The most retarded non-quarantined political subs, r/AHS and r/SRS, go to war.

57  2019-08-15 by Ghdust2


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. The most retarded non-quarantined p... -,,

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We can only hope they brigade each other and get themselves quarantined.

It's amazing how humans can't process their own annoyingness is life-fuel for their enemies. From George Orwell talking about how people hated fruit-juice drinking commies in 1945 to Nixon's 1972 landslide victory after the hippie protest disaster that Boomers mythologized into a triumph. And now to this appalling Woke Twitter "debate" age (everything you say is rightoid propaganda, you are literally the enemy). You can see where Stalin was coming from, really.

Radical centrism wins again!


Horseshoe theory confirmed?

I'm sure 5 examples would be enough, but no he needed 50

Don’t you mean SPS?

I got really excited and then really let down

SPS is probably as active as SRS these days. Rightoid refugee camp vs desolate ruin.

I think SJW has a crush on IBiteYou and it's adorable

Janny lovers 🤢🤢🤮


Jannie drama is better because they always go a little extra with their tardiness.

I can not even imagine how bad it must suck being an AHS faggot. God did you see the amount of time and effort that freak put into cataloguing every mean thing that was said about C-Ville? It’s like get a life.

um sweaty they live a great life

they're literally brave soldiers at war with literal nazis

and reddit like 8han is ground zero

That's a little bit conceited is it ? reddit is ground zero for stale memes and rejects from tumblr.

Redditors? Conceited? Why I never...

The most retarded non-quarantined political subs

What about us?

Srs is already dead isn't it? Your telling me all 16 of their users are going to go to war?

Srs is already dead isn't it?

Yes. It's particularly sad that the satellite subs like SRSWomen have been shut down. Example 1. Example 2.

Wow, the first linked thread went from zero to eugenics/white supremacy in no time flat!

We no longer do "pistols at dawn" because we decided, as a CIVILIZATION, that personal disputes should not be settled with violence.

There are reports that IQ's are now DROPPING in this new age and man do I see it...

intergalactic brain take

Is OP too retarded to tell SRS and SPS apart? Geez.