Indie game developer under fire from ReeeeeEra et al for daring to have the opinion that babies can't be trans.

112  2019-08-17 by Upper_Finish

New boomer shooter that came out is now bad because group think and two year old discord logs.

The discord post in question:

The thread with other things those devs said that are apparently bad (SPOILER they're really not):

twitter gets on their obese horses in response:

The real drama is in the replies:

Some tard trying to get others riled up over who one of the devs follows on there:

A senior editor of fucking Game Informer thinking this is news:


Sorry man. This isn't halal. You're going to have to remove it.


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous πŸ¦‡


  1. Indie game developer under fire fro... -,,

  2. New boomer shooter -,

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That Game Informer guys is so right about the PR though. So many devs are just so stupid and autistic.

Hes probably just putting out feelers for a new job. With gamestop dying game informer probably isnt far behind

I would hate to be the PR person for Gear Box. Imagine trying to make Pitchford stop opening his mouth considering he controls whether you have a job.

omg look guys they follow such evil accounts as CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS and GOG


Sommers is just a feminist that disagrees with other feminists lmao. If that’s the worst person you follow, I think you’re okay.

but she was a gamergater

The new face of fascism is a 2nd wave feminist!

Based mom

I don’t she was really second wave. I think she clashed with even them.

Did GOG cave to them and fire the guy who tweeted the stuff that triggered them as well?

Just goes to show its literally impossible to please these people.

Well, we could always con them out of a ton of money for a shitty "game" on kickstarter. Slap together some shit with cut and paste from Tumblr in the description

GOG. The only way to get a working version of Fallout 3 on PC besides mods or hacks.

Jesus this is such a massive stretch it tore my asshole

He's not wrong though. "Trans" children is just MSBP raising its ugly head again.

link to civvie vid πŸ‘

one guy says "hey guys lets not do a witch hunt just because we disagree"

User Banned (permanent): Downplaying bigotry


The infighting is the best part

Was digging further into the thread, they were joking about other users who had been banned. None of them reasonable reasons.

One guy was banned because he said he was still going to buy Cyberpunk2077, even after the site went anti-CDPR after the whole 'transphobia' story went round.
Think it sums up the whole site in a nut shell, you must agree with us, no matter what, or you will be banned.

Based bogan Boomer (he should really rename to BBB) destroying them in the Twitter replies.

A senior editor of fucking Game Informer thinking this is news:

Where have you been for the past 5 years if you think this isn't news worthy for most publications??

Part time pixel artist=terminal autism

lmao the pronoun goblins are mad af

At least Twitter doesn't seem to be falling for it.

Wouldn't it be awesome if - just once - I could buy a video game by a small studio, and not have to exhaustively vet everyone on the team

Detective Fag, here. I'll be searching day and night for something to be upset about.

it sounds like they enjoy being an internet detective over playing video games

Wouldn't it be awesome if - just once - I could buy a video game by a small studio, and not have to exhaustively vet everyone on the team

It's almost they, like everyone else capable of purchasing a video game, have that power and choose not to use it.

every time I visit Resetera I'm honestly shocked that a website can be so full of faggots. it's seriously jaw-dropping.

resetera seething


Why is resetera still even online? Didn't they get busted for CP?

They did?

That happened on NeoGaf, but at least one of the people in question created Resetera, and they pretty much try to censor anyone who brings this up...

There are tons of freaks there looking to cry at something. A small but active fanbase I guess.

It was NeoFAG.

Imagine calling other people thin-skinned when Era lives rent-free in your head.

He's not wrong. The Aut Right is made up of whiny crybabies.

Wouldn't it be awesome if - just once - I could buy a video game by a small studio, and not have to exhaustively vet everyone on the team beforehand in order to figure out if they'd consider me a joke / hate me on principle?

Gaymers were a mistake

Imagine playing single player FPSs in 2019.πŸ€£πŸ‘Œ

Imagine caring about video game developers or their opinions. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

How the fuck is a baby trans, they have 0 idea what is going on in the world. They just mimic shit


Ugh I dont get why developers cave to resetera and game "journalists" still. They are a fraction of a percent that has a 40 percent chance of disappearing

Sounds like a dumb fuck dev team. Looks like they got their 15, now time to close down.

"That's an awful nice dev studio you got there. Be a shame if you expressed views contrary to our own."

As a proud super SJW on Soros' payroll I can only say OOOF, that's not a good look, yikes!

A living, breathing stereoyikes. Jfc can these β€œβ€β€people””” be sentenced to life in work camps already?