Fragile Mayo Moid can't handle the truth and gets Brave Black Queen fired. SMH.

82  2019-08-17 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Fragile Mayo Moid can't handle the ... -,

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His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


  1. This Post - Outline

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To paraphrase great opening

White people do the same shit all the time in the same way all the time and they are all alike but blacks are always finding new innovative and quite hilarious ways to make fools of themselves in their own way.

Perfect example of white privilege

I mean yeah but was she wrong? Mayo's just can't handle the truth

You ugly!!!

Lmao the TSA should just start doing this to everyone.

Why would she do this?

He ugly

No white matches on Tinder

Years of working as a people-wrangler for the TSA has made her miserable, and she needs to offload her misery onto others in order to get through the day. Poor guy :(

His opinion of Greater Rochester International Airport, which has free classic arcade games he is a fan of.

Playing arcade games in current year (and that too at a fucking airport) should be a death penalty level offense

Your grammar should qualify you for immediate euthanasia.

? "That too" is grammatically correct if that's what you're talking about. Did I miss something else?

Every sentence is a train wreck and i had to read it multiple times

Lol there's one sentence. I'm sorry you're so autistic you need to read a single sentence multiple times to understand it.

Uhhh actchoolee It’s 2 sentences you braindead mayo incel

”Playing arcade games in current year”

That just sounds weird. It’s not incorrect but nobody speaks like that. That’s like saying “i have a red beautiful big house.” Most people say “i have a big beautiful red house.” Both are technically correct, but one of them makes you sound mentally handicapped

And that too...

Delete the “that too” and the sentence is fine. I’m not sure if it’s incorrect, but it was an unnecessary addition. You showed a perfect example of increasing verbose. “Too” and “and” usually play the same role so you would rarely use them in the same sentence

You got it now? or do you need help changing your diaper as well?

”Playing arcade games in current year”

Imagine not knowing what the "in current year" meme is. Also "arcade games" was referencing the original quote.

blah blah blah blah verbose reeeeee

Bitch you typed a paragraph telling me about being too verbose. Very self aware.

It’s 2 sentences you braindead mayo incel

One is a quote from the article, you mong. Also, delete the "braindead mayo" and the sentence is fine. I'm not sure if it's incorrect, but it was an unnecessary addition. You showed a perfect example of increasing verbose. "mayo" and "braindead" usually play the same role so you would rarely use them in the same sentence.

Also, it's increasing verbosity, not "increasing verbose" you absolutely retarded, SRDine-looking, boomer, NEET, brainlet.

bitch you typed a paragraph


in current year meme. Increasing verbose

Increasing verbose is a meme

braindead and mayo usually play the same role....

That’s based. I think we found a new snappy quote

Hey plenty of good people want to die and that retard gets the final option for free? 😡

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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If you weren't ugly yourself you wouldn't be working for the TSA. Attractive women don't have to work demeaning jobs


What is written Ebonics called?

Documenting one's ignorance

I wonder if she managed to spell “You ugly” correctly. Language is NOT their strong suit.

Strassner said he will not allow this experience to sour his opinion of Greater Rochester International Airport, which has free classic arcade games he is a fan of.

I mean they can just put a sign up then instead of handing people notes.