Ghazi one ups the Autistic-Right Pipeline with the Alt-Vore Pipeline: I Dated a Gamergater who was Radicalized by Vee

58  2019-08-15 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Ghazi one ups the Autistic-Right Pi... -,

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>disgusting fat foid can only catch loser gamer gaters

Wow shocked

I think Vee is happy with just sucking Sargons dick.

Who’s Vee

A gypsy

google "Veeh Monro" to find an article from a sidebar site. or watch 5 seconds of this video and you'll get the jist of who he is.

vee isnt too bad, but he definatly living in a massive cuck shadow

Lol if you actually believe anyone in that subreddit has ever had a date.

Perfect match tbh

that chick is disgusting, only darth tiffany is worse

I mean, Vore is a pretty disgusting fetish.

What if you're eating a tasty Person of Chocolate Kween?

The GF was eating those. Girl is tubbier than Ben and Jerries ice cream.

"The bigger the whore, the better the vore." - Danny DeVito

It’s just lame and weird

Like edgy twilight fans

0w0 I’m gonna digest you 0w0

Wow okay first of all

Sorry you're boring, sweaty.

I have no problem with cannibalism, meat is meat, but deriving sexual pleasure from ingesting humans (or animals) is just repulsive.

What if I get off from being ingested?

Lol, in the comments of her video

"Into vore but won't eat you out. Wat?"

Smart guy, pretty sure that pussy would give you diabetes.

I’m pretty sure he already had diabetes she said he ate 2lbs of twizzlers a day lmao

Oh damn, I didn't make it more than 30 seconds into the video before looking for something to make fun of in the comments. I guess it makes sense that they'd end up together though.

How is that even possible??

wait does that give people diabetes

probably stinks down there. fat rolls trap sweat like nothing else

Lmao anyone watch the full vid?

This fat nigga literally shit the bed lmao

This poor retarded woman

0 chance this is true there is nobody on that subreddit that has ever dated an actual man

How can i help finance the mayocide?

7.50% interest on a 2-year bond

jesus christ...

Attractive returns snally!

Very, but a little too risky even for me

Getting an IMF bailout, getting austerity, and being forced to privatize Eskom and other failing SOEs is the thing that might turn SA's economy right around.

Very risky though, yup!

What's going on with Eskom?

And what's the economic situation like in SA as experienced by non-economists/real people in terms of unemployment, underemployment, exports, sector development, foreign investment, etc?

What's going on with Eskom?

They have way too many staff sitting on their hands that they could fire. Government has this crazy notion that employing people is more important than providing affordable power! Eskom (and other SOEs) was gutted and looted by the greedy pigs in government.

And what's the economic situation like in SA as experienced by non-economists/real people in terms of unemployment, underemployment, exports, sector development, foreign investment, etc?

Unemployment is up at the moment.

Underemployment would depend on what you are doing. Corporate office workers wouldn't experience this. Underemployment would potentially be far worse if you were a domestic worker or a gardener (or a construction worker, that sector of the economy is in the doghouse) say.

Foreign investment is in the pooper.

If Eskom gets fixed, it will feed right back into businesses - especially operations that eat power like the (very much ailing) resources (resi) sector. The financial - industrial sector has fared far better than the resi.

Zuma was grossly corrupt and did a lot of damage. Cyril is also corrupt, but a lot less. The ANC is very much divided in two factions - a Zuma faction and a Cyril faction.

Personally, I would really like to see federalisation of the country. It would enable to one relatively well

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Do you see privatization happening in the future or even think that SA has a future at all? It seems like most lower-middle and middle-HDI African countries are steadily improving all around while SA is stagnating at best

SA is absolutely not doing well right now, but I think it still has a future. I think SOEs being privatized needs to happen to curb the theft. The government however absolutely isn't going to go full Zim on the farms, Cyril might be corrupt, but he absolutely isn't stupid.

SA is absolutely not doing well right now, but I think it still has a future. I think SOEs being privatized needs to happen to curb the theft.

What is the spirit of the people like with respect to this? Have they given up hope or are they still optimistic about/fighting for reform? Do they recognize that privatization is important?

The government however absolutely isn't going to go full Zim on the farms, Cyril might be corrupt, but he absolutely isn't stupid.

I hope not. Is that still part of the discourse? What are you going to do if shit hits the fan?

I think people are mixed on the issue. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who see the ANC as the "liberation party" (but are otherwise apolitical) and just give them there votes no matter how bad they become. I think the middle class and up would generally welcome it though. It wouldn't be the only solution, I would say that fixing corruption and "state capture" would be viewed as more important by the public.

I hope not. Is that still part of the discourse?

It is. Fortunately the National African Farmers Union ( seek a sensible policy.

What are you going to do if shit hits the fan?

I have a bunch of options, with family settled around the world. I could pop over to Australia / Canada / the US with a visit visa (got a 10 year multi-entry for the US, woohoo) and sort a permanent one out afterwards. I could also go somewhere else in Africa. I'm married to someone from the DRC, we have considered Burundi. It is stable, well-run, on the up-and-up and has a really good tech sector.

It wouldn't be the only solution, I would say that fixing corruption and "state capture" would be viewed as more important by the public.

Is there any sort of major activist movement trying to move this along?

Fortunately the National African Farmers Union ( seek a sensible policy.

That's good. Is the govt listening to them?

I'm married to someone from the DRC, we have considered Burundi. It is stable, well-run, on the up-and-up and has a really good tech sector.

Burundi? I thought it was still in the pits and that Rwanda was the one doing well. Why not another country in Southern Africa?

Is there any sort of major activist movement trying to move this along?

Not so much. There are groups like corruptionwatch and whatever, but they don't have real teeth. In South Africa, one could say that a lot of activism takes the form of "hectic protests" though, so in a sense... "kind of". The most pressure on government is really between the different factions of government really. :/

That's good. Is the govt listening to them?

I believe so, but who knows. The whole thing is on ice, anyway, until a committee reports back to the National Assembly by 31 March 2020. The only other major farmer's union is AgriSA and is more anti-reform in their suggestions. [There are more like the Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa, but they are small and too pro-boer for the government.]

Burundi? I thought it was still in the pits and that Rwanda was the one doing well.

I'm an idiot. Rwanda is exactly what I meant to say!

Not so much. There are groups like corruptionwatch and whatever, but they don't have real teeth. In South Africa, one could say that a lot of activism takes the form of "hectic protests" though, so in a sense... "kind of". The most pressure on government is really between the different factions of government really. :/

That's a shame. Hopefully one day there is a grassroots movement that everyone can unite behind.

The whole thing is on ice, anyway, until a committee reports back to the National Assembly by 31 March 2020.

The rhetoric is scary but there's probably not too much to worry about with respect to the land reform at the end of the day. At least from an outsider's perspective it seems like one of those things that's used to rally up the base and distract everyone from whatever corruption is going on, and if it were implemented it would lose its usefulness in addition to whatever crises it would cause.

I'm an idiot. Rwanda is exactly what I meant to say!

Oh, nice. The government seems a little weird, but its future seems bright. Anyway, thanks for answering all of my questions!

Hopefully one day there is a grassroots movement that everyone can unite behind.

Probably needs to be more social unrest or austerity or some other kindling to get this going.

At least from an outsider's perspective it seems like one of those things that's used to rally up the base and distract everyone from whatever corruption is going on, and if it were implemented it would lose its usefulness in addition to whatever crises it would cause.

This is exactly my thinking as an insider as well, it's just talk-talk-talk. (The fact is that the state currently owns enough land to do a fair amount of reform without taking a single extra farm!) Much like the ANC is talk-talk-talking about implementing NHI, which would be a disaster that they can't even pay for anyway.

Anyway, thanks for answering all of my questions!


i refuse to watch her video and i’m just going to assume this is a joke about Vee the youtuber who enjoys orcas, vore, and squeaking up his voice


I love how they utterly lack agency.

Wait, WHAT

I was 99% it was some guy trolling.

I love how bad she looked in the video compared to how edited her channel thumbnail is.

One of my former online friends was radicalized in 2016-2017. She was a BookTuber who at one point made a valid but poorly worded criticism of the DiversityThon, in that it was more performative than anything. A big shitstorm happened that led to her burning bridges with BookTube and right wingers love-bombed her and she slowly fell down the rabbit hole, starting out with Sargon type channels, then Molyneux, PJW, BPS and other alt-lite types, then full alt-right, then so hardcore Nazi that Brittany Pettibone stopped inviting her on (just try to imagine how racist and antisemitic one has to be for that to happen). It makes me angry that she turned into such Nazi scum but sad that someone who used to be a good person turned into something so horrible. And it happened over a matter of mere months. It was just mindblowing.

Imagine your movement being so intolerable that this happens 🤔