Conspiracy big brain is thoroughly trouncing me. He's seen my MO and spanked me at my own game.

12  2019-08-15 by pee_tape_not_piss


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Conspiracy big brain is thoroughly ... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

how does it feel to be so relentlessly pwned?

I was going to delete my account but it's utterly worthless. This shame will stick to me for all my days.

I just googled and it came up. Also probably shouldn't have done that at work

Imagine getting honeydicked by the free market of ideas.