Grand Warlock Zuckerberg banishes a witch from Facebook so she seeks aid from her coven only for her sisters to immediately get distracted by cats.

95  2019-08-16 by Oh_hamburgers_


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I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Grand Warlock Zuckerberg banishes a... -,,

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Amazing mod sticky on the thread as well where they tell men to do better and explain what they're doing to lower their testosterone only to y'all the responses and then the entire thread.

Authors are social psychologists. You’d be better off flipping a coin to determine its truth.

As a man, why would I care what some witches think lmao

Although I do respect all cat lovers

Another notch in humanity's eternal struggle to perfect the zero sum game.

The mod that cites a vice article “men don’t recycle because people will think they’re gay” as a proof positive conversation ender is a fucking moron. Though they are the children of the witches you didn’t burn.

calls men fragile

in a subreddit that pre-bans accounts who have posted in wrongthink subs

yaas kween slaaay

I think what pisses me off the most about this, as a cis man nonetheless, is that no matter how much I try to be a good person it is always overshadowed by jackasses like in the article. I recycle, foster animals, donate to charities etc. but because I'm a white guy I catch flak for sharing the fucking color of my skin.

Tyrone, get your cuck under control please.

We talking about kitties in here or just magical foids being dumb?


Cats > Whaman.


cats > pibbles?

Based Indian jannie. And they do it for rupeeeees.


I couldn't get past the endless cat comments, they're a caricature.

You can't advocate for standards of speech and expression then get angry when those new standards are applied to you.

"As a current man, going through toxic masculinity deprogramming, I can say they're scared, insecure, confused and trapped. Also, stupid, lots and lots of stupid."

An actual male cat: "As a current tomcat, I just ripped the head off a bird and it seems to still be conscious before it dies so I'm just gonna kinda bat it around between my paws for fun. If I find that my old lady got knocked up by another guy, I'll just murder all of her kittens without remorse. Anyway, thanks for supporting the animal rights movement." 😎😎😎

Jesus Christ that sub is filled with the worst people on earth.

Oh come on they're not THAT bad, they're just grown women pretending to cast spells over the internet while blaming all of their problems on men. Totally normal people.

So a group of Chris-Chans


That’s zuckerfucks FB for you. You can make white supremicist groups but saying men are trash is too far

Amazing how leftoids and rightoids are so convinced that every major social media platform has it out for them.


lol is anyone able to post there? I’ve never heard of the sub but they apparently took the precaution of banning at least 3 of my accounts which don’t post to anything edgier than /r/drama

it’s like they imported one of those twitter blockbots

men are cats earned him a ban

Anything considered dehumanizing(comparison to a animal) can earn you a ban. But these people don’t realize FB jannies are basically GED morons who get paid 15 bucks an hour and it’s up to their discretion

Expecting nuancy from fb moids. What a fucking r-slur

Imagine being on facebook