r/movies SEETHING after finding out the Chinese actress for Mulan is a nationalist who supports her country on the Hong Kong issue.

121  2019-08-15 by Stoicpeace


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


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If she didn’t she would disappear and/or die

Don't know why you got downvoted. You're right.

He could be right but sometimes people are just nationalistic.

Don't know why you got downvoted. You're right.

Am I in /r/Drama? Wtf? Complaining about downvotes? Are we SRD? MODS

Him getting downvoted is a symptom of the chapo menace that stalks this sub.


I don't care about downvotes, and never have used SRD, but I still want to purge commies from r/Drama. Are you a chapo sympathiser?

Dramanauts do not complain about downvotes ever.

I'm not complaining. I was just pointing out that I genuinely don't know why he got downvoted.


If Dramanauts didn't complain about downvotes, oversocialisation would be perma'd rn.

downvotes=more drama

therefore you can not complain about them

Instead you should call out downvoters for using it as a pissy button

If its chapos then let's post memes about immigrants in cages and their trans "cuties"(more like trans turds) thread to draw em out.

I can draw them out. o7

This week has been super weird here. Lots of SRD tier posting and voting.

That thread is so infuriarating.

Something vaguely negative about China and its authoritarianism


But muh America is literally a dictatorship and honestly we can't judge and quite sincerely China is not communist and..

Bootlicking is an incredibly accurate term.

Anyone that isn’t a faggot die hard chapo can say fuck China.

China is doing some really great things.

Are they still killing chinese?! I thought they stoped after Mao died

I don't know. Depends on what you consider Chinese 😑

Have you had a halal organ from a muslim prisoner yet? Best served with a side of wine imho

I only take organs grown in pigs. This way I know it isn't second-hand Uyghur garbage.

Like jackie chan.

And Israel too.

"You joke, but have you noticed a rise in a particular type of porn? Like someone powerful is trying to normalize wanting to have sex with his daughter."

The ability for these people to make literally anything and everything they want about daddy is uncanny.



Leftoids blame Daddy, Rightoids blame (((them))). Radical centrists know that its McAfee running the porn scene.

And McAfee is run by Shaitan himself.

Trump is literally a genius according to these retards. He’s committing a genocide, raping and murdering kids, changing the porn industry, killing people in high security prisons, etc.

And yet this is the person who should be leading the charge in disarming the masses. So much cognitive dissonance.

They did the same thing about push and will do the same thing with the next guy. The guy will be both an idiot and a genius international criminal depending on who you are talking to.

I wish I was smart and devious like daddy 😍


As much as I dislike revealing I studied a bit of sociology, do these faggots not realize avoidance has been a thing for thousands of years for this very reason? Hell, the first time I read about incest was when I was 12, in the road to Wigham pier, Orwell talks about how the family he was staying with was worried about sibling incest because they slept in the same bed. Porn is just tapping into a fetish that has existed forever.

Isn't it the same with Jackie Chan its not surprising if they wanna keep their job and/or live

Chan is from Hong Kong and hasn’t taken a definitive stance aside from “oh it’s so sad I hope there’s a resolution soon.”

Completely off topic but his dumbass cokehead son was in a terrible Chinese adaptation of the Mulan story a few years back.

Supporting the Chinese manifest destiny is fucking based. Reddit agrees.

That’s the fucked thing. Like will people just continue this line of dialogue for every disputed territory over the next few decades? How in the hell did imperialism get woke?

Tibet was theirs, Hong Kong needs to be returned, Taiwan is part of China, all of these island chains used to be part of China, ohh now random South Asian nations need to be given to China because it’s mostly Chinese living there now.

Crazy fucks are literally parroting the “One China” propaganda shit.

American left/progressives are mind numbingly retarded. I wouldn't mind it as much if their stupidity wasn't aped by liberals in my country blindly.


TBF Tibet wasn't recognized by any country, they were a bit more legitimate than the warlords because of their history but that was the extent of it. Also, I think part of the reason China is so frequently aggressive is because of the Korean War and the line Western governments adopted on them after. In India for example we were able to negotiate the return of pretty much every colony other than those held by the Portuegese and when we took those with force from them the major powers looked away. In contrast, China was only able to get back HK after the lease was over, that too with legal riders that made them a state within a state. Taiwan doesn't even claim to be a separate nation but they will likely never be able to take it, they had to give up Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan and Sikkim to India despite them being historically and geographically more proximate to Tibet. Plus their whole middle kingdom mindset still exists, they operate with imperial sphere of influence as inspiration.

Good points. I know Asian history is messy. It just makes me seethe when radlib types suddenly don’t care about imperialist posturing when they won’t shut the fuck up about it for any other country.

To be fair and "i mean," posters should be shot after running their bodies to the limit in a labor camp so hard and severe it makes stalinist gulags look like a resort.


While the others are BS. Tibet genuinely had it coming.

It can be really jarring, hearing the opinions of Chinese nationals on the treatment of groups like this in China (Uyghurs, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.).

If only we were based enough to deal with Muslims the same as the Chinese.

Everytime I feel sad I imagine the Hans raping Xiongnus in their steppe shithole and I become happy instead. Central Asia should have been a sea.

Never trust a chinese, even their pussies are sideways

Had witnessed 3 girls, one from Hong Kong, one from the mainland, and one from Taiwan, just go at it with each other. It was kinda crazy bc it was a conversation about a class that devolved into territory disputes.

So basically like the US and political parties.

Had witnessed 3 girls, one from Hong Kong, one from the mainland, and one from Taiwan, just go at it with each other.

Sounds pretty hot.


People from the PRC are largely brainwashed, nationalist drones, more news at 11

When you kill all your intelligentsia so the hans are basically human insects that replicate the beehive structure of bees

I fully support china here, because oligarchic imperialism is the only true way to build a multicultural society.

Disney is going to cut two entirely different versions of this Mulan remake, right? One for the west which is going to be girl power wokeshit and one for GLORIOUS ZHONGGUO FIVE THOUSAND YEAR EMPIRE.

Both will suck.