Disney’s Mulan is #CANCELLED.

75  2019-08-15 by Ghdust2


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Disney’s Mulan is #CANCELLED. - archive.org, archive.today

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Luckily I was already boycotting Disney.

Now here's a guy who didn't skip praxis day.

how wil they recover

Isn’t their largest audience for this film (mainland China) gonna support this lol? I don’t see it being boycotted

Gonna just be like when rightoids boycott something, it’s not gonna matter.

They probably would have lost money if she said nothing tbh. Shilling for China is an easy way to make big money in the entertainment industry. As long as what you’re producing is brain dead with lots of explosions.


This only makes me want to see it even more.

Same tbh.

Except she’s right


This sentiment is definitely racist

Lol how?

Im fkn with u

Adults mad about childrens' movies 😴

"This is exactly like when that character from Harry Potter..."

Movie is garbage anyway, no songs and no Mushu.

Lol wat? How the fuck will it be a Disney movie if there's no songs?

Fuck the songs, I need that retarded eddie murphy dragon or I'm OUT

Disneycels will still go watch it

Imagine willingly watching one of these live action Disney remakes. Worse than that, imagine caring if other people do.

Normies gonna normie.

American defends communist regime. Isn't that the wokes' bread and butter?

Sounds like they're turning on her cuz shes Asian. Sad.

I'm asian and im turning on her because she's a naturalized american citizen and she's going against the fundamental principles of american democracy by supporting the autocratic crackdown by the chinese govt on these protester's freedom of assembly and speech.

Radical centrist to the core.

Cancel Disney is a good thing though.

“We demand movies respect the culture they portray”

“Wait no not like this”

Chinese defends China who would have thought otherwise

Went to a drive-in theater with my girlfriend and watched the Lion King remake back to back with Toy Story 4.

Disney literally doesn't give a shit anymore lmao. LK was a shot-for-shot remake of the original (with scenes cut), just with hilariously deadpan blank animal expressions. I expect Mulan to be similarly stupid.

how was TS4

as a father of young kids I’m doomed to watch it anyway but from the trailer it looked like they cut and pasted scenes wholesale from the first 3 films

I was pretty entertained, gf liked it a lot. Visits the usual themes of friendship and abandonment but the main antagonist isn't overtly malicious like in previous TS. But yeah if you've seen the first three, this will feel very familiar.

Intersectional activists find out that mega corporations are pandering in optics alone for progressive causes.

Really makes you wonder how these people survive

I wonder if the Chinese market is more important than the western market for a live action version of a Mulan 🤔🤔🤔

As a centrist, I acknowledge both sides of this argument and have no strong opinions on either.