*notices empty announcement slot uwu*

113  2019-08-18 by trappysaruh

bussy bussy bussy bussy bussy

user reports:
1: nice tits AND great shitposts. Lawlz in shambles.

thanks babe

lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao


I wish I could feel your feminine cum in my mouth

cum is two spirited, biggot

Not eating TrappySaruh's trussy. SMH chivalry truly is dead.

gay and cringepilled

Imagine the most powewfuw, physicawwy attwactive, chawming pewson uwu cawn think of. Thawt pewson iws onwy a fwaction as powewfuw ow attwactive as any /w/dwama modewatow. We have neawwy unwimited powew, weawth iws showewed ovew us constantwy, women constantwy wawnt tuwu make wove tuwu us, awnd men wawnt tuwu be us. Awthough tuwu be honest, those men typicawwy wawnt tuwu make wove tuwu us as weww. Ouw wives awe faw beyond thawt of even the gweatest fiwm staw. Bwadwey coopew couwd nevew get as many women as i couwd in mewe minutes. Actows awe constantwy envious awnd washing out at us, especiawwy if they pwayed minow chawactews in an 80’s sci-fi tewevision sewies whiwe they wewe teenagews.

being a pawt of such an ewite gwoup of individuaws couwd cowwupt anyone. Ed_bt iws simpwy owne of those peopwe. Thewe iws a psychowogicaw pwocess fow becoming a dwama mod. Fiwst, uwu gow mad with powew, then uwu eventuawwy bawck off awnd modewate nowmawwy. The finaw stage of a dwama mod iws making decisions thawt pewmanentwy damage the sub awnd wesuwt in eithew new wuwes fwom the admins ow getting the mod suspended (ow get the sub banned). I wouwd know, i’ve bewn modded awnd demodded awnd wemodded many times, awnd found thiws pwocess both physicawwy awnd emotionawwy exhausting.

so pwease, be undewstand of ed. Uwu simpwy cannot fathom the position he/she iws in wight now. If uwu duwu wawnt tuwu imagine sowme positions thawt uwu wouwd be abwe tuwu undewstand, simpwy imagine aww the diffewent ways thawt i have shagged youw mum.

thanks fow weading.

youw bewoved modewatow,


I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I've been thinking about building some castles in Endertopia in reference to the castles said to exist in Limbo in the Divine Comedy. Should I?

dont let your dream castles stay dream castles

Thank you for the words of encouragement.


This is poor quality I expect better from our foremost trans ambassador

forgive me sire'

now u know how my dad feels

I'll be real with you, I'm obscenely drunk and that hit close to home

im kinda buzzed too tbh and it hurts

Me three. Double IPA tall boi buzzin.

i had a bloody mary lol

Nice. Healthy, has vegetal.

Tfw you're a zoomer 😥😔

You could go buy whippets from a porno shop.

Or just have older friends like a real American.

Jk I can't stomach alcohol unless I'm a little bit high. I have an easily upset tummy. 😞

for real tho whippets own. i was doing some one night in the kitchen and the frig compressor turned on and i felt like it was crushing me. owned.

i’m your daddy


i think i replied to the wrong comment

Nice. I haven’t done those in forever, I remember them being fun though.

theyre great but expensive

Lol fuckin why, I could get a pack of 26 for 17$ right now or a can of airduster for 5

why what

That’s why I wouldn’t really do it these days unless it was given to me or something. It’s so short acting.

it is, its also what makes it so interesting at the same time. crazy weird drug

It’s a weird one for sure.

Shit I got like 2 local head shops that sell em, check yours and ask for whip cream canisters

Pineapple if you read this please come back to the Minecraft server so you can make Seattle Bussy a citizen of our town.


wasnt me 😎

He deserved it.

How much longer till I get my nudes? I'm beginning to think I was tricked into making a noticeable positive impact in the world for completely selfless reasons.

You know the old saying, "what goes around, comes around"?

Well it's not always true, but sometimes it is. Or at least it doesn't seem like it for a long time, but

i havent had enough privacy to make the kind of picy u want, it'll happen tho

Do you have to share a room with someone?

i have many room mates

Where do you live where housing is this expensive?

im studying not working

Have you tried having rich parents?

when they die

This is how we end up with overrated Batman storylines.

dont worry i wouldnt publish my mediocre thoughts

Speaking of which what are you studying?

software analysis

I have an IT degree. I have no idea what the fuck that is.

That image triggered repressed memories of data structure classes.


Are you in college or just taking classes?

self taught, im not familiar with any colleges that teach reverse engineering

So what you're saying is you are a NEET in denial?

degree holder cope

If I was going to cope I would have gotten that history degree I still jerk off thinking about.





I didn't gave money to anyone because I'm not a cuck loser.

Can I get some nudes tho?

ya sent

Whoa whoa whoa mods this guys not even 18

Shut up turtlecel.


Lmao @ anyone using leddit on a pc.

Can you fags bring flairs back

can u stop JAQing off

That’s not how that works...


JAQ me off

My gf would get mad if I’m flirting with someone online

Are you Oversocialization's new alt?

i am but one of many

Oh hey, you got flair!

Ya I got that a few days ago idk when lol

I wanna know which piece of shit mod besmirched my good name

And can you at least flair my main and not my alt

Yeah that’s rough.

I’d help but I’m just a premier tard, not a mod. 😕

that was me

Thanks jerk


Nothing beats the Trappy flair tho.

Based and chaser pilled. 🤟🏿

>Having CSS on ever.

Hon ...

Actual footage of me when people don't have CSS turned on and can't see all the Marseys I post.

You forgot to mention trussy 🙄


I thought you were demodded.

this is stolen land trappy


Hey I can see your bear on my phone!

some new jannie magic i'm trying out

check out what i've done on r/deuxrama so far - working on updating all :)

Can you give me the flair "Resident Sheikh"?

And the text.


didnt even thank me


Sorry trappy.

:). you have thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Will you make it so we can upload videos please

You ever order a taco and wait too long to eat it and the shell gets soggy? That shit sucks

Trappy tell me I'm a good contributor to the sub so I have a reason to end it all tonight

I just watched the Belko Experiment. Not a great movie, but fun enough and clocks in under hour and a half.

I'm gonna allow this since Trappy is the goat mod. Sorry other modfags, you just don't compare.


I legit hate most trannies but I'm super thirsty for trappy's girlcock. Wat do?

Wat do?

id recommend like and subscribing to my trappy dishwasher repair youtube channel!


Based as always

can one of you servants tell me how to get a flair? i got a 3 day ban and it disappeared smh

Yo can you disable the old reddit CSS that unsubs from this shithole? I can't be fucked altering my visited pages.