Wow...... Daddy is TRULY the GREATEST president EVER 😢

111  2019-08-17 by Ghdust2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Wow...... Daddy is TRULY the GREATE... -,

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Trumps body doesnt look anything like that

Hell, Trump's hair doesn't look anything like that. This is closer to a Chad version of Tintin.

Has the man ever worn a hoodie?

You're right. In real life, Daddy is much more muscular and has a fuller head of hair.

Dude labelussy lmao 🤪


Will conservatoids ever get over the fact a brown man got to be president?


I would retort with something witty but yeah that's actually the root of their issue.

Is that obummer? I have actually forgotten that there ever was a president besides trump how everyone keeps on going on about him 24/7

You should lay off the fentanyl, buddy.

Don't tell me what to do,guy.

I think this was from hurricane Harvey.

They still do daily posts about Hillary lol.

Obama doesn’t say as much as I thought he would during all of this lol

Remember way back before all this damn hate

We voted for Daddy to make America great

And he took those migrant kids and threw them in cages

Just to hear the cries and the liberal rages

I feel good about that, not really, but yeah

That and the time he put a rapist on the Court

Oh and the time Kap kneeled for his sport

Or when he called them shitholes and said they had to go back

As a matter of fact, He’s been a downright jerk

Leaving coal miners in a lurch,

but that ain't the worst

Can't believe he’s the guy who told China to get fucked

He went to the North Korea and gave Kim a big hug

Now we're here almost ready to vote,

to make it two terms I love it, you twats,

you're a {motherfuckin} fister

Your very loud reeee’s are worth every dog whistle

Now build a big wall and get ready for Kim’s missle

r/Drama poet laureate nominee

Wait I legit don't know who the woman is supposed to be and he didn't label her for once. Help me Fenty Ben

My guess is his wife but I could be wrong

Looks like Melania

It's Ben's wife

Trump cucks him while Benny boy depicts it


And the reason is...

because he's the president of this great United States of America!


Michael Moore?

Maxine Waters



Stephen Spielberg I guess

Last ones Adolph Blitzer I think

Sophomore bathroom got me like

That looks like a category 6 brap-icane.

And who the fuck are the two people looking at it? Because the Trumps have never dressed like that in their lives.