Suburban foid leaving popular restaurant gets spooked by the black male waiting for her parking spot and he is questioned for over an hour. Metro area retards give their opinions.

21  2019-08-17 by capthazelwoodsflask


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Suburban foid leaving popular resta... -,

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I love how white women use the police as their own personal army. How quick you are to call the cops determines your level of privilege and white women are head and shoulders above everyone else.

I'm amazed that they showed up as fast as they did. Like how long did it take him to find another parking spot if they stopped him before he walked inside? That area gets busy but not driving around for more than a couple of minutes busy.

That thin blue line can move pretty fast when it comes to saving Karen from the bbc. Lord bless 'em!

Lmao white women problems

"OMG he's just sitting in his car behind me with his blinker on in a busy road right across the street from a popular restaurant. He's probably going to follow me home and kill me like in one of those gang initiations."

Foids gonna foid lmao.