r/Anarchism sharpens it’s edge

34  2019-08-15 by Wild_Hunt


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. r/Anarchism sharpens it’s edge - archive.org, archive.today

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>This could be any other group of people and we would have a problem:

>”Only shooting firefighters" "Only shooting gardeners" "Only shooting African Americans"

Wow, it’s almost like there’s a difference between cops and all those groups, retard


Anyone who unironically says "comrade", should be barred from joining the gene pool.

Implying they aren't already

Sorry, I meant barred from the "existing" pool.

40% of them will be

Those are rookie numbers.

True, that's an F. I expect an A

In some languages it's a common word used to refer to a friend. You seem to have a real hard on for hating on leftism according to your comment history. Idiot.

Listen, I hate both sides equally.


Now, can you please enlighten me about your meme ideology? At what point do the guillotines come out? Where are the trans cutie threads on r/Anarchism? Do you feel emasculated by Chapo?


All these questions are put forward to you, AnarchyBreadBoy. Ironic, seeing as how bread and boot is all you'll be eating come the revolution.

Anarchism is against hierarchy, you dumb twat. The guillotines come out when we have gathered the rich together. Anarchism subreddit is more for serious conversations and discussions so no trans cutie thread, sorry. And no I don't feel emasculated by chapo. I'm a huge chapo fan.

"muh both sides are bad 🤪"

Hierachies are inherent to the evolution of human society. To act as if you can "remove that" is laughable.


Even by guilloting the rich, hierachies will emerge once more. You're denying human nature at this point.

Hierarchy is not human nature. There are Alot of companies that work as cooperatives and it works great. Just because you can't imagine not having your bosses cock down your throat, doesn't mean its not possible. Bosses are an unnecessary thing.

The typical ignorant "human nature" comment. Try and use your brain a little more if you're gonna try and sound smart.

"bosses are an unneccessary thing"


If not having a boss is so productive, why don't companies disband them?

Because bosses are people with money. Currently poor workers have no choice but to sell their labor to capitalists. We need to work towards it starting with unions and workers taking over their workplaces. Sadly we still live in a capitalist society where rich people own the means of production. That doesn't mean there is no other way.

Btw saying that is dumb. That's like saying "if not having concentration camps is moral, then why don't governments disband them? Hurr durr".

Maybe if you just use your brain a tiny tiny bit more, you can see and imagine a world where you don't lick boots 24/7.

Imagine being poor lmao 🤣🤣🤣

I’m not anyone’s boss but I have plenty of money now. In school I was quite a few people’s boss but I was poor still. How is that possible?

How did they acquire the money?

The cooperatives? Uhhhh by using their money together? Take motion twin for example. The studio that made the dead cells game. Everyone is equal there. No bosses. Everyone collectively decided on how to make the game. Everyone from the janitor to the programmer is paid the same salary. Everyone owns equal part of the studio.

Have you tried applying that model to a group of over 100? Literally any mode of governance works in a small group of <100 people due to being under Dunbar's number. Larger co-ops have agreed-upon hierarchies and also have no problem with hiring lower-rung contractors.

Remind me again, if these models are so successful why are all three tech giants traditional corporations?

Alot of coders love programming free and open source software. So using coders is working against your argument. Free and open source software is one of the biggest communist things I can think of.

I never said traditional corporations don't work. I'm saying that these are almost always bad for the employees and good for the owners and shareholders.

I use OpenOffice myself and there's just no comparison between it and Microsoft Word, the lines literally blur into each other if I work too long. For stuff like Excel, it's much worse of course, word processor is quiet simple in comparison. Programmers are probably the professional group with the largest amount of down time, most of them are in maintenance related stuff that barely requires 20% of their official work hours. Yet, they can't put together one product that is as professional as the ones Microsoft makes.

So don't be an employee? The shareholders are paid for the capital they put at risk, if you put an equivalent capital up at the same risk you can become a shareholder too.

Because bosses are people with money.

Why wouldn't an owner like me fire all of the bosses and save payroll, enriching my Jewish self even further while laughing at the poors even more than I currently do?

Nice troll.

Thank you kind gentle'xir. Mayhaps I bestow you a single lowly Reddit shekel for a bread boy 😍

Please do daddy 😍


we live in a capitalist hellscape where companies will fuck their workers, the environment and the legal system for an extra cent of profit

also companies employ 25% of employees as managers who actually don't make them any money

There are Alot of companies that work as cooperatives and it works great.

They all have "bosses", I think you are confusing managers (which are also wage laborers) and shareholders. Understandable, given your age and inexperience.

Lol. They don't.

At Mondragon, there are agreed-upon wage ratios between executive work and field or factory work which earns a minimum wage. These ratios range from 3:1 to 9:1 in different cooperatives and average 5:1. That is, the general manager of an average Mondragon cooperative earns no more than 5 times as much as the theoretical minimum wage paid in their cooperative.

Oh I didn't know that. That's really cool. But there are also Alot of cooperatives, most smaller though to be fair, that have their own salary system where people are even more equal. But to say EVERY cooperative has bosses is a little ridiculous.

Those co-ops have hierarchies within them lol.

For instance, your bull will always be valued by your wife more than you. This is a hierarchy of competence, whether the revolution has occurred or not.

Lol. I'm sorry your brain is to tiny to imagine a world where you aren't a sub.

I have buttworms 😕

Bruh the most cooperative businesses have the strongest hierarchies. I was in one, a few people followd the completely unofficial leader without question just cuz he was competent. They did things on their own too ofc but one guy set course. Idiot

It's kind of dumb to call me an idiot, while you yourself are making an incredibly dumb argument.

A leader does not equal a boss. If people collectively vote for somebody to take lead, that is fine. Everyone would still have the same power but to make decisions easier, they have 1 person lead the way. Again, a leader does not equal a boss.

we're talking about hierarchies

leadership is a hierarchy

If its justified, its oke. Bosses are not justifiable. It's the same a kid having parents. It's a justifiable hierarchy. Like I said, there is a big difference between a boss and a leader

I mean I think McDonald's isn't justifies no because you have a boss but because you are producing absolute junk with no nutrients

Yeah exactly. We have to admit that while we produce ALOT under capitalism, we produce a shit load of junk. We overproduce food and throw almost half of it away. We pump out a ton of plastic crap that is destroying our oceans. We are ordered to work harder and more every year to keep profits high. It's not a good system. People are dying because they can't afford healthcare and rent and school etc.

Alot of junk food like McDonald's is stuffed with preservatives to keep it on the shelf as long as possible. We are actively poisoning ourselves and the planet with bullshit just for the rich to become richer.

In Alot of companies, its the workers that manage everything. From sale to development and ordering stuff and putting it in the stores etc. Like with supermarkets. We don't really need bosses. No boss is justify able because no boss deserves 300 times more money than a worker.

I read the other day that wages of bosses have increased over the past decades with like 300-400% while worker wages have been stagnant. We are being fucked over and we thank them for it.


Bro I want all industrial society to die

Amen. 🙇

Imagine being poor lmao 🤣🤣🤣

I'm a huge chapo fan


Do you plan on switching to an ideology that doesn't suck ass, or do you expect to be a failure your entire life?

In some languages it's a common word used to refer to a friend.

Yes, and 99,9% of those who use it don't speak that language you LARPer.

"hmmm... Nah, they must be roleplaying. No way I've been sucking my boss's cock all these years while another world was possible."

Oh I don't know or care what kind of job you have, if you work in a coop good for you.

It's just that using words like comrade just makes you look like retards to every outsider.

There will always be people bitching. I've learned to not care so much what others think of me. It's useless to try and satisfy everyone around me. As long as you don't harm others in the process, just be yourself. All of us like calling each other comrade and it doesn't hurt anyone. So I don't really care.

They really want to follow donaldo and chappys, I see.

Part of anarchism is to reach out and be relatable to people.

Holy shit!

It's not, you dumbass.

Hey kiddos it's the left wing deathsquads here to take your shit and be hip. 😎
