It’s over for earthcels

70  2019-08-16 by cfbWORKING


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. It’s over for earthcels -,,

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I cant even joke anymore, these people are full fucking blown insane, lol.

Trump is the worst thing to happen to earth

Chinese farm posters working overtime for a few extra pennies recently

I wish it was Chinese farm posters. These retards can be your neighbors who genuinely think this.

Literally shaking and crying and cumming and shooting up a hot dog stand rn

I don't think they are my neighbors, you kinda need a job if you want to afford to live in my neighborhood

Maybe they are my neighbors' kids, which I don't really consider my neighbors.

They are all children though. All of them. It is obvious when they say daddy is worse than bush, when bush started so many pointless wars.

Ummm sweaty, maybe you don't remember but it was all rainbows and puppy dogs up until 2016

trump has probably killed less people in office than perhaps any other president in history but he's the worst because he's soooo rude

This may be what makes the most sense to me. Of course you're gonna fucking hate Trump when the first year you are ever exposed to any deep political discourse is in the middle of a heated election between two dumb politicians, nevertheless on Reddit.

Then again a bunch of meme studies are saying that zoomers are actually turning cuckservative this time around so we'll see how that plays out.

nah a shitload of them are hardcore boomers because they're the last demographic to draw their opinions from 24/7 news channels without an iota of skepticism.

The media throwing the tantrum it has for the last 3 years because Lizard Mommy didn't win is the aberration compared to the Bush days.

Meh, I've said this before and I'll say it again: I don't know about earth as a whole, given you can make a strong argument Trump is destabilizing the current world order and pushing countries away, but in terms of the domestic situation? Trump is far worse than Bush.

He's creating extreme distrust of institutions, he's violating democratic norms (which are vital to a democracy) and he's staffing departments with uniquely unqualified individuals that want nothing more than to dismantle those departments. He's turned the US into a full-blown kakocracy and he's greatly speeding up the polarization.

He has made it impossible to ever work with him because everything he touches is toxic. This isn't even getting into the fact his election exposed serious problems with the US electoral system and that's only going to get worse. Wait til the next republican wins with 10 million fewer votes, if you think the backlash to Trump was extreme, just you wait. At some point the majority of the country is going to say "hey, wait a minute, how is this fair" and that's when the shit hits the fan.

Wait til the next republican wins with 10 million fewer votes

Is this even possible?

Yes, it will be. The reason being that people are fleeing rural areas and moving to cities.

The problem will keep getting worse as population trends shift more towards urban America. It's already so bad that about 17% of the population could elect a clear senate majority.

The issue is "winner take all" it's a completely retarded system.

Makes sense but at the same time this only works under the assumption that rural areas will continue predominantly voting Republican. And while current trends may seem to indicate so, we don't really know what's in store for the future. Besides, Trump's victory was a pretty narrow one and I don't believe just yet it's a sign of a new trend in favor of Republicans. We'll have to wait and see how the 2020 election goes.

The issue is "winner take all" it's a completely retarded system.

I agree. The electoral college needs to be abolished. If only we had a MMP system like Germany...

The GOP is winning rural areas by 70 point margins. I really don't think this is a trend, they just do well with rural, white, Christian voters.

To be fair that’s actually better for them than it was 40 years ago. Like there’s lot of poor people getting sick from pollution but the death rate is still down from when they were communist

tfw Xi-shills will try their hardest to meddle in the US election and literally no one will care

Opinion pieces are worth as much as a random noname's tweet. Who the fuck are you that I'm supposed to give a shit about your retarded takes? Why is this a thing on NEWS sites?

This is my problem with this. I have real life friends that experience physical symptoms (chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc.) from the fact that Trump is president. They refuse to see that it's just that our president is a mouth breather that tries to appeal to dumbshit Republicans by pandering to them. They don't acknowledge that News is trying to stay as relevant as possible and the best way to keep you coming back is to keep you worried.

The world isn't that insane compared to previous years, it's just that people are allowing themselves to get dickslapped by the media (especially social media) over and over again.

Take for instance that person who mentioned on Twitter that racism is slowly being solved and is better than it was many years ago only to be dog piled by "Um sweaty..."s. People just like being pissed off/upset or pretending their experience is unique.

Is it fucking 5 yet?

Just mentally/socially challenged people who get their beliefs from headlines and tweets.

It's life imitating art though, the media is whipping people up into such a frenzy that they're going to create the world they're scared of.

That's nice of you to be friends with retards.

Boy, I may not agree with their way of thinking all the time but I'll spend a good 15 in the wrasslin' pit with you over them.

That's so sweet of you to defend them tards. But shaking and getting anxiety over who the President is, is fucking retarded.

It’s amazing that these pass all the nonsensical rules on r/politics

The rules on r/politics are useless. The only REAL rules are:

  1. Does it push a hard left agenda? 2: Does it make Trump/republicans look bad?

If you can not answer yes to both rules don't bother posting it.

hard left

lmaoo as if

They hated him because he told them the truth. Also because he wasn't an incest baby card-carrying DDF member

americans' hard left is apparently the same as the centre right in any other country lol

"Acthually, far right in Yurope is supporting free hormone therapies for 10 year olds and fascist democrats are still only discussing it >:("

They think they'll be safe in their little camps in the woods where they did faux-military drills led by a guy who uses stolen valor and just watched a bunch of soldier movies to learn how to do it. And they will be. For a little while. Then, the people from the cities will start to escape the carnage for greener pastures. And those people will have the experience those fake soldiers pretend to have. And they'll walk over them and take everything from them.

Those ex-military, armed, outdoor-nut redneck militias better be careful when the starbuck sipping baristas come for them... once their REI gear comes in the mail. The delusion and civil-war fantasy coming from the same group that want to ban dodgeball in schools for being "too violent."

Honestly, I feel like even the most tendy-stuffed Gunniter could handle fifty baristas. Not to mention there's a disproportionate number of veterans represented in that sub population.

I want you to consider what would happen to major west coast urban centers if the supply of psych drugs and estrogen suddenly ran dry.

I want you to consider what would happen to major west coast urban centers if the supply of psych drugs and estrogen suddenly ran dry.

Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, God.

tfw when you're roaming the countryside looking for soybeans to eat and you leg gets blown off by a tannerite IED

God yeah I'm harder than a libertarian at a daycare right now.

Oh fuck im in the danger zone

I want you to consider what would happen to major west coast urban centers if the supply of psych drugs and estrogen suddenly ran dry.

I think if the rightoid wants the easy win here, the answer is to keep the psych drugs and estrogen flowing freely in the cities.

I want you to consider what would happen to major west coast urban centers if the supply of psych drugs...suddenly ran dry.

Honestly psych drugs are the only way to tolerate living in a city ngl.

"Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable."

Is that Uncle Ted?

I don't know about you but I do feel pretty threatened by people that are unable to handle talking to strangers on the phone.

the people from the cities will start to escape the carnage for greener pastures. And those people will have the experience those fake soldiers pretend to have. And they'll walk over them and take everything from them.

Cletus is shaking in his boots at the thought of some emaciated liberal arts major raiding his property.

And they'll walk over them and take everything from them.

Pretty sure this portion was pulled directly out of one of this posters fetish subreddits or something.

We were fucked way before trump lmao

Opinion piece by a (((Goldberg)))

Thanks /politics, very nice


I wish Cruz won the nomination instead, then everything today would be just peachy.

The same things would likely still happen, but atleast president cruz won't say mean words online.