Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.
I think it's hilarious how her ex is painted as a pathetic loser (well I mean he really is), but if the genders were switched in this situation, her making the post he did would be SO EMPOWERING! She would be taking back control! Everyone would have been cheering "you go girl", after bringing to light this emotionally abusive piece of shit.
Even in this article, of course they gloss over what the actual content of Quinn's cucks post was really about. Her being a cheating piece of shit, who fucked people in the biz for publicity about her shitty fucking game.
No one will give a shit in a decade because real world issues will have moved on, and they will become just as irrelevant as every other nobody whose claim to fame was a 5 minute TV interview.
GamerGate was stupid, but the left's inability to understand any of the nuance or grievances of it leading to Trump's election is somehow stupider. But it was great for dramacoin.
Ok but seriously. Outside of us retards here on reddit, the "victims" of gamergate that still bring it up every chance they get because it is the only reason people know their names, and these news outlets, does anyone actually give a single fuck about gamergate?
Like seriously, how the fuck are these people still talking about it?
1 BussyShillBot 2019-08-15
Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.
I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues
1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-15
That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-08-15
Cool web design.
1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2019-08-15
Love that NYT paywall that is somehow perpetually at 10/10 free articles already read per month.
1 dagoldenpan 2019-08-15
I've only opened one nyt article and it says I'm at 10/10
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
Archive because lol NYT
1 Burnnoticelover 2019-08-15
Meme newspaper
1 The_Reason_Pete_Wins 2019-08-15
I can't wait for climate change to wipe our species off the planet
1 NormanImmanuel 2019-08-15
Boy, I've got the candidate for you!
1 The_Reason_Pete_Wins 2019-08-15
I'm changing my vote. SMOD2020
1 TrailerParkRide 2019-08-15
Just save the source as an html doc and delete the paywall script.
1 15778047 2019-08-15
Just don't read nyt trash
1 uniqueguy263 2019-08-15
The virgin "10 free articles" NYT paywall vs the Chad no free articles WSJ paywall
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-08-15
Fuck off.
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2019-08-15
it's the gift that keeps on giving
1 WreckingYourHome 2019-08-15
Wow, that is one big lass. Sounds like they should've come for the pie.
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2019-08-15
>comments disabed
>ratings gone
she ate'em
1 Moist__nuggets 2019-08-15
>comments disabled >video about how to silence dissenters >"THE OPEN MIND"
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-08-15
She looks like a mix of the Veggie Tales tomato and Horatio Sanz.
1 collectijism 2019-08-15
Where this ham sammich isnt laughed at in public
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
ya I doubt anyone comes for a black feminist
1 600_lbs_of_sin 2019-08-15
how the fuck is her chin a belly 😱
1 SJCards 2019-08-15
Gaymer Game is perhaps the most traumatic experience in the history of the United States.
1 Kellere31 2019-08-15
9/11 was actually the first step of gamer gate.
Osama bin Laden was a games journalist.
1 SJCards 2019-08-15
I fucking knew it.
1 trappysaruh 2019-08-15
gay boring article. didnt read. the header is cool though. for fun try to keep ur cursor from touching the incoming cursors.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-15
I like their work they’ve done with Matt Bloch (who made D3.js )
1 rDramaWorstsubreddit 2019-08-15
There was an article? I thought it was a new html5 game.
1 TruthPains 2019-08-15
I shoved the cursor up my ass then pretended my birthday came early. Just like Nan taught me.
1 freet0 2019-08-15
Didn't read the article because I can't stop playing with the background
1 JustLions 2019-08-15
Gamergate moved my stair muffin.
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
hahaha I had forgotten
1 TheHeroReditDeserves 2019-08-15
A fucking paywalled article talking about gamergate in 2019. Fucking shoot me in the head.
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
1 Feanorfanclub 2019-08-15
I think it was Zoe Quinn that said her greatest nightmare is we still talk about gamergate in 2020. I want to turn her dreams into reality
1 VicisSubsisto 2019-08-15
Her friends will do that for you, don't worry.
1 nybbas 2019-08-15
I think it's hilarious how her ex is painted as a pathetic loser (well I mean he really is), but if the genders were switched in this situation, her making the post he did would be SO EMPOWERING! She would be taking back control! Everyone would have been cheering "you go girl", after bringing to light this emotionally abusive piece of shit.
Even in this article, of course they gloss over what the actual content of Quinn's cucks post was really about. Her being a cheating piece of shit, who fucked people in the biz for publicity about her shitty fucking game.
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
before trump there was gamergate and I’m willing to bet they’ll still be whining about gamergate long after trump is gone
gamergate literally broke the brains of an entire generation of would be activist journalists whom had never been told “no” before in their lives
these people will go to their graves whispering “gamergate” like Charles Foster Kane whispering “Rosebud”
1 OceanGeese 2019-08-15
No one will give a shit in a decade because real world issues will have moved on, and they will become just as irrelevant as every other nobody whose claim to fame was a 5 minute TV interview.
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
you don’t think there will still be legions of people trying to literally capitalize on ~~mean tweets ~~ being harassed online a decade from now?
brother I too pray for this world and admire your optimism 🙏🏾
1 OceanGeese 2019-08-15
That'll be the next world ending melodrama, GamerGate will be totally forgotten by then, much like Yemen.
1 ChevalBlancBukowski 2019-08-15
ya but since when did Yemen personally insult entitled white women on the internet
1 elephantofdoom 2019-08-15
GamerGate was stupid, but the left's inability to understand any of the nuance or grievances of it leading to Trump's election is somehow stupider. But it was great for dramacoin.
1 kittendispenser 2019-08-15
This is the center-leftoid equivalent of constantly bringing up how Hillary lost the election.
1 ThousandQueerReich 2019-08-15
How dare you compare the most oppressed group on the planet to fucking Hillary Clinton.
When they finally came for the gamers... Alas, you probably said nothing at all...
1 TomToonami93 2019-08-15
Hahahahaha! Oh my god, my fucking sides.
I'm crying 😂
1 Barrack-HusseinObama 2019-08-15
Brianna Wu AKA John Flynt
1 collectijism 2019-08-15
1 nybbas 2019-08-15
Ok but seriously. Outside of us retards here on reddit, the "victims" of gamergate that still bring it up every chance they get because it is the only reason people know their names, and these news outlets, does anyone actually give a single fuck about gamergate?
Like seriously, how the fuck are these people still talking about it?
1 Papastump90 2019-08-15
this picture perfectly encapsulates what you are talking about:
1 i_sniff_cancer 2019-08-15
five years later and im still not even sure what gamergate is fucking about
1 [deleted] 2019-08-15