r/teenagers poster loses zoomer daughter, gets yeeted by zoomer posters for being a karmawhorefoid

25  2019-08-16 by lickedTators


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. r/teenagers poster loses zoomer dau... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I’m not a commie faggot dramanazi, but my daughter (born) was. She was 17. Stupid. Unfunny. Beautiful once she transitioned. Perfect trussy. She was my daughter and muse.

I’m gonna keep this short and simple considering I balled my eyes out writing the title. This happened about an hour ago.

I have never felt so empty, worthless, or disgusting in my entire life

Me and my daughter went on a nice little excursion as we usually do before school let’s back in, we went to a local waterfall where people hang out to do heroin and have sex with trannies. I didn’t plan on doing this nor did I expect her to, I expected we would just watch, relax, and enjoy the drug-fueled tranny orgy.

She kept begging me to participate, I thought “shes 17, she can make her own decisions, plus we fuck each other on heroin all the time, how is this different?”

After begging, I reluctantly let her.

The heroin was slippery from the blood of some faggot with AIDS. I watched her jam the faggy AIDS tranny heroin into her arm.

I am unable to describe the feeling I had. I watched it in slow motion and I can’t get the memory out of my head. Everything in my body suddenly felt like nothing but pure worrisome. I walked faster than humanly possible to her, she didn’t have a pulse and her bussy was obviously broken. I called an ambulance and began trying to get a response from her, a good Samaritan tried her best efforts too; but the ambulance arrived with no help (both EMTs were women), and she was pronounced dead.

I’m posting this here just letting you teenagers know you aren’t invincible. I was a teenager once, I did stupid things, I get it. All I ask is that next time you’re about to do something stupid, think about your mother. Pass up on that one thing you know is risky. Because the fact that knowing I will never be able to tell my daughter I love her again is the worst feeling in the world.

EDIT: to everyone saying this is fake, it is not. Jesus Christ I wish it was fake, I wish I could see her just one more time. Just one more conversation. Regardless, believe what you want to believe. I’m not here to force you to do anything. All I wanted to do with this post was to educate teenagers that you are NOT invincible and to air some type of caution so your mother doesn’t have to feel what I have been going through.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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This pasta brings joy.

Freddie Mercury got her damn.


Hmmmm....... gay porn


Who unironically gilds or platinum's these posts?


Fuckin retards, hope they get swindled out of all their money.

To be fair I had wasted money on all sorts of dumb shit when I was a teenager with a disposable income.

That sub is only karma whores.

Zoomers know what's truly important in life.

It’s just frustrating. You’re supposed to die before your kids. My life just feels pointless now

Have another

Actually edgy lmao. Seems like an obvious bait. Who in their right mind tho goes to a Internet forum specifically for teenagers after their child dies and gives a PSA of "Hey kids! My daughter just slid off the side of a cliff, stay safe out there!"