Britbong government activates some almonds regarding to skyrocketing knife crime

81  2019-08-15 by Stenwalden



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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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40% upvoted.

Clearly the Bongoids are S E E T H I N G at this news.

r/unitedkingdom is one big perpetual seethe t b h

Did they get their lolicense to seethe?

The best thing about Bongcels like r/unitedkingdom is how they like to smugpost about how much they love living in a nanny state. Imagine being so pathetic you like living in a country where you have to have the police come over and babysit you when you need to use a butter knife or look at porn.

Every time knife laws in the UK come up on reddit there's bongians defending them because "well we can carry pocket knives you just have to have a good reason" as if that's not just pathetic statist coping.

Britain is 1984

but more retarded

1984 would be very different if Big Brother was any of the recent PMs and the guards only had unsharpened spoons. Also the telescreens don't work if you forget your TV loicense.

Next they will put CCTV cameras in the chicken boxes to monitor the urban youths

I stand by my previous statements. The UK is unsalvagable in its present state, and should encourage unlimited immigration and mayocide to displace the local populace with less pathetic individuals.

Or it should just sink so we can forget about it

I have a tiny 1% residual love for America's Boomer Grandma, so my suggestion is that island is depopulated and left to nature to reclaim and in 100 years the British experiment can be tried again.

Only if we do the same to the San Francisco bay area as well, and relocate the entire population to Bakersfield while this happens.

I'm halfway with you. Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Merced, Modesto, all those cities are easily in the running for the worst cities in America and should be turned into a giant dust bowl.

Is “knife crime” genuinely a big problem in Bongland?

Yah. There are people there that want more "knife control". Like some tards there go "remove sharp points from knifes, nobody needs those"

Like some tards there go "remove sharp points from knifes, nobody needs those"

I'm honestly unsure how someone can be this retarded. You can turn a block of steel into a knife in a few minutes using an angel grinder.

It's people that never cook food . You don't even need a block of steel it can be done by anything hard material and a stone.

We're talking about a culture that subsides on fish fingers, beans, and pre-sliced toast. They don't know what a knife is for. I'm shocked they allow tins of beans tbh, those lids should require a licence to remove.

Apparently so if they are resorting to putting warnings about it in fucking fast food boxes lmao

I’m curious if they’re counting any teenager walking around with a pocket knife on them as “knife crimes”, instead of something like actual stabbings

According to their informative website, walking around with a pocket knife nets you four years in prison.

Jesus Christ, the 1984 meme is real

They have seriously proposed a law that would copy law enforcement on all messaging in the country (Email, IM etc). It's way past real at this point.

What the fuck, meanwhile my dad accidentally brings a pocketknife into the Canadian Parliament and it just gets confiscated until it’s time to leave.

dude, like 4-5 years ago I walked with big ass knife (30cm log, double edge) to the COURT, because latter I was going to post ship it to buyer and forgot I had it in backpack and it could be something you should not bring to court.

To this day, I can't believe how stupid I was.

The story is just so silly too. It's like "take up piano or basketweaving instead of carrying a knife!" Is knife carrying a hobby of some sort? wtf?

I used to have a melanin enriched turkish friend from a UK council estate and he said it was very common for people to buy zombies knoives just because it was fun to use if they got into knoif foights. They look like something out of a video game.

There's some stabbing going on, but it's not such as to excite the attention of a typical burger, even tho' it's supposed to be britbongs' fallback for not having guns.

An extra level of stupid in this whole kafuffle, and why I was figuring on posting this myself, is that it's not even as though KFC is typically black food in Britain. If KFC had to rely on the black pound over here they'd got broke in a matter of days. But only an idiot expects critical thinking skill from Diane Abbott, for a start.

Crumpets are absolutely delusional. Imagine being okay with your government taking away every option of self defense you have


"All these threaten the very survival of the system. The system will therefore be FORCED to use every practical means of controlling human behavior."

More than 321,000 boxes will replace standard packaging at outlets including Chicken Cottage, Dixy Chicken and Morley's, the Home Office said.

I can’t imagine going to a chicken place with no African Americans there. For real.

The last time I went into a chicken place I ran into a legit black hebrew israelite. Kid you not. Blinged out star of David and a pickup truck covered in insane bumper stickers.

I bet it was delicious

Absolutely retarded. WW3 is long overdue, we need to dump all the violent people and retarded larpers.