Top mod Annarchist's mother recently passed. Press F

81  2019-08-16 by JumbledFun


May Allah break the backs of all those who support these disease-ridden rodents.


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Here's an article with comments on the initial arrest:

A lot of people defending the meth-head and to be honest I'll defend him too, I mean he's a fuckup he doesn't sound like a liar to me. Sounds like true love in the most bizarre way. What he said rings pretty true, when people are about to die they often convulse, stop eating, etc., the process of dying can take a while (hours to days). And he was there for her. I mean he even has a character witness in the comments, and they were apparently married for 35+ years. Leave the toothless scooby-doo looking motherfucker alone.

RIP AnnArchist's mom. F.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Top mod Annarchist's mother recentl... -,

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😤 As if. Mrs. AnnArchist has had way more than just 3 heart attacks.

Somehow straight yet manages to look worse than the gay PNP scene. How is this possible?

Wait... that guy is supposed to be 59?


I think he is transitioning into a fallout ghoul.

He looks like grayons

they rocked out to their favorite band, Quiet Riot



...and yet people claim pale devils don't have a culture.

I'll miss her.


G-d I hope I go so gracefully

This is fake news. Hodor is the top mod.

He did nothing wrong.

If you're nearly 70, diabetic, had multiple heart attacks, and are *literally begging to die, there's literally no reason to punish your husband for not calling paramedics right away when you kill yourself with drugs. She wanted to die, and they're giving her husband 3 years just for being a poor methhead weirdo.