9 2019-08-16 by EB1072
1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-16
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1 Septimus_Faggotface 2019-08-16
1 SQLerection 2019-08-16
I still can’t get the image and sound out of my head from that video of the pitbull mauling a cat. Any parents who own a pitbull with kids in the house should be arrested for child endangerment.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-16
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1 Septimus_Faggotface 2019-08-16
1 SQLerection 2019-08-16
I still can’t get the image and sound out of my head from that video of the pitbull mauling a cat. Any parents who own a pitbull with kids in the house should be arrested for child endangerment.