Mother, 32, loses custody battle over her daughter in Saudi Arabia because she is 'new to Islam'

100  2019-08-18 by 3men1pencil


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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No one is more deserving of Allah's wrath than a foid who takes saudi creampies into her disgusting gussy.

I just can’t fathom how stupid you must be to be a foid and not only move to Saudi Arabia but marry one of those mudslides AND reproduce

It’s like a black dude stapling a sign saying “niggers shouldn’t have rights” as he hops in a time machine to the 1800s

We're only a handful of years removed from people flocking to a genocidal self-proclaimed caliphate to become jihadi wives. Saudi Arabia would seem rather tame, truthfully.

And here's why that's a good thing

Imagine that black dude joining the KKK, now you know how stupid she is

So candace owens?

But oil money

There's some feeling of security in having your whole life dictated towards you.

Seriously how retarded can someone be? Did no one around her even raise an eyebrow when she said 'moving to saudi arabia it's gonna be great lol'

Prob didn't want to get accused of being negative and tearing her down so threw the mandatory goodbye party and talked about how nice living in the sun in a CULTURED place would be.

has social media accounts full of nudity'

source for these claims?

Google yourself. Some faggot mod here banned me for “involuntary pornography”

Lmao what faggot banned me

So rude

Blatant agendaposts get the hammer.

How is this agendaposting lol

Don't question it sweaty 😘.

It’s fine smh just annoying


Allahu akbar

Going to burning man should absolutely cost you custody of your children.

Based Muzzies.


I hope that foid doesn't get her kid back until she knows her place.

How can any women defend Islam?? It’s a violent cult

By Allah I know that you did not just type those words khafir! You Alb*nian scum, I spit on you 'tfu tfu'. Soon we will sound the trumpet of Jihad and the fiery crown of Allah will crush the infidels. Inshallah brothers.

Peak retardation is the dumb leftists that defend it with all their might because "islamophobia". Pro-LGBT but totally okay with Islam's right to homophobia, but not Christianity's.

A  Washington mother, who moved to Saudi Arabia to teach at a university, lost custody of her husband after divorcing her husband because she was too Western to raise the child, according to a Saudi court.

This is so poorly written that the Daily Mail ends up claiming she lost custody of her child groom.

I love seeing Western converts to the 'Slam waking up to exactly what they signed up for. ISIS brides are my favourite.

Everybody get up it's time to 'Slam now

I like the brit one who tried to get back into Britain, but wouldn't even renounce ISIS.

This was hilarious, you've got to give her credit for sticking to her guns. We had a line of commentators crying about the poor uwu baby and then footage of her talking to the camera about how she saw severed heads in a bin but yolo, I followed my heart, fuck infidels.

(sand) toll paid?

What did she expect? It’s fucking Saudi Arabia Foids are put in their rightful place.

I'll take "Shit my friends saw coming" for 500, Alex

I bet a lot of people back home are full of "I told you so"