Daddy says ANTIFA are the real terrorists.

36  2019-08-17 by 3men1pencil


It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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This but unironically. Thanks for the inspiration shilly.

whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Daddy says ANTIFA are the real terr... -,

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Bring in a truckload of Chechens. That'll solve this problem

This is great for drama. Thanks Daddy!

I'm confused, how can they be both ruthless terrorists but also weakling soyboy LARPers?

They'll make ideal suicide bombers come 2020.

Even if they tried to be ruthless terrorists they'd find a way to fuck it up. Rightoids are secretly upset that the terrorists on their side actually succeed in killing people.

Left sadbrains do kill.

Just, uh, not nazis.

Are you expecting logic from rightoids? These are the same people who simultaneously believe Jews are subhuman drags on society and that they are smart and wily and control all the money and power in the world.

And leftoids believe Trump is both an evil plotting mastermind systematically destroying the country, while also being the biggest retard to ever make it into office

You got so triggered you downvoted me and posted a seething response. That's kind of pathetic bro

Didn’t downvote you, and wasn’t triggered, was just trying to point out it’s not exclusively a leftoid or rightoid phenomenon to both demean and over exaggerate people you don’t like

Lol u mad


I'll be honest your conversation was too long and I didn't read any of it. I just saw someone say yes were mad and then a bunch of text from you

Because a dozen soyboy LARPers can still take down an average person.

Nobody wants to live with that embarrassment tbh

And then they become an hero, and Antifa's bodycount rises by one.

It's like when an injured mouse or squirrel gets overwhelmed and eaten by ants.

By hitting people with bike locks while wearing masks.

What a death toll

That's exactly my point tho

It makes sense when you fully abandon reason and allow your brain to simultaneously hold two contradictory ideas.

The same way gamergators are both ruthless terrorists but also incels in their mom's basement.

This but unironically. Incel gamers have murdered a lot of people lately.

Ummm Sweetie you may not know this but “ANTIFA” stands for Anti-Fascist. They are brave soldiers at war with literal Nazis Nazis ✊🏾✊🏽✊🏿. They are the good guys. 👏🏿 You 👏🏾 Voldemort 👏🏽 Faggot 👏🏿


Whew. I feel safer already.