Commie Troid claims to have converted a Nazi on /averageredditor, shows up in the Poo-rama thread to defend his gay relationship with receipts. But that's only the beginning of this lurid tale...

155  2019-08-15 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole

Hes currently sperging out telling people to off themselves, but this story runs deeper.

This is him 2 years ago asking why hes such a pathetic sack of shit.

Here he's asking for validation in r/lgbt for being an incel a little later

Starts posting on /traaaaaaans embracing literally every troid stereotype

This transtimelines post lmao

And finally, this hilarious fanfiction about the supposed conversion of a Nazi with the power of his butthole

That leads us to the r/averageredditor slapfight where he admits it was a lie but instead decided to double down

Now hes fighting with everyone in Poo-rama and telling them to kill themselves. This is a level 9 lolcow folks, we need to be cautious in herding them here.

(Sorry in advance for the effort post, it's my day off lmao)


The incel -> tranny pipeline is real.

Seriously. He couldn't get laid so he became the woman he wanted

All that's missing is the weebshit and sissy hypno.

Ask him about it, hes here now lol

Pretty sad tbh, the dude wasn't awful looking, he probably could've found someone eventually

It's funny, if he just would've done a few of the things, like clean up and lose weight, without becoming trans he probably would've been knee deep in gash instead of getting railed by NatSocs

Went from not awful looking to hot and knee deep in cock

You should stick around, we need more based commies to scare away some of the CAfugees

Literally all of the Chapo subs have been poisoned with liberalism it's disgusting

Stay in drama please. We need your trussy to use on the MDEfugees.

bruh if you think you're hot idk what universe you see when you look in the mirror, but it ain't this one

I posted evidence for the claim You're obv just illiterate or retarded

You went from not being able to get laid to getting rammed in the ass by Nazis in just 2 years, its actually rather impressive

See this is a good bit 9/10. Yeah I was a sad lonely rightoid fuck like most people here and now I'm getting plowed on the daily and and commie pilling everyone around me.

I thought you were an ace though?

I thought I was then I realized I just didn't like to have sex a man

I became a woman because I'm a bottom

Look at galaxy brain over here

Not really the same You're retarded

Your right, most women dont like gettin rammed in the ass

Most woman don't have a g spot in their ass

Actually no women do

Learn basic biology libtard

There are. Ot genders, only tops and bottoms

I like semi unironically agree

Are the ones who switch non-binary? 🤔


Oh sweaty, if you think these are all a bunch of rightoids dunking on you I have bad news. For example, Trappysaruh is a troid and one of our best mods. We just like to make fun of the mentally handicapped whenever we can, and communist trannys are like peak retardation. But then you took it a step farther and started fucking NatSocs and pretending you opened their eyes to the horrors of capitalism. Capitalism is the only reason your insanity is even allowed, any actual communist nation would've gulaged you a long time ago

All the comments here are great examples of mental handicap. What I'm saying is it's a bad take coming from super depressed and anxious indiviuals.

Also just because you have a black friend doesn't make you not racist dingus.

I'm not here to debate my ideology I'm here to talk about how hot I am and how my trussy is so good it's turns the staunchest of right wingers into good little mls

I'm here to talk about how hot I am and how my trussy is so good it's turns the staunchest of right wingers into good little mls

You're literally just an incel with a shitty ideology fucking other incels with shitty ideologies. The only bonus of all this is that you cant reproduce

Pretty ok bit. You're a lonely incel as well so not a great take. He'll reproduce and we'll raise a child together

Edit: egg doner time

Lol I'm neither lonely or an incel, nice projection though. And how is he going to reproduce if your butthole is just so damn enticing? 🤔

Egg doner

Is this from the retarded egg_irl shit? That shit is a literal cult lmao of course youd cling to it

No lol I'm talking about someone donating an overy egg and having someone else also carry the baby lol

Omg you meant a egg-donor lmao your atrocious spelling threw me off

Are you a robot? I literally said and spelt it the same way as you besides the dash lol

Lmao its donor not doner. Doner sounds like some redneck cooking a steak, "I just need to get it more doner!"

LOL oh shit I didn't realize I fucked up lol

Would you fuck daddy to turn him to the trussy side?

My trussy is already owned sadly

I'm sure it could fit a few more nazi dicks inside

Too tight

Give it time


how hot I am and how my trussy is so good it's turns the staunchest of right wingers into good little mls

Weird way of saying barely passing troid that takes it in the ass from a thirsty Nazi

Truly the oddest of flexes

Very well passing troid taking it from a high T Chad


He's not a Nazi anymore a good old ML Chad

No Chad in the history of Chaddery has ever sported the 3 hair peach-fuzz lip. You're fucking a beta bitch. I'm surprised you're not pegging him honestly.

That's pretty good! You're still much lower T because you have such low self esteem you hide your face. Coward

Imagine posting personal information on an anonymous internet forum lmao

Self doxxing is the ultimate Chad move

I... I cant argue with that lol

Based tranny scores a clean hit

You’d fit in well here unironically.

I'm mod now I'm here to stay

I for one welcome our new ladydick overlord.

We could (and have) done worse

post Trussy please

No thanks 🤢

To late, they already did lmao

Congratulations on joining the bourgeoisie. Did you go through and distinguish every single one of your comments?

Now this fellow retards is based as fuck


You could call it a red pill of sorts

Yeah I use that term when I'm around other commies

Leftists and stealing memes, name a more iconic duo

Your meme has been appropriated by the central committee comrade

You already stole the identity of a woman so stealing memes isnt really below you

Fucking meme kulak. With the gulag to you

The word redpill? Tranners coined the term. The right stole it

Thank you for setting off mikehunt, this has been a breddy gud slapfight

Edit: stop downvoting him, cowards, or he’s gonna pizzashill

Everyone here seems pretty cool except Mikehunt he seems hella triggered

Na, just bored lol


It's my day off, couldn't think of anything better to do 😂

I guess when you don’t wanna work then that becomes your job.

Eh, I had a 6 day stretch of working both my jobs, I'm just here to blow off some steam

Using both hands doesn’t suddenly make it two jobs

It does if they're paying me

Weak willed people easily swing from one extreme ideology to another. The fact that you and your bf both swung from extreme right to extreme left shows how frivolous your beliefs are. I hope for your sake your gender is a bit more substantial. But I wouldn't cut off your dong yet just in case.

3/10 bit

X/10 Bit is a 1/10 bit cope retards use to convince themselves they aren't retatded.

Somewhere on the internet, there is a forum for nazis and there is a guy bragging how he fucked a trans commie girl in the ass. And he gets in long arguments about how he is totally not gay. All while the other nazis are secretly jealous that he does what all nazis want: Fucking trans commie bussy.

I have a serious question since others are just being mean to you.

How much of your life would you say you spend on the internet? You've talked about being an incel and using 4chan in the past, so it must be higher than average.

Please answer honestly.

More recently because I was unemployed (quit job a week ago got a new one today) but normally only an hour or two a day

Your idealization of fringe political ideologies and willingness to share your pictures with strangers online lead me to believe you are severely unsocialized and grew up lonely and depressed. Your need to defend yourself online by replying to every attack against you shows you are obviously insecure and possess a compulsion to prove yourself composed and in control. You seem to be searching for an identity outside the mold, sinking a great deal of yourself in obviously controversial subjects to appear thoughtful and contrarian. I'd even go as far to say that your appeasement to these ideologies and your habit of defining those around you by their specific ideologies shows a real disconnect with the real world and you're probably basing your worldview off the content of online forums and websites.

I appreciate the effort and trying to phycologically take me apart but it's very far off. May have been accurate in my Nazi phase but not anymore. I'm typing most of these while hanging out with a group of friends waiting for my partner to get off of work so we can go get icecream with another couple we are friends with. My worldview is built out of my experience as a worker and having been in other countries that do it better. I actively practice my politics outside of the internet by doing work for IWW and writing articles for local news papers and articles for RevLeft mag as well as leading a small local org..

Yes, and I only mod drama on my free time and am a rocket engineer on my free time.

Do you think depression is a mental illness?

That's cool! It definitely is. It's a illness that needs to be medicated and exercised though therapy

I rest my case.

The delusions definitely have effect on the ego. Everything I just said is confirmed by your masturbatory response attempting to reaffirm me you are normal. Your views on depression also tell me you've never accepted responsibility for anything in your life and probably blame your problems on external forces beyond your control. I'm also going to predict you are on some form of medication that is placating you into believing posting about your sexual exploitation of a self-proclaimed nazi is normal behavior for an adult.

No meds besides that good estrogen

Thank you for your milquetoast "commie no take responsibility" that shit is tired as hell and some dumb Boomer shit. I have issues and make mistakes I just don't think that in the richest country in the world I should have to massively struggle to not be on the streets just waiting for one accident to happen to ruin my life when Cuba has who makes 1/8th the money per person had that shit figured out.

Also talking about fucking on Reddit is hella Chadly and you can't change my mind on that lol

Your attempts to shift the topic of conversation into politics proves my point that you've centered a large part of your identity around your political leanings. Its obviously a topic you're more comfortable talking about since looking inwardly at yourself and your position in life is a hard thing to do. In your quest to become an individual, you've become a parrot for a political ideology. It's not healthy and will only further alienate you from others if it hasn't already.

That's a good take actually and fairly accurate. My past is extremely traumatic so I often run from it and the only thing that's really stopped me from killing myself is the idea that I have dedicated my life to making sure there is less suffering in the world which I came to find ment establishing socialism so politics is the focal point of my entire self because politics is realistically the only way to snub suffering at it's roots rather than treat the symptoms

What traumas have you experienced in the past?

Rape several times, homelessness getting beaten by my stepdad, drug abuse basically sums it all up

no wonder you are fuckup and a commie

jesus christ man



No wonder you're such a fatty.

May have been accurate in my Nazi phase but not anymore.

"I was a Nazi a couple years ago, but now I'm a communist! And a woman somehow!"

Yeah, nothing off there.

this is literally everything he said about you

"I'm writing multiple paragraphs on reddit while surrounded by friends for hours on end"

Okay retard

I work part time atm and haven't had work in the last couple of days and am basically a trad wife rn. And if you'll notice around the time I said that my messages got shorter


I'm taking back my vote. You are now bestmod. Sorry snally.

Join the Reich soldier, the MFBR needs you! ✊

We all must do our part to secure the future of the Friedman race.


I'm doing my part! o7


I earnestly respect what you are trying to do. But surely you know that this person is not going to listen to a voice of reason.

Came here for trussy and got psych analysis. Don't regret.

This is why Milton is the best mod.

This is so based.


Show your body

Not bad actually, but I’m gonna take away several points because I opened this link while sitting next to my gfs grandmother

Thanks and LOL

not bad

this is what mayo does to ur brain

Compared to most trannies she isn’t that bad

Especially considering what she started as

Very true, this isnt a Yaniv type situation where exactly zero effort is involved.


she looks like the classic bellyfat mayomoid

which, yes, is better

pls i am BEGGING you to post Trussy 😭😭😭

My porn account is sassycassy69 go hog wild lad

thnx bby 💦

Nice dick bulge, very feminine

I mean the pic was for my porn Reddit so ofc the bulge is showing

can you play anything on that epiphone les paul?

No I'm shit at guitar


Tbh high tier tranny. Nice face. Don't let these transphobes discourage you queen.

Tyyy ❤️

Thirst harder fag

I agree you're not bad looking, but you need to lose like 20-25 lbs and develop more muscle tone to achieve true passing status. You can do it.

Thank you! I working on it

Congratulations on joining the bourgeoisie. Did you go through and distinguish every single one of your comments?

A couple of them. I am the posting elite now

It's sexual market forces at work. Which is ironic since they're all tankies.

Would you rather have Chads transition?

Nah. I want Chad in a chastity device oinking while his prostate gets milked.

Idk that sounds kinda gay.

That's kind of my thing sweaty.

Haha, gay. Just do what I do and chase after masculine men while wearing a skirt. Not gay then

Masculine men are <3 but I find the skirt a particularly unappealing and unattractive piece of clothing. Besides. I want it to be gay. Doubly so if I'm bottoming.

Hi hello you guys seem like def stable and not putrid individuals

Hi, I have some questions:

  • How much anime do you watch and what's your favorite?
  • Do you have an F-list and can I see it?
  • Have you ever willingly and knowingly exposed yourself to the Discord application?

Your answers to these questions will aid in the betterment of all mankind. Thank you for your participation.

Not much just all mid 00s hipster shit. Probs FLCL and Akira

Basically anything related to being dommed I'm to

Discord is fucking cancer but I talk to some old 4chan friends on there and use it sometimes.

Have you watched Jojo?

Nooo I need to

How do you call yourself a weeb and haven't watched Jojo? That's like the only anime that truly appreciates the male form. 🤤

Lol true

Please stay in drama. We need you. 🤗

trex youre fast rising up the list of most based people on this sub.

This is the highest order of compliment I could receive from a drama poster and I need to shower and rethink my life.

We all do brother

We are def putrid but tbh you seem cool to me, despite being a commie.

Thank ya

Hes lying

You seem really angry. What? The sight of a hot girl with a cock got your mind all messed up?

You ain't Chanel Santini sweaty, just a weird little incel

All I hear is "I want your girlcock I'm just too much of a cuck to admit it".

Lol if I wanted to fuck a dude I could

Doubt it

I'm like this close to going over and railing my neighbor just to prove a point

Do it pussy

No in his ass

I unironically laughed out loud at that 11/10

Fyi I'm just being a dick because it's funny, dont take this seriously.

I'm not lol

I think you'd fit in fine round here

I'm liking it so far!

Cool, we just gotta work on the whole communism thing. We're Radical Centrists round these parts

Everybody but me gets gulaged so in a way I'm a radical centerist


Ur larp faggot

t. 40%

Get a better joke. You literally have two jokes

stop replying

go reddit yourself

Do it pussy you wont

Don't even think of double dog daring me

I triple dog dare you

Ah fuck, I'm grabbing the lube now

Talk to me about mouthfeel

Feels like I got a dick in my mouth

Imagine thinking that it's hard to fuck guys lol

That is true of every person, on the planet, ever, throughout human history

Sorry, I'm just a huge fan of mental illness manifesting itself online 🤗 very stunning and brave of you

I think it's funny that rightoids use mental illnesses as an insult when you all circlejerk about how depressed, anxious and socially retarded you all are.

Wanna insult me be fun and interesting about it.

Don't quote the suicide rate because you guys cry about male suicide Don't go hurrdurr but gay because it's doesn't go anywhere and it's super tired and easy Some weird aspect of you doesn't look totally right yeah I'm not a fucking model I'm still hotter than 90% of American inbred fucks anywhere I go. Mental disorder as explained above.

Those are all boring and tired hit me where it hurts. The incel to tranny pipeline bit is fun shit like that

The incel to tranny pipeline bit is fun shit like that

That's because its true. You even admitted to being a 4chan nazi incel, but then you decided to become the woman you couldn't get instead of just improving yourself like a normal person

Counterpoint: I was a sad angry virgin that no heterosexual woman wanted to get with because I was a woman and was repressing it. The first time I came out as trans I was 13 which far predates my Nazi phase. I became a Nazi after I had given up hope in life after I was on the streets at 15 because my family fucking hated me after coming out. I became bitter and fucked up and then I decided that I would try being a girl out before I killed myself and here we are today

I became bitter and fucked up and then I decided that I would try being a girl out before I killed myself and here we are today

You made the wrong choice tbh

Good bit 6/10. I would do it now but I'd disappoint my cat

Studies show that cats don't give a shit about their people, just so we are being intellectually honest here. As long as you do it somewhere that it can gnaw on you when it's food bowl is empty it'll be ok.

Or do go somewhere it can gnaw it's on me so I can feed it one last time

You already do

Why not break that glass ceiling and just shoot up a school so you can get suicided by police?

If you're happy and in a place where you'll be stable for a long period of time then keep on keepin on. You should probably see a psychologist to prevent your baggage from the past from seeping into your life tho

Thank you ♥️ I go to therapy! Thanks for the concern

You disappoint me snally 😔 serious posting to the lolcow should automatically demod you

I felt like I needed to balance out the people encouraging the suicide of the cow

I only did that once and only because he walked right into it 😤

We have to encourage the preservation of the 60% of lolcows

It's a commodity to valuable to lose

especially in a no-ping /r/drama

If you're happy and in a place where you'll be stable for a long period of time then keep on keepin on.

the problem is if you ever have to say this

you're the opposite of that

Counterpoint: You are a gay man interested in other gay men that want to pretend to be straight

Not interested in gay men lol. I try to be supportive of homosexuals and lesbians don't bother me but I generally can't stand gay men.

You're dating a gay man lol


It's literally not a joke. He's in a relationship with a dude, that's gay

Onejoke.jpg I'll respond when you say something interesting moron

I hope you and your gay boyfriend have a wonderful homosexual relationship


It's even legal for you guys to get married now. Now that's want epic win


Why won't you accept that 2 dudes fucking each other is gay

Yaaaaaawn please get another bit

Not a bit, just a fact

you are super mad


stop replying


Thanks Mike, looking good!

Just lookin our for my homeboy 😤

he's literally made five other jokes in this same thread

And I responded to them. I'm not going to respond to the same tired joke that goes nowhere. Get better at insulting trans people

And I responded to them

yes cuz ur mad

I'm not going to respond to the same tired joke that goes nowhere

but you do, every single time

Cuz I'm bored

stop replying

His boyfriend is busy

The confusion comes from him being gay and not a faggot.

I'm not sure how this dude is coping this hard lmao. In what world is 2 guys dating and fucking not really gay?

Rhymes with town-whirled

Extremely triggered by pedos thinks calling people gay is some kind of insult

If you weren't so fucking obvious your posts would be fun, but nooo you HAVE to act like this don't you.

Im gonna stick my nuts in your ass lmao

If you like men, but not gay men, so why don't you just date gay men that pretend to be straight? oh. Never mind. You do perfect already.

r/drama users like to quote the 40% suicide rate because they've been telling everybody to kill themselves for years and the trans community are the only ones who have taken them up on it

True heroes o7

then you decided to become the woman you couldn't get instead of just improving yourself

The process might be unconventional but it sounds like improvement to me.

Plus, all the estrogen guarantees that she can't handle guns well enough to shoot up a school like a virgin mayo would.

Plus, all the estrogen guarantees that she can't handle guns well enough to shoot up a school like a virgin mayo would.

Damn that's one hell of a positive spin lol

Well you gotta take what you can get - and taking a dick in your ass is a better option than getting a bullet in your head.

Fuck well that's goin on my tombstone lol

Public Relations: 100

Wrong on all accounts. This is a radical centrist sub and anyone with depression or any other mental disorder plebbitors brag about having should be imprisoned or stoned, as is stated in Sharia Law.

Good bit!

check your messages >:(


how come you don’t message me?

how come you don't talk to me in deuxchat anymore?


Now kiss

I think it's funny that rightoids use mental illnesses as an insult when you all circlejerk about how depressed, anxious and socially retarded you all are.

literally no u, you trannies are all about how mental illness needs to be de stigmatized

Some are. I'm not making any commentary on whether mental illness should be de stigmatized I just think it's rich that people who all whine about how depressed and retarded they are are trying to tell me I'm depressed and retarded like it's a bad thing

rightoids almost never whine about mental ilnes. seriously. they don't.

Quit sperging in my replies you sad little fuck I keep thinking someone creative is insulting me

stop replying

Get your gay boyfriend in here

I'm not going to bring my boyfriend into Reddit drama I'm not thaaat retarded

Wait that's where you draw the line? Lmao

I still have lines that are not to be crossed you can see how uncomfortable my bf looks in that pic I took of us. He knew what I was doing with it lol

Yeah I would be afraid of being outed as a gay nazi too

That's actually fair lol I wasn't really thinking about the context I was posting pictures of him in lol

Chapo check

98 of xXAssBlaster69420Xx's last 815 comments (12.02%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Jun. 29, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 1126.

I don't go there anymore it's fucking shit

That’s a good take.

I had no idea chapobot worked here and I'm absolutely thrilled

Some of the others didn’t work here. I noticed this one worked yesterday. I’ve wanted it here for awhile now.

Half of the people who are attacking you are just doing it for fun. Another quarter are probably CA refugees that snuck past the border wall.

Yeah Ikk that's why I'm just goofing


This person is absolutely a stable genius.

Literally ticking off every single stereotype 😂

This is unironically the most drama our sub has had for the past few months. So congrats OP for being the most autistic of everyone here I guess

Yay! Honestly tho, I just try and keep it interesting, I miss old drama 😢

Don't we all😭

Gender disphoria and autism go hand and hand so they would be attracted to Minecraft, and gaming as an adult in general.

lol those averageredditor posters are some lolcows xhirselves

I actually enjoy the sub but the comments are trash lol


The trannsexuals may have a point about rightoids jokes not being clever enough

horse shoe theory yet again

it cant keep getting away with it


I just got bored over there lol

There’s a fine line between clever brevity and DUDE 56%

it's funny because of how mad it makes this guy

he's so bored he has to reply to every post

I dont think its supposed to be a joke.

Did I miss the implied /s?

Too much irony in drama

What ever happened to dat suka or whatever?

Multiple suspensions I think.

I'm basically a irl anime girl. I watch anime and dress and act anime girly and even have those thot cat ear headphones.

We need another world war

Or a plague. Or a meteor strike. Really anything at this point would be appreciated.

the advent of android catgirls

Tbh I'm almost pro commie at this point just so i can see 90% of the country starve to death.


Global warming will be a slow burn but it'll be worth it.

2nd impact when

I was kinda on her side for coming here to dunk on some of the mouthbreathers that think "troid LMAO" is any level of bantz but this right here is unforgivable.

AssBlaster, you're cute pre and post op but so help me god if you embarrass my species by acting like an anime girl in public, I will see whatever city you live in annexed from your country.

I don't in public lol you can see how I dress on my profile.

I'm autistic but even I know that shit stays at homr

Get this guy a fuckin puppers

fucking. embarassing.

Based tranner



You're fun, I hope you stick around

I will!

Silly troid, the cat ear headphones are not what makes a thot.

If you can't laid with that face, it is 100% your attitude

Fucking right?

I know that for guys that are in fetishes it's hard not to be total spergout but fuck dating apps, go out, drink and actually talk to people!

It was def my personality back then. I was a Nazi and extremely suicidal and toxic then I grew up and became a happy commie tgirl

What do you mean by "I was a Nazi" though. Like you wanted to reunite Germany and conquer Europe while you ethnically cleanse Jews and other undesirables from the world, or the new definition where you just hate Jews and niggers but dont do shit but complain on the internet about it.

Yes to the first one

I find this highly doubtful

Doubt away I care not

I will, because it's either not true or you are so mentally weak that you simply jumped from one extreme to the other as a substitute for a personality

It was a slow move

I figured you were a little slow


was a Nazi and extremely suicidal and toxic

so here's how i know you're lying

internet rightoids have their own problems, like being teenagers who'd rather eat burgers than work out, but they're almost never suicidal.

meanwhile, internet commie trannies constantly talk about how suicidal they are.

You obviously have never been around internet Nazis. And why respond to a bunch of threads all of a sudden triggered ass. Sit your retarded ass down lad

You obviously have never been around internet Nazis.

think again libtard. i've been around so many internet extremists your eyes would spin. anprims, anfash, natsoc, stalinists. yeah i'm an epic gamer. TAKE THAT

Damn that's freaking epic broo

stop replying

tbh I can respect the trans part (even though it is largely a choice and a decadent fetish) but being a commie as a trans is unforgivable. Literally the only reason you even have the option of living as a trans woman is due to the ripe fruits of capitalism. To be pro trans but anti capitalism is pure contradiction and retardation if you spend some time thinking about it. All extreme political ideologies are pure cope and delusion.


I'm basically a irl anime girl. I watch anime and dress and act anime girly and even have those thot cat ear headphones.

This trap is miles away from Belle Delphine 3/10 would not buy her bathwater

You would if you were a thirsty Nazi

You might not but other thristy gamer boys do

These “women” describe themselves at hot and quirky lady’s, but the pics always disappoint. ):

At least Belle is fuckable.

You have a day off and this is what you chose to spend doing with it?

I salute you!


jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Commie Troid claims to have convert... -,,

  2. -,,

  3. This is him 2 years ago asking why ... -,,

  4. Here he's asking for validation in ... -,,

  5. Starts posting on /traaaaaaans embr... -,,

  6. This transtimelines post lmao -,,

  7. And finally, this hilarious fanfict... -,,

  8. r/averageredditor -,*

  9. where he admits it was a lie but in... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I'm basically a irl anime girl

Kill me please

We live in a society

Kill me first please

I get hit on at the grocery store and cat called in downtown. I pass and live as a cis woman. I have been called nothing but she/her and miss for years. My boyfriends friends and family are both right wing as well so the "protected bubble" argument doesn't really work. As well as that my lib friends don't just "accept" me they literally don't know I'm trans and ask if my bf and I want kids and about my periods all the time.

X to doubt

Also his boyfriend's both look like overweight weebs. And how can you call your boyfriend straight if he literally sucks dick every night?

how can you call your boyfriend straight if he literally sucks dick every night?

We should be diverting all scientific resources to answer this burning question.

My dick usually gets left alone I don't like people to touch it. I'm usually just getting plowed or giving BJ's which is straight

Lol straight. Straight in your ass you mean

Oh shit I've been owned but yeah fucking ass and getting your dick sucked is straight so despite being with someone with a penis as long as you don't suck it or get fucked by it is straight as fuck

The mental gymnastics here are Olympic level lmao literally "it's not gay if our balls dont touch" levels of retarded

Gettinf your dick sucked by a girl isn't gay nor is fucking her in the ass

You are right but you're guy. A feminine guy but a guy none the less does this look like a guy to you lad

Yes, in fact it does. I can put on lingerie too but it doesnt change biology.

Prove you can put on lingerie faggot

Who says I'm not wearing it now?

Show pics pls daddy

Cant, I'm embarrassed ☺

Do it for Mommy

I literally cant believe you're posting selfies to own what is obviously someone just trying to jerk off to you.

Keep going its great.

They're just pulled from my porn posting account so idk

Dont kink-shame mister 😡

Okay but your boyfriend is fucking a dude in the ass, which is gay

Get another joke Jesus this is like the 8th time I told you. Move on faggot


Volcel if you wouldn't.

Just look at the complete lack of testosterone in that picture

I like my women to be skinny women, not fat men

He posted on r/datingAdvice before the transition. Everyone agreed he was ugly as shit and sounds desperate in his tinder bio. I guess if you failed as a man, you can always take the easy way out and transition

>appreciate the advice! Edit: I thought your comment said I did look like a horrible looking guy and I almost shot myself on the spot lol

40% lmao


They posted some imgur links and it just seems like their boyfriend is a (previous?) maga guy

Knock-off Richard Spencer

yeah this person is making it up. they turned a magaycel into a commie faggot. I've done that, and i'm not even gay

Sometimes I have no fucking idea what half of the posts in this sub are about. This is one of them. Transitioningpilled and based af.

Im... proud? I guess? Lol

oh man im leaving this place. Dexurama is my home now

Literally the only tranny who's ever done anything like that is b00t, and they're a natsoc anyway.

Just make this commie nazi incel gay tranny a mod already!!!!
