend to their cats or something

If anyone is interested in an unironically scientific inquiry into whether or not traps are gay this is an unironically interesting video, and I mean this unironically.

Tldr is people who claim to like trussy and gussy but not bussy seem to be telling the truth the overwhelming majority of the time. They have little to no sexual response to bussy but do have a sexual response to trussy and gussy.

How can transgenders be real if gender is a social construct?

I struggle so much to make sense of this issue.

Transwomen often have penises, and to want to fuck or suck a penis, you'd have to be at least a little bit gay.

But then I'm told no, it's perfectly straight if you want to suck on a cock belonging to a transwoman, because tRaMsWoMeN r WoMeN.

But I'm straight, and I'd never go near a trans woman because it feels gay. And if feels > reals, as evidenced by trans women are women, then who is correct?

I wish there was some capeshit lore that could make sense of all of this.