These people are retards, but at least they're retards doing something to stop what they think are "concentration camps." Think about how many faggots there are on Twitter celebrating that dork who attacked the ICE facility but doing literally nothing themselves
That’s why this sub blows now, all the KIAutists have literal Aspergers and make no attempt bantz. Anytime politics come up you all sit around clutching pearls and jerking each other off. I don’t care if you’re a rightoid but at least try to be funny.
I’m out. r/drama was fun two years ago when no one took themselves seriously (arf arf), but it’s been dead for awhile. Time to accept that 😫😩😫😫😖😭😢😔😟😩🥴
I understand that they want to protest and what they're protesting is a legitimate reason to protest but the blocking roads method of protesting is so fucking stupid and counter productive. You're disrupting innocent people from going about their day, how would that not ruin the optics of your cause? Damn idiots
I love that the defense for these idiots being able to block traffic is that they're calling awareness to an issue that is being passively ignored.
If I lean my head out the window and verbally acknowledge that I don't give a shit about your misinformed take, will you let me pass? You can mark me down on the wrong side of history if you want, I promise I'm good for it.
Do you feel like them using Concentration Camps to describe ICE facilities is really defanging the term? Like when Jews bitch about all their “Relatives” who died in the Holocaust (As they are apt to do) it’s like who cares. All that is a place where people are detained by the Government or whatever.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-15
You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-08-15
for the r/publicfreakout thread using absolutely zero hyperbole
1 gunowner63 2019-08-15
I don't think you linked it correctly
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-08-15
fixed that for you
1 nybbas 2019-08-15
"rams" "coasts" you say tomato, I say Honda Civic.
1 classicwowcomin 2019-08-15
We CA now bois
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-08-15
only true radical centrists can laugh at people who block a road then cry about getting run over, regardless of the reason.
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 Professor_Crunchwrap 2019-08-15
How so?
2 WeWuzKANG5 2019-08-15
3 month account, probably a brapo.
1 boyoyoyoyong 2019-08-15
The first holocaust in history where the victims come to the perpetrators
1 YaBoyStevieF 2019-08-15
Really makes you think, doesn't it
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-08-15
Jews literally going for round 110 🤣🤣🤣
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-15
I got to admire the spirit
1 zergling_Lester 2019-08-15
hehe, silly
1 ThousandQueerReich 2019-08-15
I watched that video. Tfw when the cameraman goes to see who got run over by the truck and there are literally no victims there 😒
1 couscous_anonym0us 2019-08-15
Especially monstrous
2 wwaalleess 2019-08-15
The fact that they did this 76 years to the day of the 6 month anniversary of the Holocaust is especially monstrous.
1 lolnope06 2019-08-15
These people are loons. No normal person remembers the date of the Charlottesville riot. It's not like it's a national holiday.
1 CthuIhuhoop 2019-08-15
Especially heinous when pride month was just 2 months ago... Disgusting attacks on our youth.
1 Professor_Crunchwrap 2019-08-15
Lmao some dude in there has a twatter account strictly for doxxing people.
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-08-15
the dude driving the truck has been doxxed
1 BannedAccountNumber6 2019-08-15
Got a link to the news or anything?
0 Minimum_T-Giraff 2019-08-15
"doxxed" Really man?
1 hemmorhoidvania 2019-08-15
1 TigerBelmont 2019-08-15
1 RecallRethuglicans 2019-08-15
I'm sure the Nazi guards were just "doing their job" as well
1 hemmorhoidvania 2019-08-15
Get a new meme, retard.
1 jewdanksdad 2019-08-15
Imagine being so retarded you not only compare Jews to illegal immigrants, you compare ICE to nazis committing mass genocide
1 BannedAccountNumber6 2019-08-15
Isn’t this a Jewish organization protesting though?
1 hemmorhoidvania 2019-08-15
If you block access to someone's home or place of business, you're not peaceful, you fucking morons.
2 Stenwalden 2019-08-15
Next time they should run them over with a fucking snow plow
1 Green_and_Lean 2019-08-15
These people are retards, but at least they're retards doing something to stop what they think are "concentration camps." Think about how many faggots there are on Twitter celebrating that dork who attacked the ICE facility but doing literally nothing themselves
1 VanillaReign 2019-08-15
Yet speech is violence to these people 🤣
1 LongjumpingExtreme5 2019-08-15
I bet you hated the Civil Rights protestors too sweaty
1 BannedAccountNumber6 2019-08-15
Atleast he’s not triggered like you apparently lul 🤣
1 LongjumpingExtreme5 2019-08-15
That’s why this sub blows now, all the KIAutists have literal Aspergers and make no attempt bantz. Anytime politics come up you all sit around clutching pearls and jerking each other off. I don’t care if you’re a rightoid but at least try to be funny.
I’m out. r/drama was fun two years ago when no one took themselves seriously (arf arf), but it’s been dead for awhile. Time to accept that 😫😩😫😫😖😭😢😔😟😩🥴
1 Le_Master_Le_Trole 2019-08-15
what a brave martyr
1 hemmorhoidvania 2019-08-15
Imagine being so asshurt you delete your account, all because I called some morons a bunch of fucking morons.
1 BannedAccountNumber6 2019-08-15
Omg he seriously deleted his account 😂 I wasent even being that serious wtf
1 BernieMadeoffSanders 2019-08-15
too bad he slowed down and gave them time to get out of the way
1 tHeSiD 2019-08-15
this pissed me off, should've just kept going
1 tomsellecksferrari 2019-08-15
ICE needs to hire some ex-UC Davis cops.
1 jolene_w_ 2019-08-15
I understand that they want to protest and what they're protesting is a legitimate reason to protest but the blocking roads method of protesting is so fucking stupid and counter productive. You're disrupting innocent people from going about their day, how would that not ruin the optics of your cause? Damn idiots
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-08-15
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 angrybathrobe 2019-08-15
it's those little moments that make life worth it :')
1 lolnope06 2019-08-15
This shit got me banned from /r/news for pointing out that this wouldn't have happened to them if they didn't block a roadway like a bunch of tards.
2 WeWuzKANG5 2019-08-15
You're not allowed to question their methods or law-breaking, only encouragement and donations to Bernie are allowed.
1 SnappyIsMyWaifu 2019-08-15
I'm going to go get run over by an SUV, match me!
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-08-15
... You do know that pedestrians always have the right of way? Right?
1 herrmaiskolben 2019-08-15
No they don't. Who told you that bullshit?
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 oss_spy 2019-08-15
That doesnt apply to interstates and highways you dumb motherfucker. It's illegal to be a pedestrian on such a roadway.
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-08-15
Which wasn't the case here you troglodyte
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 ExoneratedGEOTUS 2019-08-15
1 911roofer 2019-08-15
Was anyone seriously injured? There's a difference between bumping someone with your car and going full Charlotseville.
1 CCAlkie 2019-08-15
I love that the defense for these idiots being able to block traffic is that they're calling awareness to an issue that is being passively ignored.
If I lean my head out the window and verbally acknowledge that I don't give a shit about your misinformed take, will you let me pass? You can mark me down on the wrong side of history if you want, I promise I'm good for it.
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 GENDER_OF 2019-08-15
Hong Kong protesters block road ways too.
1 SnickersRey 2019-08-15
Do you feel like them using Concentration Camps to describe ICE facilities is really defanging the term? Like when Jews bitch about all their “Relatives” who died in the Holocaust (As they are apt to do) it’s like who cares. All that is a place where people are detained by the Government or whatever.
1 Freethrowawayer 2019-08-15
This person attempted to commit manslaughter! So they attempted to accidentally kill you?
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-15
Stupid Jews, Trump is on YOUR side
1 Gskar-009 2019-08-15
Darwinning lol
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15
1 bumshecksagogo 2019-08-15
Not as good as this one:
1 slaytina44 2019-08-15
what is it about protestors getting hit by cars I find so arousing?
1 prizmaticanimals 2019-08-15
Ah, yes, the definition of a peaceful protest, block a fucking detention facility.