Can the mods just remove the downvote button already?

22  2019-08-18 by closedshop

It really butters my toast when I see all our newfriends downvote the lolcows. There is literally no reason for anyone to ever downvote here. Either what they said is retarded, in which case you upvote for everyone to see, or what they say is something you don't agree with, in which case refugees get the fuck out.

Get your fucking shit together. It's fucking amateur hour in here. Seriously.


They should remove the upvote

The radical centrist opinion would be to remove both and not let people vote.

Everything dies in new , sub collapses, its users are forced to go outside causing them to slowly build social skills again. Anything that would benefit a r/drama user is out of the question

The front page should be random posts from random subreddits from the past year

just disable css like a real person

No, we should keep both, but make them so they don't do anything. They just look like they work.

Just private the sub lol

quarantine would be better

barely works and only for tards

Yeah I hate it when I'm arguing with pizzashill and people come along and downvote his bullshit. It makes it look like I was downvoting him and I just get so embarrassed I want to die!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

It does have a couple of niche uses here, like for low-effort feepo/watermark-type posting ("haha it's cuz they're nignogs/bougies") or when someone has agendaposted like 10 fucking times in one day and needs a gentle reminder to pace themselves.

Oh you mean collectijism

Why... what... I... I never mentioned anybody by name. I was definitely not thinking of a specific person and I'm really pretty disappointed with you that you would even think that way. 🤭🤭🤭

low-effort feepo

shut your mouth feepo was a gem

I have to admit we've never had anyone who could come by an just say "NIGGERS!" like he did. Perhaps he was an irreplaceable jewel after all.

Literally this. Pizza is the only one I want to be able to downvote and that's so his head doesnt get too big

There is literally no reason for anyone to ever downvote here

Umm, sometimes you can downvote comment replies within a minute of them being posted and then they think the guy they replied to is being super petty and they get buttmad about it.